25 March, 2009

Accident....... again....

I dunno why i am accident friendly / prone lately....

Apakah yang telah terjadi? it's kinda Phone Charger tersangkut thingy la...Phone melayang, lost balance, i banged my hand at the brick wall. haiyo.....bnyak darah kluar.....The photo below taken masa dah entah berapa kali basuh tangan. Nasib baik tak patah jari .

Lucky, sebab my beloved housemate is the RC and every RC get this

Tapi, tak leh nak wat per gak... yang kena tangan kanan, tgh Kiri plak tak berapa dapat nak membantu sangat... Sudahnya, Rozi help to put the plaster later in the evening during her visit to my house. Thanks Rozi...

I totally forgot that i got Gamat in the fridge which i can apply to the 'cut'

May i should do this...

Aduih, Poning kopalo Den !!!

( panjangnya mengeluh....tak baik tau....Allah Marah....) <--------------dialog dgn diri sendiri

Tak pe lah, segundah gulana mana pun hati kita, ALLAH knows....

ALLAH knows Best !!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

laaaa..accident lagi..semalam masa mai umah i tak perasan pun??