27 March, 2009


Today, i had the worst headache ever. Worst sampai tahap balik dari office halfday just to sleep ( to let it go off). Julius, my officemate pun suruh balik coz dah nampak lain macam sangat. So, I balik, nasib baik Keith nampak me in the office ( heh..heh... I dun usually melekat kat office, but that's other story he..he..)

I slept like tido mati tak sedar apa apa pun sampai lah dekat nak habis Zuhur. It's like plain sakit on the rightside top part of the head. haiihhh... Masa bangun, agak lega sikit. After praying, siap siap coz janji to meet Nadia at the gym for Pilates. After PIlates and the gym, we head home.

Unfortunately, the headache/pain refuse to go.

Tahan je la... Appointment doc is next wednesday..yes, NEXT WEDNESDAY

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