April 27, 2006, 3:55 am
Filed under: Uncategorized
A friend dropped me a mail today,In her mail, she said, "Hope u r happy with your life…" Well, thanks for hoping for me. Thanks for the toughts, dear. Then i was hit by a big question mark, "Am I happy with my life?"
he..he.. i am happy with my family. i am blessed with a good family who supports me well. A father who really understands me inside out. I know, girls are usually closer to mum n sort, but i told most of my down side to my father. he..he.. I am happy that soon a new family member will pop out. I am happy with the fact that i am finishing my degree soon ( but still it doesnt end there…). I am happy too that i am kinda being employed even with low salary. But i get to spend more time with my dad and travel througout Malaysia.
Again i asked my self, Am i happy? Actually i am not happy with so many things. Being trapped in the middle, jadi mangsa keadaan till people hate u, being blame for something u didnt do. What the heck am i saying…but still i am happy with my life, at least i learn the facts about life, types of people..( especially yang dengki and cepat jealous.. Allah kan Maha adil, and rezeki ada di mana mana)\Call me GILA KUASA, or what ever…i take it, coz memang i gila kuasa, yah i admit that he..he…..
… Just one thing, in life, we must learn to view things in others shoes empathy things about other people. Why he or she becomes like that… Its not their fault, Dalam dunia ni ramai dan macam macam jenis manusia ciptaan tuhan. Its in the MINDSET. Terpulanglah, but for now, i really am happy with my life as a daughter and a muslimah.he..he..
I was touched when i read my own writing. Yeah, i am kinda Gila Kuasa during my degree days. The reason for them to call me Gila Kuasa is becoz i am the controller of my group assignment team. I will be the one to segregate the duty and make sure they do it, if they dun do it, nak tak nak, i jgak yang terpaksa buat coz the due date is tumorrow hehehehe....pastu siap la itu orang kena bambu....., plus, they call me Gila kuasa becoz i will end up being the one who runs the show when their so called elected ketua project take their own sweet time and dunno what to do and kerja tak jalan padahal next week dah nak pi melawat tempat tu, dgn Bas tak book, feedback tak de, Si A nak mcm ni, Si B nak ikut kepala dia tak nak macam A punya pendapat.... aiyohhhh.....cerita zaman dulu kala ni he..he..( I become GILA KUASA for a gud reason..akhirnya smua orang pun dapat A kan for the project...hehehe..cerita lama...bila teringat nak gelak pun ada....)
But the part that really touched me the most was the last part...
Yes, i am glad to know that i am still the same person with that thought...benda yang tak best dalam hidup, kita tolak ke tepi dulu....tak pe lah, dah rezeki kita mcm ni, so, lets make the best of what we have...Allah Maha Adil....

-kata-kata sang hikmat-
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