The doctor came to assist me to her room. Nice and sweet lady Doctor. She called the photographer to take my photo for the record then we discussed about the treatment and the laser machine. It was kind of easy for her because i am familiar with all the procedures and terms. So, we then proceed with the laser thingy. I nearly forgot about my "Hand" which is probably melting by the time i realized about it.
Before comming to WCH, i prepared "the HAND". (I used to have one back home.Nurse Ruby gave it to me). The Hand was pretty simple to make, i bought the rubber glove and put water in it and then put it in the freezer. There you go, i now have a fake human Iced Hand that helps me ease my pain...
The procedure in WCH is kinda different from the one in Malaysia. I used to get my face numbed by this anesthetic cream called AMLA, it helps reduce the pain, but here, No cream no nothing...GASSP!!!!!!!!! Too late for me to turn back n LARIIIIII............
Yeah, the machine in WCH is much more advance than the one they hav in Malaysia. This one comes with automatic spray cooler.Each time the laser penetrate into my skin, the cooler spray works together. The doc says it helps reduce the pain... Ala Doc ni,.... mcm i tak tau... TIPUUU !!!! he..he..he... but to me, it only helps to not burn the skin as much as Dr Ram buat dulu.
The pot wine stain i have is kinda big i guess that the doc has to stop to give me a break coz she knows its painfull.. If not, sure jari jemari Mak tam patah di kerjakan Husna. ( Mak Tam was indeed very lucky coz she got to see the whole procedure of how the things are done. My parents pun tak pernah dapat chances mcm ni...)
After 15 minutes, you now have 'roasted' husna he..he..all done, with excruciating pain....Tahan je la...the skin doesn't turn colour that much at first but now as i am typing this, ( midninght adelaide time), half of my face are all dark purple and thumping inside, still....belum hilang lagi.....better not turn into BArney tomorrow huh.....he..he...

We head home and after some calls i made to the IT support center, i went straight to bed

Anyways, Alhamdulillah, syukur, everything went well and good.
Maka dgn ini , saya akhiri dengan ucapan jutaan Terima Kasih di atas segala pertolongan yang telah di berikan,
Sekian,Terima Kasih
Yang Benar,
Skuna. ( ni apa dah jadi ni ? tetiba jadi surat rasmi plak nih !!!)
Dear my my friend..after all, u are the strongest person that i've ever seen...its really amaze me.
Mak Tam, I am not that strong, there are days where i will just curl up in bed crying over myself,over these stuff ( the extra baggage i am having)..It's tough...but it's my rezeki mcm ni...I just hope Allah will keep giving me strength to move on, carry on...
Thanks again Mak Tam...
(Big HUg to Mak Tam...)
No pain no gain sis
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