you are 60 today,
I know i am not there by your side,
like all those years,
But its okay....
Although we are million miles away,
we're just an sms / phone call away.
you are 60 today,
"Eleh... pakai je rugged...pegi TGF tak ajak..."
he..he..he... only we knows what that means....
Even though you said,
"dah tua dah, dah 60 la... pakai pun tak rugged dah",
Dun worry dad, you are even more dashing than ever.
you turn 60 today,
for the past 29 years
you've always been there for me
Through thick or thin,
from a simple bicycle riding experience,
from a simple help to draw for my lukisan that's due tumorrow ( primary school),
read my assignments ( Uni days),
till you helped me karang my email for Malaysians in Adelaide ( just before PhD)
Didn't even get angry even though I lost your handphone 10 years ago,
bang somebody else's car and get you to pay for the repair ;p,
failed my Management Accounting paper he..he..he..
You turn 60 today,
Thank you for the spirit and motivation
you've given me each time
I got into trouble with Mak (he..he...),
I cried when my heart broke
I cried coz I am tired of the way i looked
I cried after my treatment
I am scared to sit for exams...
when people don't understand your daughter
even when i face trouble at this age.
you turn 60 today
Thank you for the beautiful life you've given me
Thank you for 'spoiling' me with all your attentions and stuff.
Thank you for the strength that keeps me move on .
Thank you for the "everything for you"
Thank you for being the Bestest friend ever...
Thanks Ba,
I love you.
Happy 60th Birthday !!!

sniff...sniff.....what am i to do without you....thinking about it makes me burst out in tears... ;p
And since you guys went to TGF with out me, I guess, I'll be going to Curry ZOne with out you guys he..he.. and eat the yummy Chicken Palak with Naan....he..he.. Makan for you lah...he..he...
Happy Birthday Ba!!!
OMG...nice poem (i guest..)..well happy birthday to uncle MO too....jangan lupa pi makan curry zone on behalf ur dad.....
temkiu mak tam..
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