1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...... CHECKED !!
A, b, c, d, e ,f ,g ,h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u , v, w,x,z......... Checked !!!
My housemate is : Nadia Malamdalamanginkencang*
Nama bapak : ok ingat,
Nama Mak : ok ingat...
Nama Supervisors : ok, ingat... dua dua pun ingat...
Okay , the story is that,
i banged my head under the toilet sink at my townhouse this morning.
AGak kuat, tapi tak de benjol or bengkak coz kepala i FLat and bawah Sink bukan ada bucu tajam.
Ada la benda jatuh dari counter cermin kat toilet tu, and i want to pick it up, mana la nak sedar i went jauh ke dalam, angkat kepala je,
BANNNGG !!!!! dah terhantuk kat sinki....
Sakit !!!! ...tapi tak pening atau apa...asyik rasa mcm nak muntah,.. now ( after a few hours) dah rasa kepala berdenyut especially kalau gelak or talk.... Haiyohhhh
And, tgh suffer mcm memory loss sikit.... Short term.........
i will run a few more test on myself,
Tempat letak kereta : ingat ... kat carpark 2, near business school....
nama sendiri : ingat...ok
Nama boyfrend : i dun hav one...
nama Uni : ingat
which part of aussie are u in : ingat
Ingat Mak tam tak : Alamak, Mak tam tu sapa? ( he he he he gurau je, ingat, Mak tam is suzie duk rumah no 2...housemate dia kak zatul and Azey)
I guess, i am kinda okay coz i remember smuanya, cuma i macam disoriented skit and took me a long time nak buat satu action...
( this is like a record INCASE anything happen to me....Nauzubillah....)
hey... look what happen to Natasha Richardson....
but then, this is for orang yang SAJA SAJA nak buat head Bang

Ya Allah....sakit kepala lagi tak...get well soon..take care!!
maybe we need to print this out and put it on the wall just to release tension... hahaha
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