30 November, 2010

Anda ada masalah ke kalau ...... ?

Ini bukan entry EMO... <---cewahh... bgtau siap siap nih... hehehehe 
Tapi ini adalah entry sekadar menceritakan apa yang terjadi...

Situasi 1

seorang kawan menulis di dinding FaceBook pada hari jadi saya yang ke-30.

"selamat hari jadi dan semoga cepat cepat kawin.."

Saya baca tanpa perasaan. Marah pun tidak, suka pun tidak... Haihhh.... Terima kasih lah kerana doa anda hendak suruh saya cepat kawin ye.. Kawan yang satu ini memang tak sudah sudah bertanya bila nak kawin setiap kali berjumpa. Paling tidak dia kenen, hujung tahun ni makan nasik minyak saya. Saya tak marah.. Terasa pun tidak.. Hanya mampu ketawa sahaja.. Jodoh bukan di tangan saya.. Berteman lelaki pun tidak, Nak di kahwinkan saya dengan siapa? Tiang lampu kah? hehehehe... teman teman karib saya marah bila saya cerita kan situasi ini.. Yang mengenali teman tersebut mencadangkan saya memulangkan paku buah keras.. " Semoga cepat ada baby..." . Tapi saya tidak pernah berkata begitu padanya. Bertanyakan bila nak menambahkan bilangan ahli keluarga pun tak pernah ketika kami keluar Makan. Begitu saya menjaga perasaan orang akan tetapi, saya yang seringkali diasak dgn soalan soalan, bila nak kawin, jgn jual mahal, dan sebagainya... Dah nasib...nak buat mcm na.. lain kali, kalau teman yang sama bertanya lagi

Teman : Bila nak kawin ni?
Saya : Haa.. kejap lagi pengantin lelaki sampai lah... ! tak lama dah ni, lagi seminit sampai laa...hehehehe

Situasi 2

Isteri org : umur you berapa?
Saya : 29
Isteri org : ooo.. so u datang sini buat Masters ye..?
Saya : Ooo bukan, saya buat Masters di UiTM, saya buat PhD kat sini..
Isteri org : ehh.. muda muda dah buat PhD, tak takut tak laku ke? nanti tak kawin nanti.. lelaki takut...
Saya : --terkesima-- <---wahhh terkesima nih...hehehehe ye lah, terkejutla dia ckp mcm tu..

Jodoh bukan di tangan Anda.. Jodoh di tangan ALLAH. anda kah yang menentukan jodoh saya..? Anda ke yang decide segalanya? 

Ye memang lelaki ada sedikit ego kalau perempuan tu lebih darinya.. It happens to me where by a guy can't even terima when my test results is greater than his... itu baru result test je.. dah tak leh terima...

 I know the consequences when i decided to do my PhD. Buat PhD bukan buat Dosa Besar. SAya mencari ilmu. Kalau lah ada orang yang rasional yang boleh berfikir lebih sedikit. Ibu bapa saya menggalakkan saya membua PhD tanpa mempersoalkan bilakan saya akan berkahwin dan sebagainya.. Malah ibu bapa saya juga tahu consequensesnya.. kerana mereka lebih kenal siapa anak mereka.. Berwajah bagaimanakan anak mereka ( yang lansung tak di gilai oleh mana mana lelaki...boleh ckp gitu? hehehe bukan apa, saya sedar diri dan rupa saya mcm mana, dan saya berpjak di bumi yang nyata.. hehe ). Entah laa... saya pun tak faham dengan hukuman yang di kenakan pada wanita belum berkahwin yang membuat PhD atau Masters. Hukuman dan Pandangan Masyarakat sangat tidak adil.. Masyarakat patut bersyukur at least ada jugak wanita giler ( merujuk pada diri sendiri) yang nak buat PhD nak bantu Universiti dan para pelajar masa hadapan yang boleh jadi anak anak ornag yang 'bijak' berkata kata tu... 

Situasi 3

Ada seorang teman saya yang berlainan jantina yang concern bila tgk saya tak kawin. Hatinya jadi tak senang agaknya. Teman saya yang seorang ni mengklasifikasikan dirinya orang alim. segala lunas agama di ikutinya ( memang itu tanggungjawab kita kan...) paling best, dengan saya saya sekali di tegurnya kerana berpakaian tidak mengikut lunas islam. Berlengan pendek, tudung kecik sebagainya, meletakkan gambar tidak menutup aurat di facebook, tingkah laku bila berada dengan lelaki bukan muhrim, adap bercakap dgn lelaki bukan muhrim dan sebagainya... Habis segala hadis dan surah di curahkan pada saya mengatakan saya salah.. Saya terima dan berterima kasih kerana ada juga orang yang concern walaupun dia bukan teman istimewa saya. hehehehe... 

Selepas dia mendirikan rumah tangganya, dia sibuk mensarankan saya agar mendirikan rumah tangga juga..Masalahnya, nak kawin dgn tiang lampu kah? Nak berkahwin masa saya tengah study ni.. Teman saya yang seorang ini mencadangkan saya mengorat seorang kawan lelaki kami.... Haihhh... mahu sahaja saya pulangkan segala surah surah yang di tarbiahkan pada saya dulu tentang salam islam tak boleh bercouple, adap adap bercakap dengan lelaki bukan muhrim dan sebagainya.....Sudahnya, saya dan kawan lelaki itu menjadi buah mulutnya pada teman teman yang lain.. bukan kan ini sudah di kira FItnah wahai "ustaz"...?  Akibat perbuatanya membawa mulut, saya yang terkena tempiasnya.. saya di tuduh tergila gilakan kawan lelaki kami itu.. sedangkan kami hanya rapat sebagai kawan rapat sahaja. Tidak lebih dari itu.. 

Begitu lah sikap orang yang tak senang bila saya tidak berkahwin...

Situasi 4
Saya ke kedai runcit untuk membeli roti yang di pesan emak selepas ke Spa yang terletak bersebelahan kedai runcit itu. Tuan punya kedai ternampak saya dan menegur 

Tuan punya kedai : Haa.. lama tak nampak.. bila balik?
Saya : minggu lepas. nask sambung research
Tuan Punya kedai : Ni bila nak habis belajar ni? orang lain dah kawin dan ada anak..You jugak yang tak habis habis belajar lagi...Ni bila nak kawin ni?
Saya : DOing research is not easy okay...lagi pun, i bukan buat Degree.. i buat PhD kot... ( selamba je saya jawab.. Allah maha mengetahui betapa bukan niat saya nak riak atau bongkak)

Entah lah, saya tak marah , suka pun tak.. mungkin saya terlalu mengambil hati , siapa yang tak nak kawin? Ada family, ada suami dan anak anak, bak kata orang "ada Life sendiri". Saya selalu baca blog kawan kawan yang sudah berkahwin , yang dah ada baby, Saya baca Blog kawan saya Dayah yang sejak anak nya baru seorang sampai dah masuk tiga.. hehehehe Saya kagum dengan Dia. Bagi saya dia supermom di usia yang muda.Dia boleh memasak utk ayahnya,menguruskan suami dan tiga anaknya.. dia bukan sahaja pandai memasak, dia boleh menjahit dan melakukan mcm mcm lagi. Saya kagum dengan kawan yang seorang ini dan saya pun memasag hajat, mungkin satu hari nanti, saya boleh jadi mcm dayah juga, sekiranya di izinkan ALLAH..

Mungkin orang orang di luar sana yang panas mata tgk orang tak kahwin lagi kot hehehe...Tak apa lah.. ada jodoh nanti, kahwin lah saya ye, Insyallah di izinkan ALLAH....

hehehe INSYALLAH... Amin...

29 November, 2010

A Wedding and A Convocation

Last saturday marks 2 important events for our Family. Both immediate Family and our extended Family.

My beloved cousin Joe is finally getting married and everyone is so excited. It's like the highlight of the year for us although we had other family member's wedding as well this year. Joe's wedding is different.. =). There's gonna be a family reunion of anak cucu cicit Pak aji Ariff and Mami Salmah. A huge Massive one.. Long lost cousins, First cousins, second cousins, nephews and nieces and also not to forget my Cucus from everywhere will reunite. Relatives from Singapore will come with their troop. Boy it's gonna be huge..

So Joe and Sheeks got hitched last Saturday. Sheeks was surprised to see me there.. hehehehe... Gotcha !!!! Both Joe and Sheeks are wondering whether will i be back for their wedding, not only them but both their parents as well. Luckily I got a few appointments and made even more for my research thingy and decided to come home.. ( apart form my research blunders...which is not appropriate to be discussed here)

Alhamdulillah, it all went well on the akad day where pihak lelaki datang dgn rombongan seramai 42 orang including me hehehehe di selitkan di saat akhir.

And after the akad, we rushed back to shah alam to attend Farhan's COnvocation. Again, i menyelit ikut masuk my parents' VIP invitations hehehehe.. malu jugak coz invitation is for 2 but i ikut skali plak..and that lady says its okay, so no biggie lah...

COngrats Farhan.

The ceremony was kinda one of a kind i guess coz it the budak budak law was very hyper and like cheering all the time. Unlike during my time, smua masuk dalam and duduk diam diam hehehe...

ALHAMDULILLAH...I was given the chance to not miss the two important event in my Family History... A new family member which is Sheeks Brown !!! Woot WOOOT ! and also another Lawyer in the making in the Family...Although  I was upset about my research blunders and people and relatives kutuk kutuk saying that, "Amboi... Adelaide - KL mcm KL- penang je... " Yeah I get that a lot... If they could only understand that Adelaide - KL is not even near or match KL- Penang okay !!! hehehe...

Nak Pi Penang tak yah nak berkampung kat Airport sampai 8 Jam over night where you cant sleep to guard yr luggage and all..Nak gi toilet kena masuk Nursing room coz it's safer..Haaiihhh... that's why lar...Tak pe la, orang tak faham, boleh kata je laa... kita yang menanggung sengsara...and they made it look so bad..seolah olah kesalahan besar plak hehehehe...paling tak tahan, ada juga yang bersuara "Aik, kalau research you kat Malaysia, buat apa pi sampai oversea pastu asyik balik!" haaa.. sapa nak jawab tu? kuang ...kuang....kuang.... hehehehe

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25 November, 2010

wire extention

One fine morning...
Me : Farhan, where's the wire extention yang Kak Ngah slalu pakai utk laptop tu?
Farhan : CUba tanya kakak
Me : Ok

Cari kakak and tanya

Me : Kakak, mana extention wire yang kaler putih yang saya slalu pakai untuk komputer saya?
Kakak : Entah saya... tanya sama Farhan.
Me : ( laughing...) tanya farhan, dia kata tanya kakak, tanya kakak, kakak suruh tanya Farhan...

Oh yeah, i am back home.Not for Holiday ( I wish i could have one right now.. but nak gi spa pun tak sempat...) but for my research. Appointments lined up mcm semut dah ni...

The journey home was really tiring...Didn't sleep for nearly 24 hours.. Sampai Malaysia, kepala pun naik sasau.. hehehe... Sampai LCCT je, bag pulak tak kluar..the container with our bags got jammed and we waited for one hour and a half for our bags..( orang lain dah kluar habis dah..bags passengers yang check in awal smua tersangkut...dugaan betul...Tapi alhamdulillah, dah selesai...)

20 November, 2010

Love Is Bitter, Pain Is Calling - Seo In Young

lyric translation

You can not love
Do not even say,
That's who you are around other people

I shut my ears away
Shut your eyes away
Pinned all my heart

Manggajyeodo my mind right fool
You can be happy only if
But if you break up with her
Was growing increasingly looking bad

I can not take it anymore, I think my heart's about to burst
Oh baby I miss you
Chao breath wandered rapidly get in
Suddenly coming from the front of your house

I'll stand by and watch helplessly from the sidelines I'll just sneak
Oh baby keeps crying, but I
Broken tears will not stop
Not be able to see your appearance

Manggajyeodo my mind right fool
You can be happy only if
But if you break up with her
Was growing increasingly looking bad

I can not take it anymore, I think my heart's about to burst
Oh baby I miss you
Chao breath wandered rapidly get in
Suddenly coming from the front of your house

I'll stand by and watch helplessly from the sidelines I'll just sneak
But I keep crying Oh Baby
Broken tears will not stop
Not be able to see your appearance

If you are returning to the first moment I met
I'm not overly Chuck
I also can not go back to try to pray daily Crap

We can not say I can not breathe
Oh baby, you're looking for one
Hiding hiding awaited
I took all my heart broken

I love good told me told me it was good
Who lied to you Oh baby
I mean I like the pain and love
I'm talking tears 

P/s : idok le teman tahu translation nya tepat ke idok... tapi lagunya best ehehehe


Tomorrow, i will be fine,
tumorrow, i akan kutip balik semangat i yang dah jatuh bersepah ni,
tumorrow, i will be happy again, put my head up high and keep moving on ,
and tolak benda lain tepi..
i just have too...
ALLAH knows best..
i believe in that...
insyallah ALLAH ada install something for me in the future...

( husna, sudah la... jgn semak kepala fikir lagi, okay...) <---- nak sedapkan hari sendiri hehehehe

16 November, 2010

raindrops keep falling on my head =), atap bocor kot?

 by BJ Thomas

Raindrops keep falling on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep falling

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he' got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are falling on my, head they keep falling

But there's one thing I know
The blues he sends to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Crying's not for me
Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothing's worrying me.

Eidul Adha 2010

It's a nice one, Simple yet productive =)

We celebrate it at Uni... Uni je? Yeah, uni.. at the Plaza to be exact hehehe... It is nice to pray outdoor once in a while, with a nice waether ofcourse... hehehe... you wouldn't want to do it during summer when it is scorching Hot... hehehe.. Tapi kat Mekah boleh je, Subhanallah..Ya ALLAH, i really miss that place... =(. The coldness of the concrete flooring underneath the prayer mat. The tali rafia they use to mark the saf. Kids in their cute telekungs. Indonesian and middle eastern ladies chit chatting.. hehehe... Alaa.. kalau smayang raya kat Masjid shah alam pun, environmentnya mcm ni jugak... so, the best is to smayang raya kat Masjid Alhidayah sec 11, Shah Alam... 100% local and 100% your neighbours hehehehe... ( ehhh.. promote plak sekejap..hehehe).

I dun really mind about the Makan part. Yeah, once in a while you get cravings, you wanna eat your local foods kan. hehehe... and raya is the time that you can put the time and really cook.. =). This year, my housemate made rendang and Avocado Muffins. Nice Muffins I tell you... especially when it is fresh out of the oven.. ( which i did eat yesterday night when she bake her first batch. hehehe... i'm the food taster whatt hehehe). We were quite dissappointed since our usual source of rendang is unavailable at the local Asian Groceries. So, my housemate tried a new source. Which later, was modified. hehehe Seriously, sangat sedap...

There was suppose to be a gathering as usuall but this time it was at one of our fellow coursemate who is a PR here. Would love to go and join but yours truly ada Meeting dgn supervisor.. Meeting yang saaangat.... ngeeeeee heheehehe.... =). and by the time meeting habis, hari dah separuh and to get to the gathering place is kind like, perjalanan dari FLinders  registry ke FMC naik loop bus, then merentas bukit bukau, nampak sheeps along the highway, naik Bus 721F, then change busses kat old reynella, hop on to 725 and stop at stop 60 and make way to the rumah. kira tolak, kali , tambah, darab, bahagi, .... sampai rumah orang pun dah nak dekat pukul 4 nanti.. entah entah, gathering pun dah habis hehehehe.... So, all the single ladies tak pergi as me having my meeting, the others pun ada hal masing masing, yang nak submit assignment, yang nak exam lagi..How i wish it would be nearer... bukannya apa, kami bukan ada pimpam pempot dah nak bawak kami sana sini..hehehe.. and how i Miss those peeps and the happiness that we once felt... The joy and so many the lah... bukan orang orang baru tak best, tapi, i miss orang orang lama hehehehe....esp my buddies kat flinders housing..

But we are happy with our Eid at the Plaza though.. Sangat Happy... like i said, i dun mind the food, but its about being somewhere that make you feel happy..

A promise Can't be kept

13 November, 2010



(Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah) 2X

Ya Allah jangan Kau coba aku
Melebihi batas mampu dan sanggupku
Ya Allah bila memang Kau coba
Aku percaya Kau sayang padaku

Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah

Ya Allah lindungilah diriku
Dari yang menjahati menzhalimiku
Ya Allah Kaulah Maha Segala
Engkaulah pelindung hidup dan matiku

Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah

Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah Ya Rabbi
Ya Allah

Ya Allah jangan Kau coba aku
Melebihi batas mampu dan sanggupku

11 November, 2010


saying hi on his first few days... hehehehe masa ni mata pun tak bukak lagi..

3 yrs old Pingu
.... tgk tu dia dok dakap telor masin.. A big fan of Telur this one...

Teringat dulu Liana, one of my best friend slalu ckp
" Idie kalau bercakap pasal kucing dia, mcm ckp pasal anak...."

09 November, 2010

segenggam tabah - In Team

Lyrics to Segenggam Tabah by In-Team:

Bertali arus dugaan tiba
Menakung sebak airmata
Namun tak pernah pun setitis
Gugur berderai di pipi

Tidak ditempah hidup sengsara
Suratan nasib yang melanda
Menongkah badai bergelora
Diredah bersendirian

Bagaikan camar pulang senja
Patah sayapnya tetap terbang jua
Sekadar secicip rezeki
Buat yang sedang rindu menanti

Segenggam tabah dipertahankan
Buat bekalan di perjalanan
Kau bebat luka yang berdarah
Kau balut hati yang calar

Telah tertulis suratan nasibmu
Derita buatmu ada hikmahnya
Terlukis senyum di bibir lesu
Tak siapa tahu hatimu

Biarpun keruh air di hulu
Mungkinkah jernih di muara
Biarpun jenuh hidup dipalu
Pasti bertemu tenangnya

Dah,... dah... mood jiwang kna  tolak tepi...

skarang mood nasyid....

Happy Birthday MAK TAM !!!

MAK TAM !!!!!!!!!!!



It's been nearly a month now since this baby got into my arms... It arrived on the day I turn 30. Right on the dot ! and life is never the same ,,, Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !


08 November, 2010




30 day Challenge - 11

Day 11, Question 11

11. Your top three fav band


This one is gonna be pictorial...

 Green day


Foo Fighters


07 November, 2010

30 day Challenge - 10

Day 10, Question 10
10. Talk about your pets or the pets you would like to have

Answer :

Hahahaha.... i love this question !!! Sure do luv to talk about my pets hehe...


 This is Arwah Coco. Look at how big he is... he is our first official pet. Coco kami amik kat pasar when he was nearly died of poverty hehehe boleh buat ayat mcm tu? Ada orang buang dia and adik beradik kat gerai buah. So me and my sister took him, adik beradik dia ada yang dah mati dah pun masa tu.. kesian... Coco is our buah hati and etc.. smua orang sayang kat coco. But, unfortunately, sebab coco did not get his momma's milk while growing up, he fall sick easily. ( see how important mommy's milk are.. not only to us human, but also to animals...). COco was diaagnosed with batu karang and went for operation. he didn't survive... and i demam dua minggu after he died.. i felt lost coz coco teman me study malam malam, teman tgk TV, sleep with me at night. whenever he tak sleep wth me, every morning, he will meow outside my room. My mom describe it better hehehe coz dia yang slalu nampak coco buat mcm tu.. oh ya, that's his fav bakul there. he luv to sleep in that bakul. and kalau kita bawak bakul tu masuk bilik malam malam, dia tido dalam bakul tu la.. hehehe..


 We got putih while we had COCO. dorang ni boleh kira best friends. Puteh dah tua sekarang. she's 9 years old now.. After Coco died, Puteh took over teman me study malam malam dari diploma sampai lah ke Masters and also teman i buat proposal for PhD... She also knows a lot of stuff coz i talk to her most of the time. ehehehe

 Belle, Pingu and Hitler...

belle yang Domok



Later when i was doing my masters, Belle came over to the house with injured leg. so i put gamat and keep her for a night only. esoknya, kami lepas dia and dia pun hilang.. two week later, she came again, kaki dia tak da lansung kesan injury tu which was kinda strange for the most quickest recovery. but anway, after that dia asyik lepas rumah kami and tak balik balik pun rumah dia. sampai she got pregnant and deliver 3 kittens, Pingu, Hitler and Jamb. Jamb was given away to farhan's fren. and we were suppose to give away the rest but we kept them instead... hehehe...

06 November, 2010

Boyzone's i luv the way u luv me

Layaaaan.... ada orang tu memang makin mengarut-ngarut sngguh malam nih...

ini lah padahnnya dgr playlist lagu jiwang karat kat iTunes


Reo Speedwagon's Can't fight this feeling


I cant fight this feeling any longer
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow

What started out as friendship, has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show

I tell myself that I cant hold out forever
I said there is no reason for my fear
Cause I feel so secure when were together
You give my life direction

You make everything so clear

And even as I wander
Im keeping you in sight
Youre a Candle in the window

On a cold, dark winters night

And Im getting closer than I ever thought I might

And I cant fight this feeling anymore
Ive forgotten what I started fighting for

Its time to bring this ship into the shore

And throw away the oars, forever

Cause I cant fight this feeling anymore
Ive forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door

Baby, I cant fight this feeling anymore

My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you
Ive been running round in circles in my mind

And it always seems that Im following you, girl
Cause you take me to the places that alone Id never find

And even as I wander
Im keeping you in sight

Youre a Candle in the window on a cold, dark winters night
And Im getting closer than I ever thought I might

And I cant fight this feeling anymore
Ive forgotten what I started fighting for

Its time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever

Cause I cant fight this feeling anymore
Ive forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor

Come crushing through your door

Baby, I cant fight this feeling anymore.

Aiyohh...tetiba plak khen......

and this song brings back a


Awatlah husna mengarut malam nih...

P/s : mari kita tunggu Che Kay komen hehehehe.. komen Che Kay.. Komen...

30 day Challenge - 9

Day 9, Question 9

9. Favourite Meme at the moment

Answer :

A meme is any unit of cultural information, such as a practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.

...and you can read the rest here..

my fav meme is

Jingles.. hehehe

seronok menyanyi lagu iklan ni sbnrnya.. hehehe

Dulu masa i first came to adelaide, there's this slimming company called Contours. I can't stop singing this song hehehe... and i used to saja annoy nadia my former hsemate with this song hehehe...

04 November, 2010


it hurts...

so bad.....

may ALLAH provide me all the strength i need....

02 November, 2010

petua mencuci hati

Segala aspek kehidupan ini bermula daripada hati. Oleh itu di bawah ini ada beberapa cara bagaimana hendak mencuci hati. Diolah oleh pakar motivasi Datuk Dr. Haji Fadzilah Kamsah.

1. Dirikan solat dan banyakkan berdo'a – Ini adalah salah satu kaedah yang sungguh berkesan. Semasa berdo'a turut katakan "Ya,Allah jadikan hatiku bersih"
2. Selawat keatas Nabi Muhammad s.a.w paling minima 100 X sebelum tidur – Ini merupakan satu pelaburan yang mudah dan murah. Disamping dosa-dosa diampunkan, otak tenang, murah rezeki, orang sayangkan kita dan mencetuskan semua perkara kebaikan.
3. Solat taubat – Selain daripada memohon keampunan, dapat mencuci hati dan menenangkan minda.
4. Membaca Al-Quran – Selain dapat mencuci hati juga menenangkan jiwa, penyembuh, penenang, terapi. Sekurang- kurangnya bacalah "Qulhu-allah" sebanyak 3X.
5. Berma'af-ma'afan sesama kawan setiap hari.
6. Bisikan kepada diri perkara yang positif – Jangan sesekali mengkritik, kutuk diri sendiri, merendah-rendahkan kebolehan diri sendiri.katakan lah "Aku sebenarnya......(perkara yang elok-elok belaka)
7. Program minda/cuci minda – Paling baik pada waktu malam sebelum tidur, senyum, pejam mata, katakan di dalam hati : "Ya, Allah cuci otak aku, cuci hatiku, esok aku nak jadi baik, berjaya, ceria, bersemangat, aktif, positif". Menurut kajian psikologi, apa yang disebut sebelum tidur dapat dirakamkan sepanjang tidur sehingga keesokan harinya – cubalah!!
8. Berpuasa – Sekiranya dalam berpuasa terhindar dari melakukan perkara-perkara kejahatan.
9. Mengingati mati – Sekiranya hendak melakukan sesuatu kejahatan, tidak sampai hati kerana bimbang akan mati bila- bila masa.
10. Kekalkan wuduk.
11. Bersedekah.
12. Belanja orang makan.
13. Jaga makanan – jangan makan makanan yang shubhah.(diragui halal dan haramnya.)
14. Berkawan dengan ulama'.
15. Berkawan dengan orang miskin (menginsafi.)
16. Pesan pada orang, jadi baik.
17. Menjaga pacaindera (mata, telinga, mulut dan lain-lain.)
taken from my.liltle.things
image from theraphearty.blogspot.com

30 day challenge -8

Day 8, question 8

8. Are you a fitness guru or a couch potato?....

Answer :

I am both.. hehehe.. i usually walk to the office and i also join the Uni FItness Center ( the gym laaa...) for body pump and body balance and others.. When i am too busy, i forgot that i am the gym member and i walked pass by it everyday just like that hehehehe...

30 day challenge -7

Day  7, Question 7

7. How you came across tumble....

Answer :

i was at our local kedai gambaq in shah alam and I saw this girl at the counter. Her tudung is Marvellous ! so while I nak buat payment, I asked her about her tudung. And she said that she owns an online shop via her blog. And so, she wrote down her address and gave it to me. While writing, she smiled at me and say, "everyone is using blogspot.. but i don anymore. i'm using tumblr."

So that's how i come across TUMBLR. it's kinda cool though.. i havent join tumblr yet.. coz i masih setia pada Blogspot kot. tak tau la kalau esok, berubah setia pulak kan...
