31 December, 2008

Welcome 2009

2008 has left with lots of bittersweet memories. Well, we learn from the bitter and keep up with the sweet ones. Lucky moments, Unlucky moments, Happy and Sad moments, Favourite mistakes being repeated ( typical me he..he..) BUt then, this is what life is all about rite. You live to learn.

The first half of my 2008 was a little bit dull with the hustle and bustle of preparing the proposal and University hunting. 2008 was no drama year unlike 2007. Second half of 2008 was the fun and adventurous part. I am in adelaide spending my second half of 2008. New air, new life, new environment, new 'mistakes', and so many new stuff. Dun mention the day light saving thingy plus the timing during summer ( I felt like a nocturnal something and haven't got a good, long night sleep since...). Well, to sum up :

1/ Had the most technology difficulties in 2008 like laptop totaly tak leh start ( this happens in February 2008 before i got Toshi.I was in the middle of the hardsick of preparing my proposal when acer broke down on me), then in Adelaide, my power cable terbakar, then my adaptor meletup....Phew....

2/Tak drive sebanyak yang pernah drive seperti tahun tahun sebelumnya. I miss my bumper car back home which is now in the hand of my Bro... (wahh.... joli katak la mamat tu)

3/Had never took a bus as much as I've taken in 2008 ( Kat malaysia mana selalu naik bus, sekali sekala naik la bus UiTM bila ada event..The rest naik kereta, Komuter and LRT.)

4/Crabbing !!!!! never ever done such a thing before this. Oh ya, i finally get to go to Taman Negara in 2008, always wanted to go but tak pernah dapat kelulusan 'FAMA' he..he..

5/Cherry picking!!! ( Although my dad says he took me for cherry picking when i was about 2 years old in US last time)

6/Had never shop as much as i have shopped in 2008 both before coming to Adelaide and after comming to Adelaide. Gila betul....SHopping maddness kat adelaide nih..Both for essentials and 'wants' he..he... actually yg 'wants' tu is to compensate u know what la...

7/Gila banyak kali pergi KLCC in 2008. Kalau tak, before this setahun sekali pun payah nak pi KLCC =p

8/Had my Raya out of Shah Alam.. he..he..he... 10 years in a row, raya kat shah alam with the same routine of going to the masjid, then 7 eleven, then balik rumah. I got no kampung... =(

9/I'd never thought i'd fall and hurt myself again at the same spot. It's just that, its confusing the way things were. Yang sudah tu sudah la....

10/I lost my handphone and all my other important stuff. I had never experience this before. Seumur hidup, tak pernah hilang barang mcm ni. Yes, i am disappointed with what happened but it's fated that way by Allah and it's a lesson to be learned.

Although ada banyak benda yang suka duka happening yang di listkan tapi tidak di list kan, 2008 telah berlalu dgn tenang.Alhamdulillah....Anyways,

Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphics

Habis habis pun, it's a new start on old habits.he..he..
WHo doesnt, right ?

Q&A session - NOTE TO SELF :-)




30 December, 2008


Sebelum membaca, adalah di nasihatkan pembaca memahamkan tatabahasa di bawah

Tatabahasa :

Crabbing = menangkap ketam
Crab = Ketam

Crabbers = Penangkap ketam

Crab net = jaring alat utk menangkap ketam

Bahan-bahan untuk Crabbing :

Crab net
Boleh di dapati di K-mart pada harga Aud $7, atau juga di mana-mana Garage sale di mana kita kadang kadang boleh angkut sekali 5 net pada harga Aud$ 2. Cara paling akhir, boleh pinjam kat Abang Man and Kak Lin he..he... =p

contoh crab net adalah seperti yang di pegang oleh cik Nita di dalam gambar di atas, untuk pengetahuan, cik Nita adalah yang berbaju hijau, bukanlah jejaka yang tidak berbaju itu =)

Umpan untuk Crab ialah chicken carcass.( Teror kan, Ketam makan ayam...)

Beberapa teori baru juga telah di aplikasi kan pada Ketam di sekitar Brighton Beach di mana, Teori A, sosej ayam halal (yang di dapati dari Budget Meat, Thebarton, SA,) telah di gunakan, akan tetapi hanya berjaya mengumpan crab yang belum cukup baligh.

Umpan Sosej ayam hanya berjaya mengumpan SEEKOR ketam sahaja pada malam pertama tangkapan.

Manakala, Teori B, dengan menggunakan Chicken Maryland. Dari Teori B ini, ada lagi pecahan Teori B(i), di mana, Chicken Maryland telah di kerat dua dan Crab ternyata amat suka pada bahagian drumstik ( sama mcm Husna he..he..). Teori B (ii) Bahangian sebelah lagi pun ketam suka jugak.

Ayam Maryland

Teori C pula, menggunakan Ayam Yiros perisa Tandoori yang di dapati dari Pembekal daging halal di Central Market (Walaubagaimanapun, status pembekal ayam halal ini agak meragukan), Tapi crab sangat suka kerana Ayam yiros ini berbentuk drummets ( ada kaitan dgn teori B(i) )

Bukti ketam suka drumstick, Tgkla berapa bnyk ketam dalam net yang umpannya ialah drumstick.

'Umpan' utk Crabbers

Crabbers juga memerlukan umpan atau lebih tepat lagi di panggil bekalan untuk mengisi perut. Bekalan bekalan ini terdiri dari sandwich sardin, karipap sardin, cucuq ikan bilis, sandwich sardin lagi, kek, cucuq/jemput jemput pisang. ( Menu yang berasaskan sardin adalah lebih popular untuk di bawa sebagai bekalan, sebab nya, masih belum dapat di pastikan) Manakala air yang paling famous yang selalu di minum oleh crabbers ialah Teh O panas dalam Termos. ( oleh kerana terlalu TERUJA menangkap ketam, gambar umpan utk crabbers telah terlupa di ambil)

Baldi di gunakan untuk mengisi Crab yang telah berjaya di tangkap. kalau tak, nanti crab tu merayap, habis... Baldi juga di gunakan untuk mengambil air laut utk crab, mengikut konsep mengambil air di perigi.

Plastic mestilah lebih dari dua kerana terdapat plastic yang akan di isikan dengan crab yang illegal dan seterusnya akan terus di hantar ke Boot kereta. ( Tetiba kat sini teringat Bootman plak...)

Kain Buruk
Kain Buruk adalah utk multipurpose utk pegang crab atau menutup crab illegal yang di tangkap yang telah di letakkan di dalam baldi.

Satu benda yang panjang
Yang ni tak kira lah, kalau nak bawak screw driver ke atau pengasah pisau yang macam Mak Tam suzie punya tu... kegunaannya agak berguna, sebab benda tu panjang, kita boleh kuis crabs yang tak cukup umur tu kembali ke laut.Ini adalah untuk mengelakkan kita di sepit oleh crabs tersebut.

Satu botol air paip
Air paip SA di dalam botol amat berguna utk membasuh tangan setelah memegang crab. Nanti sakit perut plak kalau lepas pegang crab, pegang sandwhich sardin Mak Tam Suzie yang fuhhh sedap....

Cara-caranya :

1. Buka gulungan tali yang panjang yang di belit di diameter Crab net.

2. Ambil umpan dan letakkan di tengan crab net . Jgn lupa ikat atau cucuk dgn dawai yang tersedia, kalau tak nanti Crab gelak kat kita, sebab dia boleh curik ayam tu.

Abang Man, Kak Lin's hubby sedang memasang umpan

3. Setelah di pastikan ayam di ikat dgn ketat, maka balinglah net ke dalam laut mengikut arus air laut..Sila jangan baling dgn kuat kerana ianya akan merosakkan crab net. (Cara membaling adalah mengikut variasi Crabbers itu sendiri...) Oh ye, jangan lupa ikat tali pada tebing kerana kalau tak ikat, habis lah hilang net tu dalam laut nanti dik nun oiii....

ikat dulu, baru baling....

Husna membaling crab net

Din, Yun's hubby membaling crab net

Nadia membaling Crab net...
( gambar ini di ambil pada sessi pertama crabbing yang di adakan pada bulan November 08)

4. Sila tunggu sebentar sementara umpan 'menggoda' Crab. Sementara itu, aktiviti beramah mesra sambil bergambar beramai ramai atau makan bekalan yang sentiasa berasaskan sardin dan minum Teh O panas bersama Crabbers yang datang..(malangnya bukti makanan berasaskan sardin tiada dalam bentuk foto =p). Waktu menunggu juga boleh di gunakan untuk bermain dgn anak anak para Crabbers yang comel comel belaka.

Crabbers dari FLinders Uni. Gambar ini di ambil di dalam kesejukan awal pagi pada jam hampir 1 pagi

Shahmy dgn aweks cun dari FLinders Uni

Nadia dan Shahmy

with Allyssa yang comel. ( Allyssa adalah anak kepada pasangan Din dan Yun)

5. Agak 20 minit, tariklah net keatas. Sekiranya ada ketam, maka kita haruslah memastikan ketam itu legal untuk di bawa pulang. sekiranya tidak mencukupi taraf piawaiannya, maka haruslah di lepaskan kembali Crab itu agar ia dapat pulang kepada keluarganya yang menanti di dasar laut. =)

ini adalah crab yang cukup piawaiannya

Sebahagian Crab yang berjaya di tangkap

6. di akhir sesi, kiralah berapa ekor Crab yang telah di tangkap, kalau banyak boleh lah di buat kenduri utk di makan bersama sama Crabbers.

Crab hasil tangkapan pada Dec 08 serta bahan bahan memasak lauk masak lemak cili api

Crab yang telah pun siap di masak ready di makan dgn nasi

Crabbers menikmati hidangan pada hari kenduri Crab di Townhouse 2, FLinders uni

Sekian, Terima Kasih


Untuk selamanya

Untuk Selamanya

from OST of Laila Isabella

Andainya ku pergi
Usah disesali
Kerana ku sangsi
Adakah cinta masih di sini

Andainya kau tahu
Ku mencintaimu
Ku pasti dirimu
Tak akan tega melukaiku

Sampai bila akan begini
Menyimpan rahsia hati
Relakanlah aku pergi
Walau cinta masih di hati
Dan airmata menemani
Langkahku yang semakin tak pasti
Membawa kelukaan ini

Bila sampai waktu nanti
Ku harap kau kan mengerti
Mungkin bahagia atau derita
Takdir ku terima

Tuhan tunjukkanlah
Cahaya kebenaran
Kenangan bersamamu
Kan bersemadi
Untuk selamanya

P/s : To those who feel that this song are closely related to their love life and love story, well, bersabarlah....there's a solid reason why things tak jadi....Allah Knows Best =).

28 December, 2008

Pingu Bullied !!!

Pingu being bullied by Aqeel and Adnin...

Goshh... Pingu is being PIngu.....Pasrah je....

Tersilap la....

i bought a birthday card for my dad while i was at Rundle Mall yesterday. i saw this cool birthday card stating the age on the card so i grabbed one. When i got home, i've just realised that tersilap umur lah...He is suppose to be 60 in 2009, but i bought 59 instead. Silly me, tersilap pergi kira 2008 minus his birth year when i am suppose to kira, 2009 minus his birth year. I got him a few stuff tadi for his birthday next year he..he..

Yes, I miss Ba lot. We haven't talk since the last time he called from Mekah. He arrived safely in Malaysia 2 weeks ago, but was down with fever and cough sampai hilang suara. That's why we haven't talked to each other yet.

My old man is gonna be 60 next year....

hmmmm.....there's something on my mind but it's kinda hard for me to write it here. Nanti lah, i will write it here later. Nanti Flinders banjir plak kang.

Really Luv Ya Dad !!!! I hope we will still have many more years to come. Insyallah.Amiiiiiinnnnn...

P/S : It's 3 am, Adelaide time. Can't sleep,Hangover pi crabbing tak abih lagi ni. Dapat bnyk ketam. Sejam lagi masuklah waktu subuh di adelaide ni. Might just wait for it.

27 December, 2008

Shop till you Drop !!!!


Yes, This girl is happy coz she went on a Super Duper Shopping Spree today =) (Ops...Girl ke? perasan muda ek...suppose to be a Lady kan? he..he..he...)

Kedai pertama yang di tuju seawal pagi tadi ialah the fav store of mine and Nadia and Mak Tam.
Kedai itu di tuju dengan a big smile, walaupun Mak Tam kata it's more to a Very Very Big Grin he..he..he...After leaving the store, Mak Tam kata, Husna dah boleh jadi Duta product dah ni....

I am very glad that Mak Tam finally beli the stuff that she wanted. ( Mak Tam, jgn plak tido dgn benda alah tu malam ni ek...Sabar...sabar....he...he...)

P/S : Benda-benda yang di beli kebanyakkannya adalah untuk ahli keluarga yang jauh di nun di Malaysia...he..he...

( Nadia, i dah beli dah that K**** from ***E ***T, dun ask me how many i bought okay, he..he..he... tanya lah Mak Tam kih kih kih...okay okay, it's cheap, berbaloi la....)

24 December, 2008

CHriStmaS Eve...

I dun celebrate Christmas, I'm a Muslim. BUt it's pretty quiet here at the Housing and Uni. I was told that the shops will be close for like a week, and i was advised to do my groceries, Nanti kebulur plak tak de makan, coz COLES, WOOLIES segala semuanya tutup. he..he..

Kat Housing, only me, Mak Tam Suzie and kak Nita yang tinggal. Masing masing punya Housemates dah balik home country.So, lately, kami bertiga selalu makan kat rumah Mak Tam, Macam Pot luck jugak la konsepnya.

But tonite is a little bit different. Usually, we eat and watch TV. Tonite we had a Movie Marathon. I did spageti Goreng dgn 10 biji cili padi ( cili kat sini tak pedas lansung) and Bergedil Mat Salleh. Kak Nita buat Doughnut.Sedap.Mak Tam jadi tauke Air. The idea is to watch Madagascar 2 that i've downloaded from Syok.Org. A couple of weeks ago we watched Madagascar on channel 7 together, so, mcm menarik jugak kalau tgk the sequel together jugak.

Then, Kak Nita pun request nak tgk another movie. Mula mula ingat nak tgk Nights at the Museum, but then, tak jadi. Lengkali lah... So, we watched Enchanted instead. he..he...he...

Tumorrow, I will be going to Hellen's place for Christmas. She invited me over hari tu. Hellen is the Dean at Flinders Housing and rumah dia dekat je within our housing area jugak, so can go la... other than that, looking forward to go Crabbing again ( but dunno when ). hmmmm....perhaps, can makan ketam masak lemak cili api with all the hasil tangkapan...he..he..he...

*Kebulur = pinjam dari Ain, anak sedara Mak Tam.
*Lengkali = pun pinjam gak dari Ain, anak sedara Mak Tam

23 December, 2008

dear friend,

Dear Friend ,

Hang in there,
Stay Strong though you are in deep S***,
I know you feel miserable,
But just hang in there okay.

I may not have the best words to ease you,
but I do hope my prayers will help,
Everything will be fine,
Just Fine...
ALLAH will help us

Hang in there !!!
( you know who you are okay,buddy)

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

This movie is one of my Fav Movie list. I used to watched it kalau ada masa.
Watched it on Channel 9 just now. he..he..he... Had a gud laugh.

Windex, 'bobopsy', Rodney and Harry ( aduii... tak tahan nak gelak...), when the father, Gus quoted 'Give me a word, any word, and I show you that the root of that word is Greek' and when the mother, Maria quoted "The man is the head, but the woman is the neck. And she can turn the head any way she wants"


All the laughing makes me teringat kat another fav movie, "Sweet Home Alabama" ( Reese Whitherspoon) , speaking of which, me and Mak Tam went to watch Four Holidays last week. (also known as Four Christmas in the U.S and it's Four Holidays in New Zealand, Anywhere But Home in the Netherlands and the United Arab Emirates)

Hilarious !!!!!!

My next project with Mak Tam is



22 December, 2008

HaNyA SaNdiWaRa - RIz AF6

Terganggu pagi minggu ku
Melihat kekasih lama
Di muka pintu oh…oh…oh

Keliru daku keliru
Kenapa dia datang
Mencari aku

Dapat aku rasakan
Seperti ada yang tak kena
Pada dirinya oh…oh…oh

Dan sudah ku jangkakan
Dia datang menagih
Cinta yang lama

Cukup sekali
Kau persendakan
Harapanku yang luhur padamu

Tiada apa lagi
Yang tinggal kini
Hanyalah kenangan duka saja oh…oh…oh

Daku hanya sandaran
Merawat kedukaan
Ketika lara mencengkam sanubarinya

Pernah menguris hatiku
Mencabar emosiku
Seperti diri ini tidak punya harga

Puas aku bersabar
Mengharap dia kan berubah
Rupanya itu hanya
Sandiwara saja

Pergilah dikau pergi
Ku tak memerlukanmu
Biarkan saja ku cari cinta yang lain

20 December, 2008

Cats =0

Hitler : Hurrmmm...... The laptop's spec is kinda gud, may be i should get it....

HUihh.... Pingu yang TROY ( TOUGH tapi BOROY)

19 December, 2008

Up To You

It’s kind of funny
When you think about it...

The people that walk in your heart,
The ones that stay,
The ones that go...

Some encounters are so quick,
And others stay for awhile
The impact may be small ,
that you don’t even notice a difference.
But others you can’t forget,
Because they changed your direction on the road ....

There’s ones that you may welcome,
And hope they make a home ....

There’s ones that make holes,
But from that you learn and grow....

From my life,
What I have gathered
There are two people I know,

Ones that stay,
And ones that go,

So, my heart will remain open
And what you choose is up to you....

(This is not my poem..., I dun write this..But i like it.)

P/s :...Suka hati lah nak buat apa pun ok...

18 December, 2008

17 December, 2008

Googly Woogly Husna

Prior to my previous posting, which is about Googling as well, this one is also about Google too.


I was at Kak Nita’s that night to see Kak Za before she balik Malaysia. Need to ask her a few things la, then it turn out to be a dinner gathering for the four of us. That was the time when Kak Nita told us about how she googled her name. Menarik kisah kak Nita tu. The last time i tried googling my full name, tak de la benda best sangat..he..he... CUma terkeluar UiTM’s Graduation List je he..he....

Goooogly Wooogly

So, since i was doing the Google Tag thingy ( was tagged by watie) , I googled my name. Ye la, selama ni dok google journals lah, web page relating to thesis je kan....kih kih kih

Yeah, while googling my name, i found the slam perantau web and i found something relating to what i am currently doing kat adelaide he.. he..he... Malu la nak share kan.. he..he.. ( senyum cheeky..) But then, I tried Google image instead. Quite interesting results ....

apart of having a lot of Husna in Asma'ul Husna,

There's also this,

A hair and beauty saloon in Tooting, London

Husna Fashion Accessories in Bradford, UK

An auto gas company's name

A pakistani actress. Check it out here and here

Husna Ali design.


This cool Ambigram i found in this guy's blog. his bestfrend's name is Husna.
Giler cool and cantik ambigram nih...Check out more on Ambigram here

Google Tag

G'day everyone, This is a formal Tag he..he.. I was tagged by my dear friend, Watie ( IBU UWAIS)

The rules are simple.

Use Google Image to search the answers to the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results, and post it as your answer. After that tagged 7 people."

1. The age of my next birthday - 29

2. A place I'd like to travel to - the whole wide world =p

3. A favourite place - Well, My house tak listed dalam google lah.. he..he.. =p

4. A favourite thing - Books

5. A favourite food - Kuewtiau Goreng

6. A favourite colour - Black

7. The city I live in - Actually, i live in this city,

But currently living in,

8.The city I was born in - Penang, Pearl of the Orient

Chill betul pak cik beca ni kan.... he..he...

9. A nickname I had - Love


11. Name of first lover.. - also not listed on google he...he...he...

12. A bad habit - Sorry, i have dua la...

Bad Habit 1

Bad Habit 2


13. A hobby - Cooking

14. Current wish list -

This is not my Uni's robe but boleh la tu doctoral degree robe jugak.

=p insyallah, aminnnn.........

So, now, I Tag

1. Farhan
2. Nadia
3. Mak tam Suzie
4. Setulus Hati Seputih Salju
5. Lagi sape ek.....???
6. ...
7. ...