19 December, 2015

2015 - part 1

2015 is a wonderful year as i achieved most of my target.Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah..

Although i said wonderful, but there's always hick-ups where i take it as Allah's reminder. Like the time after my phd was confirmed but the uni who sponsored me took a long time to take me in. Well, i was actually lucky the finally took me in because the VC of the uni are to be replaced. Goshhh... thank you Allah again because ONLY ALLAH knows what would or could happen then.

Then i graduated, i hope i've made my family proud, parents happy, dad finally got his wish come true through me and i secured myself a job. It is all HaRD work okay. 6 years of struggling to get here. What makes me happy is that, my bosses tend to remember me and my passion for teaching hehehe Maluuuuu... at least they know and remember me laa from my job interview hari tu kann.

Well 2015 is just the starting point. There's a lot more to do and learn in order to make 2016 another milestones.

Too early to conclude my 2015.

To be continued