31 July, 2011

Ramadhan 2011

Something to share ;)

Ramadhan Anugerah ALLAH untuk Ummah

MASA berlalu pantas meninggalkan kita sehingga tidak terasa Ramadan menjelang lagi dengan cabaran baru bakal ditempuhi setiap Muslim. Sunnatullah terhadap masa yang berlalu dan bakal mendatang akan terus dirasai sehinggalah tibanya hari penentuan. 

Ramadan adalah bukti Allah memuliakan hambanya dengan rahmat dan keampunan. Tanda keimanan jelas terpancar pada wajah mereka yang beriman menandakan kegirangan menyambut bulan mulia ini. Sabda Nabi SAW bermaksud: “Sesiapa bergembira apabila datangnya Ramadan, Allah akan mengharamkan jasadnya daripada api neraka.” (Al-Hadis). Allah juga menyebut mengenai iman pada permulaan ayat puasa dalam firman bermaksud: “Wahai orang beriman, diwajibkan ke atas kamu menunaikan ibadat puasa seperti mana diwajibkan ke atas mereka yang datang sebelum kamu semoga kamu bertakwa.” (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 183). Ibadat puasa dilakukan dengan penuh keikhlasan bagi menyahut seruan Allah serta menuntut keredaan-Nya menunjukkan keimanan seseorang. Hadis menyebut ibadat semua anak Adam adalah untuk dirinya kecuali puasa kerana puasa adalah untuk Allah dan Allah melipatgandakan pahala mengikut kehendak-Nya. Pembersihan jiwa serta pencetus amalan kebaikan wujud melalui ibadat puasa yang dilakukan bersungguh-sungguh. Sabda Baginda SAW bermaksud: “Sesiapa berpuasa dengan penuh keimanan dan kesungguhan akan mendapat keampunan dari segala kesalahan dilakukan.” (Hadis riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim). 

Jelaslah jiwa bersih daripada dosa akan melahirkan amalan baik dan mulia. Doa berterusan pada Ramadan amat digalakkan Allah sehingga ada ayat menyebut mengenai doa disusun selepas datangnya ayat puasa. Firman Allah bermaksud: “Apabila hambaku berdoa, maka aku amat hampir kepadanya.” (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 186). Ramadan diserikan lagi dengan pembebasan umat daripada musuh utama mereka iaitu syaitan dan pintu langit dibuka seluas-luasnya untuk menerima amalan kebajikan dilakukan. Sabda Nabi SAW: “Apabila tibanya Ramadan, dibuka pintu langit dan ditutup pintu neraka serta syaitan dibelenggu pada bulan itu.” (Hadis sahih). Orang beriman berhak mendapat keampunan dan janji syurga disebabkan kejayaan mengekang hawa nafsu yang sentiasa menginginkan kelazatan. Ulama menyebut kelazatan dunia empat perkara utama iaitu makan, minum, tidur dan bersetubuh. 

Bersempena Ramadan yang diturunkan al-Quran, maka puasa dan al-Quran memberi syafaat kepada umat pada hari kiamat. Sabda Baginda SAW bermaksud: “Puasa dan al-Quran memberi syafaat kepada tuannya pada Hari Kiamat.” (Al-Hadis). Ada riwayat menyebut, puasa akan menjadi saksi dengan berkata: Aku menghalangnya daripada makan dan minum pada Ramadan dan al-Quran berkata: Aku mengurangkan tidurnya. Maka kedua-duanya akan memohon syafaat daripada Allah untuk mereka yang berpuasa. Imam Malik yang juga ahli hadis terkenal meninggalkan pengajaran hadisnya dan beralih kepada tilawah al-Quran apabila tibanya Ramadan. Fakir miskin, anak yatim dan ibu tunggal sudah mula tersenyum kerana tangan mulia akan menghulurkan bantuan kerana gandaan pahala pada Ramadan. Semua kebajikan itu menolak bencana dan bala kerana sedekah akan memadamkan api kemurkaan Allah. 

Malam Ramadan dihiasi solat tarawih yang tiada pada bulan lain dan padanya ada satu malam lebih baik dari seribu bulan iaitu malam lailatul qadar. Diriwayatkan oleh Anas: “Sesiapa yang menghadirkan diri ke majlis ilmu pada Ramadan, Allah akan menulis pahala ganjaran pada setiap langkah selama setahun dan mereka yang berterusan solat berjemaah akan disediakan baginya sebuah singgahsana dipenuhi nikmat bagi setiap rakaat dilakukan.” (Hadis Fadilat Amalan). Marilah kita memanfaatkan Ramadan kali ini dengan ibadat berterusan dan memastikan kelainan berbanding tahun lalu. 

Penulis ialah Eksekutif Agama The New Straits Times Press (NSTP)

Happy Ramadhan to ALL ;)

30 July, 2011


There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark
Finally I can see you crystal clear
Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare

See how I leave with every piece of you
Don't underestimate the things that I will do

There's a fire starting in my heart
Reaching a fever pitch
And it's bring me out the dark

The scars of your love remind me of us
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling

We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hands
And you played it
To the beat

Baby I have no story to be told
But I've heard one of you
And I'm gonna make your head burn
Think of me in the depths of your despair
Making a home down there
It Reminds you of the home we shared

The scars of your love remind me of us
They keep me thinking that we almost had it all
The scars of your love they leave me breathless
I can't help feeling

We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart inside of your hands
And you played it
To the beat

Throw your soul through every open door
Count your blessings to find what you look for
Turned my sorrow into treasured gold
You pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow

We could have had it all
We could have had it all
It all, it all it all,
We could have had it all
Rolling in the deep
You had my heart and soul
And you played it
To the beat

The song is everywhere !!! hehehe... It's gonna be the ultimate break up song this one..joining Gloria Gaynor's i will survive ....

P/S ; Mana Che kay? hehehe....


Looking forward for Ramadhan 2011...

Hanya ALLAH yang maha memahami dan maha mengetahui ...

Short Tips for Ramadaan:

1. Seek Allaah's Pleasure & Mercy. 
2. Read Qu'ran [with Understanding]. 
3. Listen to Qu'ran. 
4. Make dua for yourself & others. 
5. Evaluate yourself everyday. 
6. Make Taubah.
7. Increase your Dhikr. 
8. Give Sadaqah. 
9. Seek Islamic knowledge. 
10. Pray Salah on time.
11. Increase your Sunaah & Nawafil prayers. 
12. Aquire patience & strong will. 
13. Strive for Ihsaan & avoid Riyaa. 
14. Control your anger. 
15. Feed others. 
16. Make Itikhaf. 
17. Don't eat too much at Iftaar & Suhoor. 
18. Sleep early. 
19. Get up a little early for Suhoor & pray Tahajjud. 
20. Keep yourself in a state of Wudhu.
21. Don't waste time socialising too much. 
22. Pay Zakatul Fitr early. 
23. Set a goal of memorising some new Qu'ran & Duas. 
24. Watch your tongue.
25. Make time for others. 

Got it from Here 

Something to share ;)


Read about it here

I've been following this case since it first started. I have no comments on it as I am not eligible to comment nor have the right to say anything when I first come to know about this case.

I am sad with the situation. For now, I hope and pray that he will be showered with ALLAH's blessing and forgiveness. Insya ALLAH amin...

My circle of friends also includes people with this type of gender ( I am sorry, please forgive me, I am looking for the nicest and politest way to describe them.) Not only one but quite a few. One even ruined my life in uni by telling people that I wanted to be a guy !!! what the heck ? I am a gurl and i just got my heart broken !!!  I've forgiven him long ago. Another one really understands my hair very well and also my make-up needs ( however, i stopped doing my hair with him as in reality he is a guy).

Another fren, not a cross dresser like the above, but is a same gender lover ( again, i am trying to be polite here). While confessing to me, he felt like crying. I told him, i knew it because of the characteristics that he promotes. SPOT ON !!! we are still friends...

Nothing much I can do to these people , I can only Pray to ALLAH for them...


And alfatihah to arwah...

29 July, 2011


I am suppose to meet Awng , one to one in City East, So early morning today, i walked down to FMC to take the 721F bus to city. 721F is the limited stop bus so it reach the city faster hehehe... it's just my thing... i dun like sitting for 45 minutes to reach city.. so I took the Fast bus hehehe.. I off i went to the city

as i was sitting in a bus full of school kids, working people, and nenek nenek comel yang listen to Ipods..( the one next to me was listening to i donno what song that she's enjoying it and tapping her bag.. hehehe) So, i put my backpack on my lap. "Hmm... Not Bad, not that heavy..." Rasa bangga kejap coz my Toshi and gang ( the whole laptop and adaptor Charger, power cable n all is Kinda heavy..) I was reaching the King William Street already when i realized something.


I was like planning everything extremely careful so that my one on one meeting with Awng would be a gud one !!! Because the one on one meeting is like SO IMPORTANT !!!! how to work when there's no laptop ? Yeah, I have my Toshi, but Toshi will only work about half hour without the cable adaptor thingy !!! 

There i was at the Bus stop feeling frustrated with my self, What am i gonna say to Awng ? This is soo embarassing !!! No time to go back to flinders to get my stuff that i have to purchase a new universal cable adaptor !!! HARGHHHH !!! I felt like choking when i swipe the red card to pay for the new adaptor but hey,  since it's my thesis stuff that's more important, So I baca bismillah and tekan pin number. Not untill I saw this one device for IPhone, it's like a thumb replacement and i grab it, then i saw a nice and clean cut I phone cover. Haihh sempat lagi tuu..( nak pujuk hati sebenarnya...) So, i grab the thumb thingy and the new i phone cover. I thought that the thumb thingy would make it more hygienic, less touching the i phone with my own fingers hehehe... After the reluctant purchase, i went to another bus stop coz i have to take another bus. Mati laaa Lambat.. Maluuu even if its 1 minute coz I  myself dun like to wait for people. If u janji 9.30 dgn i, U be there 9.30 ! hehehe.. but i f i janji dgn orang 9.30, i would try my best to be there at 9.15 or 9.20..Tak baik kasi orang tunggu..

So as I was waiting for the bus, Tetiba there was Awng in the crowd !!! hahaha lawak giler. so instead of waiting for the bus, I walked with him to city east !!! dengan bag yang berat ituu.. aduhaiii...

So Alhamdulillah, He helped me by teaching me a couple of stuff. Seriously, he is inspiring !!! Good motivation !!!! but still sad about the adaptor ! A whole lot of nasihat, tunjuk ajar which you can't get anywhere else. Seriously, i am embarrassed but hey, I am learning here...

So, Alhamdulillah, thanks to Awng for today ! ouh ouh, I also met Yan and we went for lunch at Swinging Bwl, had a good chat and laugh lepas kesedihan hehehe...Then i went to NIne West thinking I's go get the bag that i want.. Hah !!!!! hari ni memang tak de luck okay ! sudah lah terpaksa belanja lebih utk adaptor tu, Bag pulak habis ! sedey!!!!  BUt, apa apa pun alhamdulillah sebab benda yang kita pelajari dgn Awng hari ini...

Aduih... masih dok teringat kat Bag Tu... may be i should get it online kot ada kat ceruk mana Australia yang masih ada stock.. haihhh teruknya craving nak beli Bag ! hehehe

28 July, 2011

Tiba tiba

Entah kenapa, tiba tiba terasa mcm nak beli Handbag...

I've been a very good gurl in terms of shopping..

I havent shop in ages..

dan saya terasa encik West memanggil manggil saya gi kedai dia...

Maybe tomorrow i can check out what Nine West have in their shop to offer.

kenapa Nine West?

Kasut dia sangat comfy..

Eh, tadi ckp pasal Bag kan.. ni apa tetiba kes kasut pulak...??


Let's just browse their designs on the web first...

okay, i wanna go cuci mata

Nite nite

The ultimate Dream wedding

Aik.. Apa Akal ni cakap pasal wedding??

Naah, I was kinda dong my work, listening to my conversation with my beloved "MOM" ( my supervisor) during our meeting tadi..( Long gone the days when you can do your work and having all those nice tracks on your playlist..I now listen to myself and supervisor's voice...Aih... )

Actually, i pun tak tau celah mana boleh ter dapat Idea pasal Wedding ni actually.. Maybe coz mlm ni, ramai kawan update status pasal hsband tgk bola and stuff. hehehe.. Hopefully Malaysia menang lah kan...i tak de chance nak tgk. Kalau kat Malaysia, Boleh gak ajak kakak and my bro tgk hehe Bila teringat konsep husband and wife ni, It reminded me of a wedding event that happens 4 days in a row...a day after the wedding, newly weds flew off for their honeymoon. what's left was the mak ayah, sedara mara yang extra letih...kesian....sampai tak leh bangun..When my sister got married, it took us 3 days, Akad on friday nite, bersanding kat rumah on Saturday, and CLub reception on Sunday Night..My dad was still working at that time so we had so many people coming from all over Malaysia. Some of the subordinates came in buses from other states just to attend the wedding. Those were the people who see my sister, me and my bro grew up in various states in Malaysia and i donno how, but somehow rather, we're kinda close. ( when i was a kid, i LOVE to follow my dad to his office.. Sangat Cool okay looking at his desk, the letter opener lah, all kind of stationery, not to mention the highlighters hehehe, stapler besar, puncher besar.. colored papers. And those pens used for OHP slides.. zaman dulu mana pakai power point kan..I don't remember my dad having a computer but we had one at home.. it was APPLE. Zaman tu the computer still skrin hitam with green font and pakai floppy disk. I remembered the game me and my sis used to play, Donkey kong old version hehehe and Print Shop zaman dulu hehehe Print shop tu bukan la game tapi seronok kot create cards hehehe with printer yang bunyi bising tu hehehe..weh.. ni dah lari topik nih...)

So back to the wedding tadi, Tak tau mcm na boleh terfikir pasal wedding, and bila teringat wedding orang yang besar besaran dan mak ayah sampai letih tak leh bangun, jatuh sakit lepas wedding anak.. Kesian.. Mak Ayah bukannya muda, dah berumur pun.. They are not up to heavy duty stuff anymore..and wedding is a whole ot of thing to do !!!! i was thinking if i ever got Married, a simple celebration would be nice tanpa perlu bnyk menyusahkan orang ( mak ayah, sedara mara..) Kalau ada rezeki... Cuma nya, i have a specific dewan that I want... REALLY want to have my wedding reception. Kat mana? hehehehe I am sorry, i can't reveal it here. The dewan i am talking about is not even expensive but I really wanna have my wedding there one day. I even told my Mom and Dad that last time, but then again, if ada rezeki kan.. insyallah...

27 July, 2011

On the bus, trafgic jam

As i am typing this i am on the bus, in yraffic jam.i've been doing this for 2 days now and IT IS TOTALLY NOT MY thing !!!!

I always told myself i don wanna go thru all this to go to work even when i was in malaysia. I have gone thru this kind of thing while doing practical BBA dulu. It's very demotivating lah..sakit jiwa kejap..

I cant imagine all others going thru jam everyday to go to work..i salute them !!! I'd rather drive long way sampai ke putrajaya tak de jam..tapi jam jugak kat kilang gula..

Uitm apatah lagi...jam kat roundabout section 2..hahaha kena sebijik..esok balik kerja mana? Situ jugak...( hehhee konfiden betul..mana tau kna hantar ke sarawak ke kan...) hahaha tak pa lah itu rezeki namanya ;)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Festival Dr,Adelaide,Australia


In hawke building, second day of colloquium.

Kinda sleepy now, hehehe

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:North Terrace,Adelaide,Australia


In hawke building, second day of colloquium.

Kinda sleepy now, hehehe

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:North Terrace,Adelaide,Australia

25 July, 2011

Nanges !!!!

ohhhh... ramadhan is just around the corner.. then raya..

Tiba tiba teringat ni

Pic from : http://kakyahminipopia.blogspot.com/

Dan ini.....

Pic from : http://store.cc.cc/g1g218830

saya sangat.....

Mana ada jual kat sini melainkan ada orang hantar dari Malaysia... Thn lepas DHL tak nak terima kerepek kerepek, Pos Malaysia pun sama... Tahun ni pulak mcm na???

huhuhuhu sedihnyaaaaa....

Nanges !!!!1

24 July, 2011

the Kitties

PIngu getting Chubbier then ever.. 
What a good chubby boy he is...hehehe

Okay, Both photos below, kinda really WORRIES me !!!!..

 Hitler admiring the Fishies inside the FIsh

Now, Belle....

why? Look at that Glass Fish with little fishies inside.. Oh Dear ALLAH...I just wish that Hitler and Belle keep their paws off that thing !

OKay, how about this one..

I know, with one pounce, this Glass fish will go tergolek !!! NOOOOOO !!! i dun want to even think about it.. Of course the FISH is my mom's fav. She bought it overseas while followng Dad for his work ( Dad's a frequent flyers ) years ago before my dad retired. Our Jaws drop when she told me how she wanted this FISH to be carefully Wrapped so that she could bring home to Malaysia in one piece. She wanted to hold the fish on her own on their way back...Didn't let go of the Fish not even a minute !!! Her fren who also bought this FIsh was a bit unlucky, The Tail was broken when she unwrapped it in Malaysia.. ;((( even at home, nobody touches or  handle the FISH, not even the maid.. "Awak jangan buat apa kat ikan ni, nanti saya buat sendiri" to that extent !!! LOL... Mak .. mak... hehehehe

I know how my kitties just LOVE to break my mom's stuff so this really worries me.. Okay, long time ago,in the FISH, there was little fishies then she replace it with crystal chips and placed the glass fruits. ( corn, apple, pears, and what's not) and now, Mom's decided to put little fishies back !!!!! ARGHHHH !!!

I asked my Dad about Hitler's interest on the fishies, coz last time she used to be afraid of that little fisihes in this glass fish. My Dad says, "Ooo.. She's just looking only.. she never touch the FISH, I know, I always see her..Don't worry lah, she's just looking only..." Hitler is a Girl by the way.. she was named Hitler because of the patch he have under her nose.. kinda like hitler's moustache..
Yeah Dad, really helping...

Pingu once broke my mom's pitcher and Bowl, ( it's the one with english rose apa ke namanya.. ntah tak ingat) I have yet to replace it.. or i Did on my last trip..

Then Pingu broke 8 or 12  pieces of my mom's Correle plates in the Kitchen..

Then Hitler and Belle broke mak's See through Glass Vase with a lid, wich mak put all the precious stones. Precious stones are tiger's eyes, rose quartz, amethyst and God knows what else.. hehehe Mom and her likings...
Mom was very angry upset when they broke the glass, She nearly cried !! mak told me she took the bulu ayam and scolded Belle and Hiter..She didnt hit belle or hitler with it but just hit something else infront of thm and off they went scrambling.. and Yeah, Hitler and Belle is kinda scared of Mom.. But not Pingu..Pingu even once tried to rub mak's feet while Mak was on the phone ( trying to ambil hati huh pingu? hehehe)

Then Hitler broke Mak's hand ayat seribu Dinar written on Giacomo Plate we got in Central Market

Okay , I certainly do not want the Fish to be in the list !!!! Mana nak ganti Ikan tu oiiii !!!!!


Today , feeling jadi cinderella, minus mak tiri, minus kakak tiri, and minus the prince..minus the Ball, minus the kasut hehehee.. ape je yang tinggal kalau gitu?

Why cinderella?

hari ni cukup lengkap semua, memasak, membasuh baju, menjemur baju, memvacum rumah, mengemop rumah, membasuh toilet, mengelap dapur ( but i only lap becoz i cook earlier , later my hsemate yang lap and wipe everything coz it's her duty hehehe)

Cravng for something sweet tetiba...i might consider baking kejap lagi kot...

Between the Pile of Laundry and the pile of Journals part 2

YEAYYYY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I Finally finish folding up my PILE OF LAUNDRY and they are now safely kept in the cupboard.

And it's 12.35 am in Malaysia, and 2.04 am in Adelaide...

You have to read this post in order to understand why I am so happy...but just happy because i finish folding, Not abt anything else... ;(
Dalam hati sangat terkilan...

23 July, 2011


My mind is gone 

I'm spinning round 

And deep inside 

My tears I'll drown 

I'm losing grip 

What's happening 

I strayed from love 

This is how I feel 

22 July, 2011

Missing them

Location:Ring Rd,Bedford Park,Australia

Quotes quotes quotes

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Location:Ring Rd,Bedford Park,Australia

Between a pile of Clothes And A Pile of Journals

I am surrounded by piles and piles of journals and Books in my Office, sikit lagi nak tenggelam dah... jangan lemas sudahh...

At home, there it was, the pile of unfolded washed laundry...Aihhh... Membasuh rajin, tapi folding up .... Strange, a couple of months ago,  I'd make sure i fold my clothes immediately after getting it off the Hanger / Dryer / Airer ( bukan machine dryer tapi besi jemur baju tu je..).. IMMEDIATELY okay... SEBAIK SAHAJA ANGKAT.. no excuse terus lipat kat our lounge area.. Kat aussie, lounge is your ruang tamu la... So i'd fold my clothes and bila dah naik bilik, simpan dalam almari..

But, since last week, I don't know why the routine has changed..I now have a pile of unfolded laundry in my room..haihhh.... I find it hard to find time to fold them up, coz after office, I'd go home to my Kitchen, prepare food, then dah penat, or if i lewat kat office balik dah almost bed time..So the pile of clothes remains as the pile of clothes...

When i look at the pile, it reminds me of 2 person, My mom and my sister.(1) My mom because i will always feel guilty when the room is untidy or there's a pile of clothes like that in a corner of the room. So i smsed her yesterday saying that there's a pile of clothes in the corner of my room but no time to fold... BIG MISTAKE coz she's at a wedding, and all of a sudden, our circle of friend and neighbour start leaving comments on folding up clothes hehehehe... Lawak giler... (2) My sister because, i only see pile of unfolded clothes at her place only.. hehehe big pile.. Who could blame her, she has 2 kids, 5 and 7, working full time, running around the house with the kids, and she also cook, balik dah lewat, no maid.. kan.. so i sms her and tell i now have a pile like hers but mine is smaller hehhehe...

it also remind me of the time when we had no maid.Growing up having maid since i was a toddler, but, we still have to do chores like basuh kasut sekolah sendiri, make the bed and stuff, as my mom always says " it NOT your maid" hehehehe. So when sometimes there's no maid, mom working, she'd dry the clothes in the morning and me and my brother will fetch it from the hanger and malam malam, lipat depan Tv dgn my mom ( I was form 5). When i was younger, baju baju besar smua kasi mak lipat, and she'd give  me all the inner parts and small things like my bro's tshirt and pants hehehe

my pile is not this high so, i better make sometime during the weekend to fold it up...

Apa daaa... kisah laundry pun nak kecoh hehehehe

21 July, 2011

Human Touch

Human Touch or Human contact is important.. I am not saying this because my research is on hospitality thingy. What happened today remind me of one of the question in my questionnaire. The question is about the using technology to replace human workforce. Most of the respondents responded by saying thar they are not willing to and that it is not suitable in the hospitality industry as human touch is important in this industry.. ( apekah?... kenapakah saya menulis mcm menulis Thesis tiba tiba dalam Blog... ewwww Noo !!!!).

So what happened today make sense..

I went to the library to get books and  download Journals..( what else kan.. although you can also go to library to watch movie free kat you tube kan.. hehehe). Although Journals can be downloaded fromk office juga, tapi ada satu journal ni sangat lah degilnya...tak leh di download, kna gi library gak.. So, after getting the books that I wanted ( i'm romancing Hofstede tonite LOL !!) , I went down to borrow the books. So I went to the counter and say hello to the lady at the counter. She smiled and say
library lady : Hi, You do know that we have self check counter over there for borrowing?
Me : Yes I do
Library lady : Do you want to use it ? or you don't know how to use it ?
Me :No, but  yes I know how to use it.. ( with a smile ) I'll try it next time around..
Library lady : Owhkkaayy.... (with muka yang mcm bengang ! hehehe)

Bukan lah saya ni pemalas kan, malas nak scan buku sendiri kat selfcheck machine tuu...

You see, here, I know how to use the self check machine, but it's no fun coz no human contact.. LOL !!! it is of course fun to meddle with the machine, Cool sebenarnya bila berurusan dgn Machine hehehe kat Uitm pun ada self check machine, kat PTAR2 which used to  be my playground for 10 years ! I once, broke the self check machine in flinders for i donno what reason, may be too much books to borrow kot, it was summer 2008, just before long Christmas break. I borrowed so many things, VCDs, Books, Journals that i have to get a bag from the Unibooks downstairs hehehe  Of course i am not to be blame coz how could blame me for the break down..it's the scanner who doesnt want to scan my books.. hehehe..

But as for me, sitting 24 hrs infront of the computer in the office,with your officemate hardly arround, so when i go to the library, the human contact is important to me... that's where i get to smile and say hi...( sangat kesian kan...hehehe) The same goes to all those on vacation, who goes to the hotel, they want to be treated like a king so if you change the service for technology, Naaahh... Not gonna happen,

Coz when you go to the hotel, you feel nice when the doormen greet you, the receptionist say hi and attend to your need... makes customer feel special..and the workers' with their productivity thingy... okay, dun get me started... just tunggu my thesis siap je okay ! LOL !

Next time around if the library lady ask me the same question, i am gonna answer her

"Human contact is the best, thank you " with a sweet smile ( blink..blink...)

Who says ?

I'm no beauty queeen !

The PRESSURE in ON !!!

I must admit, at this age especially, I am truly, deeply, touched when it comes to love life issue, Marriage and family matters. Again, I admit ! I am being honest here. I envied my close circle of frens who got married to their one and only first love or even second or third boyfriend ( it doesn't matter, anyway) ( my love life has gone down the drain and I was the one to be blamed). The beautiful kids they have... ( my statistician told me, "you say they are cute, beautiful, wait till they scream at you late at night !".. haha I dun only have beautician, hair dresser,gyneacologist, i also now have a statistician... LOL !)

Once I told myself, it's okay, my rezeki is in this field, while my friends are pregnant with their second or third child, I am 'Pregnant" with my third Degree... a PhD..(a piece of paper). But, I also have some friends, who have it all, you name it, They are gorgeous, married with kids, have good, supporting husband, hav a good career prospect in Uni, they are also doing their PhD. You see, they are all rounder. ALLAH gave them everything, Alhamdulillah cukup semuma. While my frends are investing in their saham Akirat, me ? What about me? hehehe I only have  my Mum and Dad ( that's everything) their love and support for me from a far, and my bunch of files full of certificates and qualifications hehehehe not to forget the thesis, i am not even close to a normal human being, i have loopsided face,uneven lips,one small eye and unbalanced nose ( I am thnkfull with all i have, syukur to ALLAH i am not Blinded, muted or anything else)... May be I made a mistake of reading the book years ago that told me about how a married muslimah, who is faithful to her husband, cook, and do everything, give birth to the husbands' child, keep up with solah and fasting will get to choose their doors to the jannah...Oh my God...Ya ALLAH.. how beautiful is that.... Jangan kata i tak bersyukur pulak.. I am thankful with all that i have, ALWAYS... may be for now, menumpang kasih pada anak anak saudara, menumpang kasih Ibu dan bapa, berbakti pada Ibu bapa, berbuat baik sesama adik beradik dan sesama insan is the only thing for me.May be that's the only thing ALLAH wants me to do. ALLAH knows best.and I kinda forgot how lucky i am, none of my parents put the pressure of getting married on me..

I know i am in deeep preasure, Stress right now.. Yesterday, someone from my dept in NI*s, submitted her PhD. when asked how long did she take to complete everything, ( obviously it's not me who asked hehehe), she answered, 5 years.. OMG, whatttt ??? 5 years? and here I am, busting my butt out, squeezing every drop of my brain, to complete this PhD of mine in 3 and half years ???!!! and HAVE to do it in 3 and half years !!! and english is not even my first language.. I doubt myself, i can finish.. even the people here took 5 years to complete their PhD... I am feeling the PRESSURE !!!! HELP !!!! can i have my Cats, mommy , daddy and KAKAK now... hehehehe

But then, i  pull myself together...ALLAH knows best...may be I am not chosen to feel the nikmat of other things or I just don't know what's installed for me in the future or I am just having this feeling at the wrong time...One step at a time...what we get is what ALLAH thinks is best for us.. ye lah, bila emo je start to think benda yang bukan bukan, padahal apa yang dapat dah cukup baik dah...kan...

Okay, now, Cik Skuna, please SMILE, and sila sambung menulis thesis anda...

I hope ALLAh will always guide me and give me all the strength that i need...
InsyaALLAH , Aminn...

Quote again...

 oh my, another quote that struck me...
Life is not about finding the right person,
but creating the right relationship.
 It's not how we care in the beginning,
but how much we care till the very end.

20 July, 2011

More quote

 Got this from Twitter. twitted by Islam Speaks

Praying for those who love you, that’s sincerity. 
Praying for those who hurt you, that’s maturity.

yes, and i can only hope...

Quote part two

I have been trying for so long..

it drives me crazy sometimes thinking about Qada' dan Qadar ALLAH..

But hey, the future are not our's to see..

I am accepting that things had happened, by all means, if i could change it, i would...

but now that with all the things that has happened, it will always still be there.It's engraved in the heart.

Bersyukur pada ALLAH kerana dikurniakan perasaan yang indah itu suatu ketika dulu, walaupun seketika.

I went all out, but sadly, it didn't turn out... it will all remain inside..

Yes, I am accepting things...

things that happen during the wrong timing and all others that had happen...

i hope there's rays of  hope in the end of the tunnel...

insyallah Amin...

19 July, 2011


Found a nice quote on twitter...

Yeah, it can only be accepted...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Hall Terrace,Bedford Park,Australia

18 July, 2011

kegilaan baru...

okay, Today is Monday, and it's full moon... Nisfu Syaaban was on Saturday.
The full moon will always reminds me of ware wolves.. May be coz i grew up watching ware wolves movies...hehehe Influence Mak bapak pun ye gak..

Growing up watching all other ware wolves movies and this

Who could resist ...


Come to think of it, bukan ware wolves je that I watch while growing up, Exorcist, Poltergiest and God knows some cerita hantu hahaha... Blame it on the parents okay hehehe...  jgn lupa Dynasty, Dallas, Knots landing hahaha aduhaiii.... Drama melayu jgn ckp laa... dulu dulu ada Drama minggu ini on TV1, kecik kecik balik skolah baca URTV ( okay, yang ni, blame it on the maid and the parents, dulu mamak news paper hantar paper everyday and collect the bill monthly, so kalau nak magazine minta kat mamak paper, and the maid minta URTV la,Wanita la, Jelita la.. Monthly Bill, "Bapa Bayar" hehehehe same goes with mamak roti, Kecik kecik, nampak mamak roti, uihhh happy GILER, amik je apa nak dari mamak tu ( masa tu kecik, tak faham konsep bayar monthly lagi...).. amik la Chickedees, Mr Smart, keropok bungkus hijau tapi keropoknya warna putih mcm siput besar duit 20 sen.. hehehe what a childhood huh...)

heeh , nak citer pasal Teen wolf 2011 dah melalut citer pasal lain la pulak hehehe. By the way, that dude yang jadi Scott / Wolf tu, is the cute lil fella yang jadi anak JLo dalam Maid in Manhattan ;) hehehehe

bila dia transform jadi wolf,

hehehe terasa mcm character Avatar plak hehehe...

Okay, teenwolf will start anytime soon, me wanna go make myself comfy and watch it..

17 July, 2011

Port Adelaide Trip

I went to Port Adelaide today with 44 other international students. The trip was organized by our ISSU ( International Student Service Unit). The 44 also includes Faridah and Kak Hanim hehehe.

The main goal to go to Port Adelaide is to see the Dolphins, which Port Adelaide is famous for. Yeah, I did saw dolphins but tak sempat amik gambar, laju benar dia swim.

We took the Dolphin cruise ( which was included in the fees we paid ISSU), Dolphin cruise is a 2 hrs ferry cruise along the river. you can either be outdoor or indoor to view the dolphins and the port view. We of course,  went straight to the Cafe and ordered Fish and Chips and hot drinks. While waiting we went out and about and spotted a few dolphins.. ( 3 je pun hehehe). then we enjoy the scenery while waiting for our fish and chips.

After the cruise and dolphin watching, we went to the SA migration museum, i LOVE this place... feels like u are on the ship. it's a 3 storey building with each storey's interior made into Ship deck interior. They showed us how people survived living in the ships for a few months before reaching Adelaide during their migration, Some died on the ship, some were born on the ship, and there's also the classification of rooms. Interesting to see..

After Migration museum off we went to the sunday market, it's and indoor sunday market.nothing much to see but all the 3 of us bought ourselves a Hat each to wear during summer. Yes, a big hat hehehe... Then we had coffee and donuts yang sangat sedap !!! Wa Cakap Luu punya sedap lah...  sedap sampai lupa nak take photos

Considering to change career? hehe

And then, it was time to go..when we reach Flinders, it was just in tiime to see this...

Subhanallah.....sangat cantik....  this view is not available anywhere else except in Flinders... will be missing all of this... ;(

16 July, 2011

Say A lil Prayer

Dear Norlynn,

I know u cant read this at this point of time,
I just got Dina's message on your delivery complications,
I really hope you will be ookay and that you'll have a safe delivery.
Sorry, I am not there..

Although DIna told me not to be worry but tipu lah kalau i tak Worry kan hehe
My prayers are always with you,hasli and Baby..
Semoga ALLAH permudahkan segalanya untuk u.

Insyallah Amin..

Get Hasli to MMS me gambar baby k ;)

15 July, 2011


look who's hiding ? hehehe it's Pingu. Very the Bapak Kucing look nowadays hehehe... This photo was posted by my backdoor neighbour, who's room Pingu likes to leave some "gifts", which i have no ideas why hehehe.. and she say Pingu likes to lepak with her father as well. hehehe typical Pingu.. Semua orang punya bapak pun ko nak lepak ek? hehehe

14 July, 2011

rambling tgh malam

A cousin of mine gave birth today ;) New addition to our larger than life Ariff Clan hehehe.. We had one last month, cute baby Ian. And today's new arrival is also a boy (we have loads of boys already !!!! where's the girl? hehehe). The new arrival is not named yet coz the mother Viber-ed me as soon as she's out of labour room. I was shocked ! She's not suppose to give brth till next month. Actually, I had a hunch that something happened to her today. She's not in her office as usual and she's not there to greet me as usual hehehe and for some reason, i didn't ask her where had she been like usual coz whenever her name doesnt appear on the YM list, it doesn't feel right. hehehe she could even buzz me while waiting to see the doctor for her maternity check up. Alhamdulillah, conratulations to the new mommy and daddy !

I didn't go to the office today ! hehehe i slept in and woke up fairly late, I couldn't wake up, my back, shoulder and neck is killing me. I woke up to the noise made by my housemate, she just flew in from Melbourne. Naah, i am not angry at her for the noise but i was surprise that i woke up that late... yes, THAT LAte..I woke up earlier and sms Faridah saying that i am not feeling well, sore throat, and all the pain that i am having so i wont be meeting her in the library, the reply was she's not feeling well too. hehehe...After a simple lunch, i forced myself, i repeat, FORCED myself to swallow down 2 Panadol actifast tablets and force myself to sleep again with the hope that all the pain will be gone when i woke up.. guess what, about 2 hrs of sleep, pain still there although not as pain anymore. Later in the evening, Silvi brought Olga over to give me a massage. they brought over minyak gosok from indonesia.. which is really good ! so Olga gave my back and shoulder a massage. and now, the shoulder pain is gone.. alhamdulillah. I also put on whats left of my Tokusen  Capsicum plaster. Alhamdulillah, I 'm all better now.. Esok boleh pergi ke office with reminder from my parents "PLEASE REDUCE YR BACKPACK WEIGHT !!!" hehehe....  may i remind u again, i walk to uni everyday ( if i dun take the loop bus) and my parents said, the journey is like their weekly hiking activity.. hahahaha... okay, i will reduce the books..

Alright, that's all for tonight..

Bersyukur dgn apa yang ada dan yang sedang di kecapi..

Guud Noight ! ( cewahhh aussie slang nih...)

13 July, 2011

comfort food

anda kecewa?

di kecewakan?


Anda marah? Naik Hangin?

Sakit Belakang? Sakit Bahu ?

Jangan Risau...



Comfort food.. Yang kecewa tu, bukan saya,  yang di kecewa kan pun bukan saya juga, yang sakit belakang dan sakit bahu tu lah saya. Aduhhh.. sakitnya tak terkata.. Jumpa GP tadi kat uni, boleh dia kata dia tak sure internal ke or external... Aduhaiii...ni jadi doctor dari university mana nih? hehehe ( tak la gurau je.. ye la, mata dia bukan ada x-ray kan..) betul la procedure dia, dia tak sure, so dia prescribe ubat, suruh makan, dia kata kalau tak baik, datang balik, dia nak hantar ke HOSPITAL AWAM FLINDErs hehe buat x-ray and stuff..

Jadi apa kena mengenanya sakit belakang dgn nutella? hehehe Tadi stress dah tahap Gaban ! sakit bahu dan belakang nak buat kerja pun tak boleh, nak minta urut sikit, sapa yang nak urut kan? bubuh la minyak minyak mustajab sendiri, Jadi lah, lega sikit, tapi tak lama, sekejap je...pastu sakit balik, tu yang stress tuh.. Teringat pulak kat Nutella.. Sorry, i ate it straight from the Jar hehehehe Spoon licking good ! hahaha sila maafkan saya..

okay now i feel better...although bahu tetap sakit lah...but i can feel it la, its internal, pasal masa kat Zumba class tadi, tak sakit pun msa movement..sikit pun tak terjejas...

ok, comfort food dah dapat, mari kita sambung kerjaa !!!

11 July, 2011


i am not suppose to be blogging.. hehehe, I am suppose to be writting my Thesis !!!!
BUt i decided to take a break early, my break is suppose to start in 15 minutes, coz thats when i get to rest and watch TeenWolf on 7.

My back hurts, My shoulder and neck is screaming for  massage, my brain says it's enough and my eyes says it wanna sleep.. but my heart says, it wanna blog !! hehehehe ( don't be scared guys, I havent gone crazy yet..)

i dun have anything to write pun, but saja seronok je.. Teringin nak makan cekodok pisang, Pisang pulak mahal di pasaran. The price of banana went up high after the queensland flood earlier of the year. They said, the price will be back to normal in august. That's when the stocks came in. I hope so... Teringin nak makan cucoq udang, tapi i dun dare do deep frying stuff. it's a personal thingy.. me and deepfrying, or where minyak goes splater arround, dun go together, although i still love cooking. Sometimes i pretended I am brave and i fight the fear, and the reward is either over cooked cucoq or undercooked cucoq. jadi lah, nak lepaskan teringin hehehe...sebab itu lah, nuggets, popia, chips, wedges, fish fingers, all goes into the oven with a coat of olive oil spray hehehehe...but u can't do that with cucoq kan... Dulu ada la housemate yang suka buat cucuq, tapi dia dah balik Malaysia dah.. hehehe

Teringin nak makan kari ikan mcm mak punya, tak de serbuk kari ikan pulak.. haihhh mcm mcm la kan...ye la, hari hari makan nasi goreng, bihun goreng, spageti goreng, sandwich tuna, sandwich telur, Bosan beb !!!  Tapi makan la jugak kan, beggars are not choosers..

Puasa is approaching, so i need to stock up my fridge so that nanti tak de la terkejar kejar nak masak , Magrib will be at 5 something where office also finishes at 5. so tak de la terkejar kejar nak balik awal utk masak. I dun expect much for Puasa or Raya. I am glad and blessed with what i have.. Tak pe lah, kalau berbuka sorang soran kat office pun, ;) ada hikmahnya kan... and i am recycling my baju raya from 2007, which is my baju konvo MBA, baju raya for 2007, and baju raya for 2008 and baju pakai pi event housing, and i am re usinging it for this year's raya, it still looks good, the colour is still like what it is when i bought the material.The beading is fine and in place.. I was thingking worth paying the price for the material and paying nancy for sewing such intricate baju. (baju konvo la katakan for that time hehehe...) Nancy  turned us down by not wanting to take the risk to sew the baju hahaha.... but mak told her don't give up, she can do it and she did, and guess what, my aunt wanted the same design and asked nancy to sew for her this year for the sons wedding. Nancy sure pening kepala at that time heheehe...I can still remember nancy's word when the baju is finally ready coz both me and my mom had the same thing done "Please do not bring me this kind of material and such design again okay... I have tough time sleeping at night thinking of your baju.. i am so affraid Okay !!!" hahaha.. but she did good !

okay okay, i will allow myself to stop babling now... i will go to bed already..

night night !!

Somewhere only we know

Somewhere only we know

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete
Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

Oh simple thing where have you gone
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

And if you have a minute why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go
Somewhere only we know?

10 July, 2011


I watched this yesterday...

Well, u can read about the movie on the link above, okay. Although its a comedy, it thought me a lot actually.

I kinda miss my sister. It reminds me of how and all that we went through during her wedding preparation, and the point of letting go of something that you had like since Birth hehehe My sister is my bestfriends, we shared rooms since we were kids up till before she got married. God knows how lost I am after she got married and move out of the house and stay interstate.

And then, my best friends got married one by one. Although I told myself i wouldn't miss it, but I did !. Dina's akad was 2 days before my Compensation Exam back in my BBA days. I went to the akad and I didn't for her reception the next day which was a dinner reception at Dewan Merak Kayangan FELDA. Yeah, I was Lost too after she got Married hehehe.. I think I got lost issues hehehe... Then Liana got Married, I missed it too because i was already in Adelaide by then.

Well, it's not easy to handle the "let go"... Not that i am being selfish, I perfectly understand that they are now married and that they have new responsibilities on their shoulders.It's hard to admit that hings are never going to be the same anymore... You can't simply call them for a chat without making appointments hehehe You can't simply call them instantly to share a good news or bad news, or if u feel like crying when someone broke your heart or say mean things to you. And the fact that they also have new sets of friends that are more suitable to their environment. All that's left is just YOU.. crumbling down alone.. unmarried, getting old and stuck being a student and all that's left is your parents to go out for a movie or theater shows ( is that too cruel? no? )

Well, I am happy for them, of course and lets just always be happy for them and InsyallAh, may ALLAH bless them and always shower them with happiness, Our Rezeki in life lies in ALLAH's hand.. Let's just let ALLAH do the job now, why don't we...

I miss you guys so much !!!! 

09 July, 2011

30 Day Challenge

Well, it's no longer 30 days since i started the challenge huhuhuhu.. But i'l continue

Question 12 : Your Thought or opinion on Harry Potter

Answer :

pics from here

I was introduced to Harry Potter by my cousins. The whole siblings ( the cousins I mean) are all into Harry Potter, including the father and Mother...Yes Amir, its your family I am talking about here hehehe

I then started buying Harry Potter books but up till only number 3 which is the HP and the prizoners of the Azkaban

itu pun I didn't managed to finish my number 3 book apatah lagi nak sambung yang number 4, 5, 6, and 7 which i didn't even have the chance to buy or read.

that's how my collection would look like if it's complete hehehe.. but i only have the first three which are the not that thick hehehe

I remembered watching Harry Potter the Chambers of Secrets with my then, very young cousins and their cousins, its amazing how we could squeeze Farah, Diana, Muna, Ehsan, Farhan, Me and my Sis into one car and went to watch in BUkit Raja hehehehe... everyone was so tiny back then that we could manage to squeeze into a kancil.

Well, i think Harry Potter is a cool series of books, but its a shame i still havent got the chance to read all the remaining books. There will always be something to be in the middle of me and  these stry books, ot only HP books, but the other novels as well... Sigh... i miss reading Danielle Steel's, Cecilia Ahern's ( i tried to read Cecilia Ahern's novel in 2007 after completing my MBA but cant afford to finish it coz i was tied up with my PhD proposal and till now, the book is still like the book on the shelve.)

Nasib baik ada movie so tak tertinggal heehehe...For now, i can't wait to watch the second part of part 7.


I don't want to talk about what's happening way back home...It's Daunting... Let alone with all the comments on Facebook... it makes me upset... Reading all the comments by friends made me somehow felt different. Of course The pros and their Pros... And the cons with their  YA ALLAH, mcm ni ke korang sebenarnya.. cons comments.. Sedih.. Upset... i dunno what to say...

I grew up in a different kind of environment, brought up in different kind of way ( my mom once said she's happy raising us the way her father had raised her and her siblings, although it sometimes make us go CRAZY, but i thank my mom for following my grandfather's way...Al-Fatihah to my dear grandfather whom i didn't get to meet because he pass away looong before i was born at the age of 70 somethinng, i was told..), as a kid, i was told i am "Anak Dr Mahathir".. Of course, me being a 5 yr old, adores Dr M, proudly and happily riding on Dad's proton saga feeling blessed and happy being "Anak Dr Mahathir" without knowing what it really means. I still do adores him now.. The best ever kot...;)  It was during my late teenage year that things started to turn Ugly... Okay, i dun wanna talk about it because my Malaysia was never the same again. It's Sad okay... When i was a kid, i saw people rioting, doing their street rallies, it was people from other countries, as shown on dunia Jam 10 on TV1, And today, i still see sch things on TV and sadly to see that it's my own people from my beloved country.. and with friends on facebook showing off their "air", aihhhhh..... all i can say, I love Malaysia, but My Malaysia is never the same... Things changes... sama lah mcm hati... Walaupun kita sayang, tapi bila keadaan dah tak sama, mcm mana?....entahlah...

Okay, like i said, i dun intend to talk about what's happening in our country, I could be in big trouble if i do... BIG TROUBLE i tell you. I just wanna share some of the coincidence that happened to me today hehe... Well u guys knows that the thing that's happening and they even have a theme colour for it.. That's the interesting part.

Early in the morning, Kak Hanim pick me up and off we go to Blackwood's Lion's Bargain. Kak Hanim's sofa from lions bargain are to be delivered today. So after sofa being delivered, i accompanied her to Noarlunga Shopping Centre to get some stuff and she wanted to distress at the beach. Off we go. When i got back home, I started cleaning up the house. I managed  the garbage, sweep-ed the floor, vacuumed the floor and the stairs, Mopped the floor, wiped the kitchen tops and hot plate and Hey presto, my house is squeaky clean. My housemate is not arround so its easy to clean everything or else she'd ask me " Are you stressed?" in which i am kinda is... hehehe.... one funny thing that i actually wanted to share apart from all the story above  is that, while i was washing my plates and pots in the sink, i realized that my dishwasher sponge is YELLOW in color, i smiled and continued washing, then while i was wiping the kithchen tops, i realized that the JIF washcloth ( my kain buruk is JIF hehehe) is also YELLOW... by now, i chuckled and continue wiping. And then, when i was about to start mixing my portion of multi purpose cleaner liquid  and water in a pail, grabbed my floor cleaner ( like the mop thingy but its not theusual mop), you can guess by now, what colour is the multi purpose cleaner liquid and also the Pail and also the mop thingy.... Duhhhh.... i laugh looking at the coincidental thingy.. i finished up mopping wash everything off and took a mug, poured myself some Farmer's Union and took a sip with Arnott's Lemon Crips biscuits... then i burst out into laugh... My mug is YELLOW and the Lemon Crisp cream is also YELLOW  !!!! 

So yeah, I cleaned up my house with a whole lot of Yellow colored equipments today... Such a coincidental thingy huh? That's what i wanted to share about..

LOL !!! 

08 July, 2011

Come as You are

I Don't have a Gun, 

This was introduced by my Sister in the 90's hehehe She is a Nirvana Fan ;)