27 July, 2008

Hello Adelaide

i arrived in adelaide early morning on the 24th of July. it was 6.20 am local time. ( local means adelaide he..he...since i am in adelaide rite now...) it was arround 4 or 5 am in Malaysia. It was freezing that morning. the run was just rising up. I am not sure of the temperature though.

so many things to do but i have settled in into my townhouse. i have set up the internet connection yet since i haven't start living there yet. I am now in Adelaide city spending the weekends before i start work on tuesday.

Till then....

will sambung more later ;-p


Halwafy said...

glad you've settled down so quickly...what kind of work are u doing??


What's luv gotta do ? said...

my work is reading journals and text books he..he.. for my PhD thesis