31 August, 2009

Dah Jumpa dah...

3. I managed to track back old friends from primary and secondary schools i went last time. A whole bunch of them from different states. Primary school friends ( which we went for form 1 together too) in Terengganu, ( i still haven't got Fadli Che Mat who always tease me and everyone else in class. He used to call me "Red Indian" becoz he said i look like indian and half of my face is red kihkihkih...). My Melaka girls, My Johorians and my Shah Alam peeps. And it's all Facebook punya hal.

The above statement was taken from one of the ramblings tengah malam posting which I posted a few post away. before i proceed with the real story, i have a few things nak ramble dulu

1. Diam tak diam dah seminggu kita umat islam berpuasa. Alhamdulillah, semuanya okay. Idok le teman mengidam nak makan yang bukan bukan hehehe... semuanya within reachable la so far. DAh dua kali dah beriftar kat CC. Minggu pertama meriah dgn Mee Bandung, Tom Yam, kuih sagu, kek pandan lina and food dari friends from Iran and pakistan ( walaupun fruit salad je hehehe). Second week, Meriah dgn Roti Canai, Kuah parpu, Kuah Dalca, Mee Rebus and Nadia's one of a kind dessert. To me iftar mcm ni meriah giler coz smua orang pun masak dgn hati yang ikhlas,bersih dan suci untuk makan bersama sama.

2. Malaysia dah pun 52 tahun merdeka dan kita anak anak malaysia yang lahir selepas merdeka dan kita tak rasa betapa payahnya nak membela negara dari penjajah. ( teringat cerita bukit kepong dan Hati malaya.) Walaupun kita tak rasa susah payah mcm zaman dulu dulu, tapi kita pun kena ada jiwa merdeka jugak. hehehe... Tak pe lah, i dunno how to say this but i think , what i am doing now, being here, is my part of contribution towards the nation. ( nama pun guna duit kerajaan Malaysia kan....=) hehehehe )

3. I realised that i have become worst..... in terms of memory, short term memory loss, headache yang sesuka hati je nak datang ( tak tau nak kata headache ke tak coz the pain is behind the eyes..) Mcm kelakar pun ada jugak, dah at the stage od doing PhD, baru merasa sakit kepala mcm ni... Layak lah kot, umur pun dah makin meningkat. Bak kata kak nita, esok nak turn 30 nanti, lagi macam macam perubahan rasa... hmm... mcm ni kalau, i will wait for next year tgk apa akan jadi hehhehe.... as the conclusion for this part, boleh rasa berapa bnyk neuron yang dah hilang nih....

4. Quoting the above from the previous posting ( aik... apsal mcm thesis je bunyi nya ni.....hehehehe) Ada reason sebenarnya kenapa i quote that part. Esp with the Fadli Che Mat punya part tu...
Guess What????
FINALLY !!!!! , dah jumpa dah si Fadli kat facebook. Kind of seronok jugak la hehehehe.... Boleh dia tanya, ingat dia lagi tak? Mau nnya tak ingat... kahkahkah, sempat lagi dia buat lawak antarabangsa dia tu hehehehe ....bila dah tua mcm ni, and teringat zaman darjah 6, lawak giler...

5. Husna, sila Tido sekarang, malam bukan semakin muda....bak kata orang kat library " The library is now closing, Please make your way to the exit, Thank you"
So, Husna "Please make your way to the bed..Thank You"


29 August, 2009


I wrote this a few nights ago...

"Nadiaaa !!!" As i called nadia, knocked and opened her door, " Tau tak merdeka thn ni yang ke berapa? Boleh tak.. i tak ingat..."
" 52 " Nadia replied with gelak
" Ok...Tq." Then i gelak kot...OMG ! i can't remember what my response was...( Ya rabbi... awat teruk sangat ni ? Lately ni syndrome Mak Tam makin menjadi jadi...Bahaya sungguh.. Tadi, I went totally blank when my cousin smsed me and asked me "Ooo... u tak online pun today,bz?" I isuddenly lupa what i did the whole of today...Aiseh... tak pe lah, now i wan to story about MERDEKA first...hehehe)

Yeah, i dunno tahun ke berapa Malaysia dah Merdeka thn ni.. Its not that i dun care but it slip off my mind.. Two years spending Merdeka abroad. Actually memang tak de difference pun dgn years before masa spend Merdeka in shah alam.Kalau ada difference pun, sini tak de bunga api segala kan.. kalau kat shah alam, duduk kat porch leh nampak bunga Api di bandaraya shah alam tu... But that's not all about Merdeka..Penghayatan kena ada...

The last time i really celebrated Merdeka with full Spirit was when i was 17, in School. I wrote a poem about merdeka and read it out in front of the whole school kat dewan. That was my one and only time 'public appearance' in school ( as i am a very budak penakut masa sekolah). But the semangat Merdeka was there that year.

The next year which was 1998,I started Uni already. And since the last 10 years, 80 percent of Merdeka days were spent in CLASSROOM. The only time i didn't have class during Merdeka was during my BBA days. But when i was doing DIA and BAcc, Asal Merdeka je, mesti ada kelas ganti. Kelas Account pulak tu..Eeeiii... How i dun like that subject hehehe...ANd my dad will bising " apa ni, merdeka day pun ada CLass jugak ka?" Yes Dad... ada. And my Dad pun will always tak agree with Uitm having exam on Sundays especially when His SUnday is to be spent with us, anak anak dia hehehehe....

Walau apapun, sebusy mana pun, ( i am super duper busy right now.. Kepala otak dah sakit macam nak Pecah dah ni, bukan otak je sakit, Badan, belakang smua pun sakit hehehe... ) because i love Malaysia, Kata lah apa pun yang buruk pasal Malaysia, Bodohland, Bolehland, ye memang saya sedar, kat Malaysia, memang ada segala gala benda, Yang pelik, yang jelik, yang best, yang tak best... apa apa je la... Kita tetap orang malaysia.. dalam Passport dah tertulis kita ni orang Malaysia. Busuk-busuk pun, Malaysialah tempat kita...Atleast Malaysia ada 1 season je..dan tak de pollen segala hehehe...( walaupun tak leh pakai Crocs Nadia kat Malaysia kan... hehehe). Pedulikan all the political thingy... ( aiyoo i lupa what i want to write olredi laa...teruknyaaa tahap memory kepala otak ni, nak kena upgrade and tambah Ram ni...)


tak pe lah... yang penting,



photo from here

Oh ye, time time ni lah nak tgk, ingat ke tak rukun negara kita...hehehe....


Maka kami rakyat Malaysia
berikrar akan menumpukan seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut berdasarkan atas prinsip-prinsip yang berikut:
  • Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
  • Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara
  • Keluhuran Perlembagaan
  • Kedaulatan Undang-undang
  • Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

26 August, 2009

Luv's story

LOVE STORY by Taylor Swift

We were both young when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.

See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.
See you make your way through the crowd
and say hello;

Little did I know
That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."
And I was crying on the staircase,
begging you, 'Please, don't go.'"

And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'"

So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew.
So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while.
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet,"
But you were everything to me; I was begging you, 'Please, don't go,'"

And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'

Romeo save me - they're tryin' to tell me how to feel;
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid; we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story - baby just say "Yes.'"

Oh, oh.

I got tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever comin' around.
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town,

And I said,
"Romeo save me - I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you but you never come.
Is this in thy head? I don't know what to think-"

He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,
"Marry me, Juliet - you'll never have to be alone.
I love you and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad - go pick out a white dress;
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'"

Oh, oh. Oh, oh.

'Cause we were both young when I first saw you...

This, according to my Kak long is my 3 year old niece's favourite song. Yeah she sang this on the phone to me the other day...and its cute... =).

While Adnin will grow up and remember this song as her first few favourite song, it reminded me about mine... cuba teka apa tajuk lagu itu ?


wahhh... kecik kecik lagi ni..., mana faham meaning of the song...kihkihkih.....

24 August, 2009

sesuatu untuk di kongsi...

Mari kita beramai ramai membaca papan tanda di lapangan terbang ( seperti di dalam gambar diatas)

Agak-agak, di negeri manakan terletaknya lapangan terbang yang mempunyai papan tanda sebegini rupa...?

Tuan penghulu Alimi, sila jawab...


Anybody 'Lapa peruk' ? Sabar ye, belum waktu berbuka lagi ye.....lepah make, buleh gi 'musolla' wat terawikh deh...

Akhir kata, kawe nok 'prekso dale' dulu.... 'Kapa trebe nak belepah' dah ni, 'kalau nok tanyo gapo', buleh ke kaunter ye....Assalamualaikum dan 'Slamak Jale'....

Pemberitahuan : Gambar di atas di perolehi dari ruangan lawak dan jenaka di sebuah ruangan forum yang tidak kurang popular. Tulisan adalah rekaan penulis yang kepala tak berapa nak betul =)

23 August, 2009

HikMaH KeMbArA - mirWaNa

Hikmah Kembara

Album : Hikmah Kembara
Munsyid : Mirwana

Di sini kau berdiri
berpijak di bumi
menjunjung langit yang luas
Pernahkah kau berfikir
alam penuh rahsia
anugerah yang maha esa

melihat kebesaran tuhan
yang diciptakan untuk
mereka yang berfikir
dan bersyukur di atas nikmat
dan kurnianya
nilai harganya,iman dan taqwa
bagi hamba yang setia

Tiada beza warna,kulit atau rupa
yang ada hanya insan yang lemah
dengan satu tujuan mencari keredhaan
dan berbudi di bumi tuhan

Fikirkanlah..dimana arah kita
Renungilah..hikmah kembara
menuju kasih
buktikan cinta kita..
ini kembara kita

Berjalan dan bermusafirlah
untuk melihat kebesarannya
lantas berfikir dan bersyukur
diatas nikmat dan kurnianya
nilai harganya iman dan taqwa
bagi hamba yag setia

Ps/ : Check out Faizal Tahir at 2.25 hehehehe...

21 August, 2009

Pengishtiharan Penyimpan Mohor Besar

HIKks !!!!!



Awat la yang dok sronok sangat ni? Apa Pasai?

Ekceli, Tak dak pa pun..

Seronok dapat tgk ni je....

(with a big grin ......)

19 August, 2009

Pain-Pain Go away.....

My day started kinda late today. Had Massive headache that came out of nowhere. I had never had this kind of headache before ( dunno whether its called headache or not..) . It felt like my right eyeballs and those behind it are being squashed, mashed UurrrgggHH... painful..yet irritating. I did my laser yesterday but the pain has nothing to do with my laser thingy...As i said, had never had this kind of headache before.

Took Panadol Actifast but for some reason, this time it doesn't act that fast like usual. Leaves me lying on my bed baca ayat kursi and 3 bismilah. Habis, dah sakit sangat... Later En Talib called to ask if i know Marian CLinic's fon number. So i called Dalilah, Atie and asked Nadia, kita smua pun tak de number tu hehehe.. slalu pi GP kat Uni je. Then Dalilah bg the name of the clinic and suruh i google dulu coz she's not at home ( number ada kat rmh). All of a suddden rasa mcm nak vomit. So i went to the toilet.(Okay... Too M uch Info..hehehe) Lepas tu, Google la the clinic and I smsed the number to en talib.

After that, the pain is like unmanageable/ unbearable lagi dah. kalau sakit kat surface, boleh la kita pegang, ni tak tau mana nak pegang coz sakit kat dalam hehehe..... I took another round of panadol and went to bed forcing myself to sleep.... Pain pain go away... please.... i've got to finish my paper now...

When i opened my eyes arround 3, the pain is gone.. Wait till i get out of Bed... WHOOO.....the pain is still there but just a little. Its there on and off.. I really wonder what causes the pain.

As at this moment, i can still feel the thumping inside my head behind the eyes but its just once in a while lar...

Okey, Now can continue do work...

after a dose of Serendipity's Belgian White CHoc Ice Cream.....Wooohoooo....
this OH SO DELICIOUS babe is Australian Made and Halal....Yeeeeeeeeeeepiess!!!!!!
Me and Nadia got so excited yesterday after discovering the halal-ness of this ice cream. We will come back for more, Hiks !!! =)

Yeah, I got sudden crave to eat Ice Cream and Nadia took me to Foodland ( the mighty South Aussie, Yeahh !!!) Since Pimpam Pengpot is in my care this few days (Mirul went to Brisbane for his research) we took Pimpam Pengpot to FoodLand for a spin anyway to heat up the engine.

15 August, 2009



Battlefield - Jordin Sparks

Don't try to explain your mind
I know what's happening here
One minute, it's love
And, suddenly, it's like a battlefield

One word turns into a
Why is it the smallest things that tear us down
My world's nothing when you're gone
I'm out here without a shield - can't go back, now

Both hands tied behind my back for nothing, oh, no
These times when we climb so fast to fall, again
Why we gotta fall for it, now...

I never meant to start a war
You know, I never wanna hurt you
Don't even know we're fighting for
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
Why does love always feel like

Can't swallow our pride
Neither of us wanna raise that flag, mmm
If we can't surrender
Then, we're both gonna lose we have, oh, no

Both hands tied behind my back for nothing (nothing), oh, no
These times when we climb so fast to fall, again
I don't wanna fall for it, now...

I never meant to start a war
You know, I never wanna hurt you
Don't even know we're fighting for
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
Better go and get your armor (get your armor), get your armor (get your armor)
I guess you better go and get your armor (get your armor), get your armor (get your armor)
I guess you better go and get your

We could pretend that we are friends, tonight (oh)
And, in the morning, we wake up, and we'd be alright
'Cause, baby, we don't have to fight
And I don't want this love to feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
I guess you better go and get your armor...

I never meant to start a war
You know, I never wanna hurt you
Don't even know we're fighting for
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield, a battlefield
I guess you better go and get your armor (get your armor), get your armor (get your armor)
I guess you better go and get your armor (get your armor), get your armor (get your armor)
Why does love always feel like (oh, oh)
Why does love always feel like a battlefield, a battlefield

I never meant to start a war
Don't even know what we're fighting for
I never meant to start a war
Don't even know what we're fighting for...

this one is kinda cute

12 August, 2009

Roller coaster

Stuck on a roller coaster

Can't get off this ride

Locker BerBaya

To : baya =p

Baya is the one in white tudung. pic taken masa MBA in BM 101, tgh buat Prof Maimunah punya HRM article review masa ni after Me , Pia and Malek habis shooting video " the do's and don'ts of attending an interview" for HRM class.

And this is my All time fav joke for Baya.....

Jgn Marah ye Baya... nanti skuna balik Malaysia,

kita pi makan kat Ani SUp Utara and Minum 'AIr Baju' sampai Baya pengsan ek... hehehehehe....



11 August, 2009

Rambling tgh malam....

Not able to sleep tonite although i am gonna start really really early tomorrow ...Backache,Tummy 'Rumbling', Too much inside Mr Otak.... <--- contributing factors of not being able to sleep..

1. I started taking loop bus to uni instead of pakai mask and use the usual route to Uni. Depart at Sturt Campus which is 2 min walk from the townhouse. Keeps all the pollen away from me resulting in Sneeze free husna. hehehehe....

2. I haven't been cooking a lot or have a decent dinner like usual with my housemate,Nadia. Kebanyakkan kali pun Nadia yang masak. I kinda stay back in my office lately and went home like a little bit late than usual. So dinner is kinda pre-packed salami sandwhich or instant from the WHOLEFOOD STORE or sometimes balik rumah baru makan. I kinda tak berapa takut walking alone at night kat bridge tu dah. Insyallah di lindungi Allah. Harus la kena berani kan...,

3. I managed to track back old friends from primary and secondary schools i went last time. A whole bunch of them from different states. Primary school friends ( which we went for form 1 together too) in Terengganu, (
i still haven't got Fadli Che Mat who always tease me and everyone else in class. He used to call me "Red Indian" becoz he said i look like indian and half of my face is red kihkihkih...). My Melaka girls, My Johorians and my Shah Alam peeps. And it's all Facebook punya hal.

4. I am kinda still not over the fact that 3 of my cousins had miscarriage in a row. One of my blogger friend had a miscarriage too at 6 months of pregnancy carrying twin boys. I cried reading hers and her husband's blog. Yeah I know it's Kuasa ALLAH. Hari ni Allah bagi, esok, Allah tarik balik. Yeah...sometimes, Allah kurniakan kita nikmat tu sekejap je....Only Allah knows best.But i was so happy to get the news that somebody's pregnant...Congratulations to that somebody

5.Made a decision about life and ..... it is not something to be proud off , neither do i am ... haaihhh.... The hangover of the decision making lasted for a few days. I can't remember crying (i didn't cry pun actually) but I guess, kalau ini jalan yang Allah tentukan, I redha.... The path has been chosen and i wish 'those people' knows the real deal before accusing people for being "tak sedar di untung" or tiba tiba nak terus jatuhkan hukuman without knowing anything.

6. Having my nose bleed is becoming somewhat like a routine each day, nowadays. Starts with thumping like feeling in the forehead before the blood comes dripping down.

7. I found Jaqueline Pascarl's 'Once i was a Princess" at the library. Jaqueline Pascarl is the ex-wife of Raja Bahrin, a prince from Terengganu who smuggled their children ( Iddin and Shahirah) from Australia to Malaysia through Irian Jaya in 1992. I am reading her book besides reading 1927 J.H. Richardson's book on Minimum Wages. ( keith, my supervisor told me that he also uses that book to do his thesis in 1959......1959 . ...... and here i am in 2009, as his supervisee, found that book in the library and will also be using it in the thesis..... i think it's cool)

8. I think i better go force myself to sleep now...

08 August, 2009

Assalamualaikum Part 2 =)


I am still


with my papers =(

and I am allergic to

which makes me

so they say it's best to stay


rather than

this is my every day route to uni/office

But, how to go to


kalau stay

So, kena la pakai...


or naik

loop bus

kat sturt building.

Last but not least, this week, i not only broke someone's

but, i also

broke my glasses...

I broke one last week, but i ada back up pair, now, I broke my back up pair...


04 August, 2009



Good morning,
what a beautiful morning...
a cold one....

I am actually....

All the stuff to be completed.........

With the nose ...........

that leaves me....

But, it's okay coz i got...

And I quit listening to

Coz it makes me

And i switched back to


and not to forget Sheikh Al Ghamdi's......

Coz they make me

(for the time being....)


And this cutie....

Cute Sparta...

Mean Kitty by Corry "MrSafety" Williams

Bring back a



To the question in your life,
You are the ANSWER,
To the problem in your life,
You are the SOLUTION....

Boleh mcm tu?


01 August, 2009


I was kinda having " Minda tak stabil " moment that buat apa pun tak jadi... Pegang benda pun boleh jatuh pecah berderai, Handfon bunyi, tersalah tekan butang ... hishhh....ish ish ish....., Spec yang tak de hal pun boleh patah..Handfon jatuh pecah berderai, Pegang cawan pun boleh jatuh habis tumpah air...Nasib baikk tak pecaaahhh cawan kucing Maxwell and Williams tuu....( Noooooo....). Nak kena mandi bunga ke agak agak? Tak tau laa....

After leaving the charity Ball early, ( Nadia kena tunggu lagi coz dia RC hehehehe...) when i reached home, ketidak stabilan minda semakin menjadi jadi. Lebih lebih lagi setelah di tanyakan soalan cepumas bernilai sejuta rupee oleh Farzana ( dia kan dari bangladesh).... Soalan yang di tanya makes me CHoked and ........ erkkk......... Aduhai... kenapalah tanya soalan mcm tu... ( kalau anime, mesti ada garis garis kat muka husna plus mata jadi bujur ke tepi....) =p

To stabilize my minda, ( idok leh tahap sampai kena masak...) i decided to reorganize my wardrobe. Layaaaan tu angkat baju, lipat baju, simpan baju, tukar tempat yang ni ke sana, yang sana ke sini.. hehehehe.

i realised that i have each of my family members stuff with me here in Adelaide.

Farhan's hand me down Sarawak Tshirt and Swarzenbarch 3 quarter pants yang dia pakai masa form 5 ( handed down to me coz sluar tu sedap pakai..), 2 of Farhan's SEED shirt yang dia dah tak muat coz he put on weight ( yes, i do have men's clothing in my wardrobe and its comfy pakai men's clothing..Most of farhan's stuff are handed down to me coz dia put on weight.)

Mak's Favourite polkadot black and white tudung Donatello, Mak's Burberry's winter jacket, Mak's knitted sweat shirt ( for me to wear during winter) yang almost as old as me...

Ba's Polo Knitted V neck ( for me to wear during winter)

Kak long
My sister's Baju kelawar batik celorong celoreng.

Lengkap... smua orang punya benda ada.... Bila tgk benda benda ni smua while reorganizing, i smiled thinking or Farhan and his hand me down to me ( anak no 2, biasala dapat benda second hand ni.. masa kecik, hand me down dari kakak, bila dah besar, hand me down dari adik...well, farhan got good clothes and stuff... kalau kaki satu saiz, lagi best kalau dapat kasut dia...he got good taste with kasut too...). Teringat kat Mak and Ba, entah apa yang depa dok buat kat rumah tu, Mak probably, dah terlena depan TV coz she will always nak tgk Astro punya drama la, cerekarama la, but ended up TV yang tengok dia hehehehe... Kak Long's probably tgh busy melayan Mak Mertua, Shafina, Pian and baby Arfan yang dah balik for good from UK.

Tetiba hilang semua celaru kejap.... Alhamdulillah.....

In the end, after reorganizing,

Baju / Tudung kaler Hitam, masyallah, ! .......... baju kaler lain pulak ? ler banyak ni je...?


-Layan je la, orang minda tak stabil ni menceceh tengah tengah Malam yang sejuk dan tak berapa nak sepi ( coz the students kat ball kat CC tu dok bising tak abih...)-