19 August, 2009

Pain-Pain Go away.....

My day started kinda late today. Had Massive headache that came out of nowhere. I had never had this kind of headache before ( dunno whether its called headache or not..) . It felt like my right eyeballs and those behind it are being squashed, mashed UurrrgggHH... painful..yet irritating. I did my laser yesterday but the pain has nothing to do with my laser thingy...As i said, had never had this kind of headache before.

Took Panadol Actifast but for some reason, this time it doesn't act that fast like usual. Leaves me lying on my bed baca ayat kursi and 3 bismilah. Habis, dah sakit sangat... Later En Talib called to ask if i know Marian CLinic's fon number. So i called Dalilah, Atie and asked Nadia, kita smua pun tak de number tu hehehe.. slalu pi GP kat Uni je. Then Dalilah bg the name of the clinic and suruh i google dulu coz she's not at home ( number ada kat rmh). All of a suddden rasa mcm nak vomit. So i went to the toilet.(Okay... Too M uch Info..hehehe) Lepas tu, Google la the clinic and I smsed the number to en talib.

After that, the pain is like unmanageable/ unbearable lagi dah. kalau sakit kat surface, boleh la kita pegang, ni tak tau mana nak pegang coz sakit kat dalam hehehe..... I took another round of panadol and went to bed forcing myself to sleep.... Pain pain go away... please.... i've got to finish my paper now...

When i opened my eyes arround 3, the pain is gone.. Wait till i get out of Bed... WHOOO.....the pain is still there but just a little. Its there on and off.. I really wonder what causes the pain.

As at this moment, i can still feel the thumping inside my head behind the eyes but its just once in a while lar...

Okey, Now can continue do work...

after a dose of Serendipity's Belgian White CHoc Ice Cream.....Wooohoooo....
this OH SO DELICIOUS babe is Australian Made and Halal....Yeeeeeeeeeeepiess!!!!!!
Me and Nadia got so excited yesterday after discovering the halal-ness of this ice cream. We will come back for more, Hiks !!! =)

Yeah, I got sudden crave to eat Ice Cream and Nadia took me to Foodland ( the mighty South Aussie, Yeahh !!!) Since Pimpam Pengpot is in my care this few days (Mirul went to Brisbane for his research) we took Pimpam Pengpot to FoodLand for a spin anyway to heat up the engine.


Aizan Suhaira said...

Headaches, like men, are a mystery.

But it does sound like you had a bad migraine.

Take care, Hope you're feeling better now.

iamreallyregretwithwhatihavedonechumichikiboom said...

Take care kak husna... Get well soon.. =).

With love,

What's luv gotta do ? said...

Aizan, after a lot of sleep, its better now.. I baru tau, this is what migrane feels like ey.... Tq =)

Tenkius veri nice...
translation : Thank You Very Much