19 October, 2009

Hammock Vs Katil

Puteh's Cage dah uzur sangat sangat so i decided to get a new 'house' for her. While at David's Pet shop kat section 17,i saw this cool looking hammock and bought it as well. Not for Puteh but for Belle's 3 storey bungalow hehehehe....

So, we fixed the Hammock in the cage...

Belum pandai duduk dalam Hammock.. Duduk bawah hammock la pulak...

Okay, dah pandai lepak, tapi sekejap je

Yang ni bijak... Bravo Belle...Tido lena sampai pagi...

Tapi, bagi Pingu, Hammock tetap tak leh lawan Katil Husna laa....

Waduh waduh... kaler dah nak sama dgn bedsheet and pillow case smua..

Pingu and kawan, Blue hyppo =p

1 comment:

thewisekid said...

i better not let Dexter see this hammock!!
*hiding the lappy so Dex can't even have a peak!*
