29 December, 2009

Penangan Kari Ikan Mak

i just had Mak's Kari poured over cream crakers yang di pecah pecahkan for tea hehehehehe... Mak masak Kari ikan using the rempah from Penang and also her kuali baru beli kat Little India in Penang hehehehehe...

Nanti balik Adelaide, tak jumpa dah Kari mcm ni, harapkan nak buat sendiri, tak sama macam air tangan ibu hehehehe.....

Actually, I have a lot of unposted post or unpublished stories that are still not posted. Entahlah, I love to write and share a piece of my mind, however, I kept saving them instead.
Sudahnya, Blog pun tak update. I dunno la...  Bila habis je tulis, instead of posting i'll just save it.

Tak pe lah, when it's time, then it's time lah.... 

Oh ya, I met Nadia last week. She came to Shah Alam to go to rumah Aunty Intan. Aunty Intan buat tudung sarung ( i refuse to call it tudung ikin for some reasons hehehehehe.. ye la, bukan tudung tu Ikin yang buat, bukan jenama tudung tu IKIN pun kan..hehehehehehe). Next week, Nana adik Nadia's wedding.

2009 is ending soon,.... and there goes my twenties... hehehehehehhe and i dun feel like umur dah meningkat pun coz i am still like this. Orang lain, dah berhusband, anak dah seorang dua, kita masih dok mcm ni jugak hehehehehehe....

As i am writing this, ada cerita Balqis kat TV3. The story is kinda interesting, but i dun watch it pun. Kenapa tak tengok? yeah, dulu layan gak Nur Kasih and Puteri BUnian tu.. after that, dah tak tgk any drama dah. Well, the reason tak tengok is because tak berkenan kat one of the watak in Balqis... dari zaman dulu kala memang tak berkenan tgk that fella berlakon, tak payahlah di nyatakan lelaki atau perempuan, handsome atau cantik tara mana pun,  tapi memang tak berkenan lah. Orang lain pun berlakon drama jugak, but this fella mcm entah, nak kata over ke, under ke, walaupun watak dia kena naya ke, watak baik ke, i can't terima hehehehe ( kesian, tak pasal pasal membebel pasal actor or actress tu ehehehehehe)

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