25 June, 2010

it's your love

i hav loads of things to blog about... Frankly speaking, it all stopped when i was in Beijing. I couldn't access the Blogspot or Facebook from there when the internet at the hotel was FREE.. hehehe actually it's RMB10 per hour but the conference attendees get it for free during the stay at the hotel. Tak pe lah... nak wat cemana kan hehehehe...

After China, Kak Long and Abg Asrul came with their kids. Hav loads of fun with the kids and the toys we bought them.Aqeel is a big boy already.. How time flies... Aunty Lurve je yang mcm Aunty Lurve lagi hehehehe...

Oh ya, i sprained my ankle at Beijing Zoo. Me so brilliant walking and reading the map to find the Panda...Padan muka, kan dah terkehel. Nasib baik tak jatuh. terpele'ot je..BUt untill now, i am still in pain.Can't rotate my ankle 100%. Nak solat pun hav to seat on the chair.. Lama nya tak Sujud... ...

Then we had a small scale gathering for warga Flinders. Last minute walaupun dah terfikir awal. With mak tam going to johor and all, might as well just do it. CUma Rozie was not arround ... tak pelah, Rozie kena jaga Along dia kat Johor yang juga sakit kaki dan demam. The Gathering was fun Alright... goreng 5 pakets of Kuewtiau that petang dgn kakak's help preparing the bahan bahan.. Tu lah yang best balik Malaysia ni.. ada Kakak hehehe.. er.. Boleh tak saya bawak kakak balik adelaide ? hehehehehe no la gurau je.. So glad to meet everyone.Alhamdulillah it all went well.

Then, Back to work !!! Oh ya, these two weeks, i had frequent visit to the Cinema. Both TGV and GSC. huhuhuhu... watched

The A team
Prince of Persia
Karete Kid
The Toy STory

next up SATC with my cousin ipars... Cousin ipar is the wives of my Cousins hehehe...

Haihhh panjang pulak entry nya... padahal my intention to blog was only to post this song...

This mamat was famous kejap when i was in school dulu. zaman zaman The Moffats and all other boy bands..

Anyways.. ...like i am in LURRVE again....hehehehehe

Siapa ? Siapa ? Siapa ?




With my Thesis !!!!

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