05 September, 2010

Balik Kampung

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Rata-rata kawan kawan blogging smua tgh excited nak balik kampung. Selamat Balik Kampung smua..Have a safe journey and drive carefully. Husna pulak mcm mana?

Ohhh Husna is Kampungless sejak 5 thn lalu. Husna juga Atukless and Nenekless sejak forever and sejak 23 thn respectively. Dengan Husna yang Kampungless maka tiada lansung lah pemandangan begini...

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Eversince I was young, all i remembered was my Mak Tua's house located right in the small town of a district in Penang. It's a cornerhouse one storey bungalow with ample space on the side and also backyards. There are Rambutans,Durians, Manggoes and Coconut Tree on the lawn. One of the uncle sometimes put  hammock for us to play arround with. During that time, kita main Puteri Gunung Ledang lah.. Make believe stuff other than watching tons and tons of Arwah Mamu Zainol's P.Ramlee video COllections. Also, other than pergi kacau Nanab and Mimin masak kat Dapur. Mak Tua will be sitting on her Kerusi watching over us before she fall sick. Paling best kalau Mak Tua nak makan aiskrim, Kami smua pun dapat makan juga dan paling best sebab dapat ikut Nanab pi kedai hehehe bayangkan nanab seorang dgn kami yang berumur antara 5 hing 8 thn ni segerombolan mengikut nanab berjalan ke kedai hehehehe

Those were the days where balik kampung is not just a yearly Raya affair but during the school holidays too. The journey to balik Penang is the most awaited. Singgah makan nasi goreng sedap kat Rest House in Tapah, The winding journey. Dulu bukan ada lebuh raya PLUS and ini bukan lah situasi yang biasa...hehehehe...

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Bertolak awal pagi, dah nak malam baru sampai. Seronok tgk rumah tepi jalan, sawah padi lah, Lori lori besar bawak ayam lah, gunung ganang. Lembu, Kambing orang and Mak and Ba will start telling stories of geography and also  economic, orang ni kerja apa.. apa kita nampak tadi and sawah padi tu dah stage mana and all.. Interesting huh !!! Ye lah, Dulu mana ada National Geographic Channel kan..  hehehe... Ensyiklopedia and cerita dalam perjalanan mcm ni lah cara nak educate anak...

And bila dah sampai, the best part is, all the cousins pakat tido rumah Mak Tua walaupun rumah depa dekat tu ja hehehehe seronok sebab sesekali smua berkumpul dan main bunga Api yang tak tau mcm mana boleh jadi Baaanyaakk Gilerrr... Bermacam macam jenis pulak.

And, thn ni dah 2010 dah,... Cousins smua pun dah besaq panjang, yang dah kawen, yang tak kawen hehehe.. Balik kampung is no longger the activity in my Family lepas Mak Tua meninggal. Aunts in penang, beraya di Penang dgn keluarga belah suami dan anak anak. Yang di perantauan, kebetulan pulak kesemua yang lain duduk di shah alam, Maka Shah Alam lah kampung baru kami. hehehe not having Mak Tua around was not the only reason of tak balik kampung. My Father used to move around his work stations located all around malaysia including singapore. So, after Mak tua left, we only spend our raya at the states we're living in, including Singapore and go back to Penang once a year to visit our Tok Ba's and Mak Tua's grave

Anyways, This year, our raya is just a simple raya. Nothing much hehehe... BUt looking forward to meet my kakak, cousins, nieces and nephews, cucu and all

Selamat Hari Raya to You too ! =)

lots of lurve,


Aizan Suhaira said...

My grandma is in JB and my grandparents on my dad's side are long gone.

I don't go back to my dad's kampung anymore. I don't enjoy it at all nowadays. Or any other kampung for that matter.

Call me spoilt and getis, I don't care. I am spoilt and getis. Sue me lah.

Anyway, I'm glad I balik bandar every year. Not balik kampung.

What's luv gotta do ? said...

hahaha...where got aizan getis.. hehehe... It's okay what to balik bandar.. atleast we can still be with our loved ones kan =)