08 April, 2013

Happy Birthday Sis !!!

March is an important month in my life, 2 of my family members (My sister and Dad) celebrate their birthday in March. This year, my dearest , one and only sister will be around to celebrate her birthday with us. One thing that i wouldn't miss for. I've got loads of plans for the both of us actually because its been years since we spent time together in a shopping mall, going shopping and stuff.But, Allah knows best, I've got some hiccups on my Thesis, plus  my sister also have a plan on her own too ( Yeah, difficult situations are my best friend). 

She's a teacher you see and she's only got school holidays to berjimba jimba and meet friends. We also have a family wedding to attend so, time was cut short. Tak sempat masak pun for her coz friends everywhere wants to meet her. (And adnin and Aqeel didnt even like the chicken balls/nuggets i made them. Aqeel said he only eats Mc Donald's nugget).... 'Sigh"...... One of my sis's friend even came to the house for breakkie, with Nasi dagang and nasi kerabu and all. And then later, my plan to go out and have brekkie with my sister and bro inlaw also went down the drain. ( Bro in law went overseas the whole week and only came home a deay before they're leaving back to their home town, but they have got to leave early and turn out they have to meet some more friends before leaving).  Tak pa lah, who am I to complaint... So, although my plan to spent more time with my sister and Bro in law didnt work out well( well, sometimes, its nice to go out and have coffee and chat but i am not as lucky as their friends but i take it as may be now is not a good time). However, I hope she'll love the presents I gave her. Insyallah, next year will be better,coz this year i am still 'penganggur/student".

Here's a piece of story I wrote 2 yrs ago for her birthday.... I posted this on FB 2 yrs ago and now i'm posting it here...

"Tomorrow, it's gonna be her birthday. The 3rd VIP in my life after my both my parents. We 've been sharing room since God knows when. Wear the same clothes but different colour ( Mak's choice of course hehehe, and later i got to wear hers too) We actually do this till, OMG now... Mak still buy materials, the same design but different colour for us ( hehehe baru realise). the last one was my baju konvoMBA /Raya. Mine was blue, hers was pink ( tapi dia blum buat jadi baju laaa pulak hehehe until now...).

I really adore her, ever since i was young. In primary school, i used to go see her nak minta duit lebih utk beli benda kat kantin.. 10 sen dah boleh beli that keropok, me and aszura used to eat. lupa da apa nama keropok tu. Then move to secondary school, i was still in primary. I remember, i used to curi pinjam her buku geography and tgk coz its so interesting. Shes so cool and creative with colours. That was the reason why i loved geography when i started secondary school. Inspired by her. The same way i was inspired to do Art while in secondary school. I was devastated when she left for boarding school after her SRP coz i hav to sleep alone at night. Every night, without fail, before sleeping and after the lights off, she would teach me how to recite ayat kursi and we would bagi salam and minta maaf before we tido. How sweet those days... I will always look forward for school holidays, she would come home and tell stories and look at all her cool stuff.

After her SPM, we were departed again, but still sharing the same room each time we're on holiday. I was in penang living with my aunt, she, in KL doing her foundation course before leaving for UK. We would write to each other. She send me cool cards, colouful envelopes. I admire her writing so much. She send me KRU original Photos okay... those days back in 1994/95. Giler cool giler. She bought me my first KRU casset, AWAS ! (hehehehehe). She owns cool stuff. She plays guitar. She listen to all hard rock songs. Cool huh? =)

Later, she left for UK. hehehe i cried at the airport, although i was 16 at that time. She still writes to me from UK, she send postcard, her first postcard was the backstreet boys postcard. Basically, she and her achievements influenced me a lot.

We still share a lot and she still buys me stuff after started working.I remember the VINCCI bag she bought from her first gaji, the Esprit bag and a whole lot more ( i have blogged about it before this).

Remembering Coco, our pet cat, kita pi amik coco kat pasar without telling Mak senyap senyap and bela dia heheheh...Up and down the clinic, on and off, sampai lah Coco died on the January 17th 2004 while she was having her PTK exam. I didn't know =(. She tak pass the exam kot...

After she got married, she's got herself a new life. A dedicated wife and mother. She moved away to follow her husband. But we do still keep in touch but not like always plus these days kita dah ada internet, handfon and smua yang canggih canggih lah... =)

To my Kak Long, happy birthday and i love you ! Miss u too...

Glad that u loved the prezzies i gave you hehehehehe....."

Well, Happy Birthday again to my dearest, one and only sister whom I now share with others out there. I love you so much, I love you dearly, and ALLAH knows how much I miss you....
I pray for your happiness and good things to come into your way for you and your family.
Happy Birthday !!!

(wipe tears)

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