13 September, 2009

Allergic la pulak

I was cleaning up the room, finalising everything while Ustaz Badrul Amin dok Berzikir melalui iTunes. Kita pun ikut berzikir sekali la... Layaaaan.... Tiba tiba, Ustaz Badrul amin senyap... and, kluar ni pulak ...

let me be your hero...
Would you dance
if I asked you to dance?
Would you run
and never look back?
Would you cry
if you saw me crying?
And would you save my soul, tonight?

Symptoms Allergy pun muncul tiba-tiba.
Rasa Tension semacam and terus rasa mcm nak vomit !!
I quickly changed to Ustaz Badrul Amin's zikir again and remove the song from the list.
REMOVE / DELETE... How on earth did this song boleh masuk dlm playlist pun tak tau..

Okay, i have move on with my life, I got over it again and again, keep on being strong, and after last month's incident ( dah sebulan dah...) ... Yeah, it's heart whrenching and heart breaking...okay, cukup. cukup..hehehe... TMI ( Too Much Info ) plak....
So, I guess, it's okay if i decided to not to have to listen to this song ever again..or may be for the time being hehehe... ( I stopped listening to this song since like 2004...) I take it as a consolation for myself la.. sekali sekala, nak jaga hati sendiri jugak... Tak salah kalau tak nak dgr lagu tu pun...

Tiba-tiba rasa sedih pulak... tak pe Husna, jgn sedih sedih kay... Cheer up dan jangan sia siakan ramadhan yang masih berbaki tak berapa lama je lagi.. =) <----- NOTE TO SELF

The above lyrics is from HERO by Enrique Igliasis. Another song that i am allergic to is I DoN"T WANNA MISS A THING by Aerosmith...

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