18 September, 2009

what a small world

what a small world indeed... Today, lepas bergotong royong to wash up the porch and the drive way, me, mak and farhan pi Bank coz mak nak tukar duit raya. After that, kita pi DesaRaya, a kedai mcm pasar ( option pi situ je kalau agak agak ada barang yang suddenly habis or terkejut tergempak tak de...) while in Desaraya, i saw Tempe... wuuuuuuuhuuuu... tak sabarnya nak makan tempe goreng. Mak nak beli kerisik plus other small small stuff.

Masa dalam kedai, ada this girl looking at me,i look at her. "Mcm pernah tgk..." so we smiled at each other. I tak ingat mana i jumpa that girl. Still thinking....still thinking.... so i went to a corner kat kedai tu,thinking lagi while mak tgh bayar. ramai jugak orang masa tu. I was trying to figure out mana i jumpa dia, sebab rasa mcm jumpa kat adelaide sebenarnya... Pastu abang kedai tu tegur, "Orang jauh dah balik !!!" and i go... "Haaa betul la that girl tu jumpa kat adelaide, dia keje kat swinging bowl !!!!!!!!!!"

So i went to say hi to her, her name is Lisa. Lorr dia duduk kat 11/5b je...which is like 2 roads away from my house. Mak dia mengaji dgn my mom, ayah dia pi surau dgn my dad

Hehehehehe.... so we changed numbers and will keep in touch

What a small world


1 comment:

Aizan Suhaira said...

I get claustrophobic just reading this entry. Mwahahhaa... kidding.