24 September, 2009


Summer comes early for husna this year. Yeah, from winter straight to summer ( Malaysia kan summer all year round).

I have to admit ( I am not complaining because it is a fact...) that Malaysia semakin Panas. GLOBAL WARMING people !!!! Or maybe it's just me ? I dunno... =p

The kind of panas is like Panas semacam je. Farhan kept teasing me, that I have forgotten my roots, which region I am from Hahahahaha ! Very funny farhan. I know where i came from laa... Panas kat adelaide pun sebenarnya lagi panas dari Malaysia, it even reach up to 41c. cumanya kat sana Hot and dry, kat Malaysia Hot and HUMID...

Again, i am not complaining =) hehehehe

It's been one week since i came home, my flu belum subside lagi. I met Dayana, Farhan's fren tadi and she said that she also experience the same thing masa dia back for good after finishing her studies in US, with the flu and all and it took her two weeks to get better, after that she's fine ( dia lagi best, she claims that KLIA have diferents Air particles hehehehe..nice one dayana). Kak Nita pun ada cerita gak dulu masa dia balik, dia pun kena mcm ni, dua minggu dia gone case. So it's normal la kalau orang lain pun kena gak kan... =)

I hope, i'll get better soon. Coz, I have a lot of work in progress to finish and interviews coming up. Ezede is no longer effective coz i am kinda imune to it already. So, aunty ana gave me new ubat which is mengantuk one. but i only took it at night. still Ezede in the morning.

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