04 March, 2010

The calling....

Seriously, since 2008, I have been dreaming of these holy places....Missing it...longing to be there again... Missing everything that's there...i've always wanted to go back after my first visit in 2004 which was a round up gift (after obtaining a series of ..... in uni) from my parents and Dad's wish to bring us the whole family there, alhamdulillah....tercapai hajat...



Rindu nak solat dalam Masjid Nabawi.....
Rindu nak sujud depan Raudhah di Masjid Nabawi.......
Rindu nak berjalan masuk dalam Masjidil Haram dan nampak kaabah....( subhanallah, i can't belive it the first time i was there, bergenang air mata kejap masa tu)
Rindu nak solat dalam Masjidil Haram....
Rindu the feeling that you get when you are there in front of Kaabah......
Rindu pada Hajarul Aswad........

I have asked my parents about my wish. Dad went for his third Haj in 2008 and says that I should wait a while till the construction are fully finished. I intend to go in year end 2009, but tak jadi coz Dad have made other plans plus my data collections kat KL smua... So, maybe 2010 would bring me there.... I am saving up.... tak pe lah kalau tak de iPhone pun, tak pergi tempat lain pun ... I just wanna go for my Umrah again sebab Que Haji lambar lagi ... I am really hoping....

Ya Allah, semoga engkau makbulkan hajat ku...... Insyallah... Amin...


Aizan Suhaira said...

I have no longing to visit the Holy Land. Some Muslim I am, huh?

iamreallyregretwithwhatihavedonechumichikiboom said...

InsyaALLAH... mudah-mudahan ALLAH SWT makbulkan hajat Kak Husna untuk ke sana... Amin..

iamreallyregretwithwhatihavedonechumichikiboom said...

InsyaALLAH... mudah-mudahan ALLAH SWT makbulkan hajat Kak Husna untuk ke sana... Amin..

bicara hati secawan kopi said...

Amin, insyaAllah, moga Allah memakbulkan hajat kak husna..

Ya Allah, saya teringin nak pi sana, doakanla saya dapat pi buat umrah dan haji dengan famili saya, insyaAllah.

bicara hati secawan kopi said...

Amin, insyaAllah, moga Allah memakbulkan hajat kak husna..

Ya Allah, saya teringin nak pi sana, doakanla saya dapat pi buat umrah dan haji dengan famili saya, insyaAllah.