20 March, 2010


There's a lot of stuff going on here at the moment which is kind of getting out of hand hehehe... but it doesnt matter. Its just that there's so many thing to be updated here hehehehe. I have some unplublished items which i think dah basi pun citer tu smua. Maybe i'll just round up everything in one entry....and it wont be in this entry coz i am too tired, Drop Dead tired. 

I had fever since monday ( it have something to do with me vomitting on sunday nite, i dunno what happen actually but generally, after vomitting, my throat started to sore and i start to feel feverish although i thought it was just a flu...) It became worst day by day and the virus affected my nose, my eyes but thankfully, not my brain coz i managed to finish my paper which is due yesterday. Yeah, i am tired coz of the fever, the heat, the workload and still recovering from yesterday's rescue mission hehehehehehe.... Was in FMC's emergency unit for hours. 


No, it's not me... i was thinking of submiting myself there if my fever and eye condition gets worst, but then i was thinking it's not worth (this is my opinion before having the experience in FMC's emergency unit). But, tengoklah, kalau minggu depan tak baik jugak,  i will consider submitting myself there. 

I was at the emergency Unit with Kak Zatul, my housemate. No, bukan kak zatul yang sakit. It was Nazri. Nazri tried calling everyone else tapi no to availe. He called me but my fon was on silent mode. I was busy running here and there from the Bank to the library ( walaupun demam demam sakit mata kan, tetap move around dalam panas ni hehehehe.. Nak buat mcm mana kan, nak hidup.. plus kerja nak kena settlekan jugak... Actually pagi tu pun dah run arround everywhere,panaskan pimpam pengpot, ke business school, then to ke Bank, pi settle rent punya hal ( not mine though, but Amirul's. Amirul dah balik Msia thus making my old gang smua dah abis balik semuanya...ye la, smua dah abis study kan...kita ni je yang belum). 

Dalam bnyk bnyk orang yang NAzri call, only Kak Zatul yang dapat Nazri hubungi utk meminta bantuan.( Nazri tak call encik Wan and Encik Talib coz they run their experiment in the lab so dia tak nak kacau, so dia cuba call every body else, but tak dapat). 

What happen to nazri? Something went wrong with his backbone or nerve or smething. He can't move so he need help to go to FMC. Considering his condition as WORRYING and CHRONIC, kak zatul and me went on a rescue mission. Maaf lah, kalau nak kata tak manis anak anak dara pergi menolong suami orang, bukan nak menggatal tapi, tengok keadaan lah...( I really dun understand bila orang nak buat the help jadi isu, to me, tolong orang bujang ke, tolong suami orang ke, it's PERTOLONGAN that u give. Yang jadi isu is because yang menolong tu orang bujang. So, perlu ke nak gossip or sindir sindir yang mana boleh menyebab kan hubungan orang lain terjejas....misunderstanding can lead to segala macam bencana, Well, i leave that part to ALLAH...). 

Agak beberapa jam Nazri terlantar tak leh bangun because he is in pain before kami pi amik dia and by the time we went to his place, he managed to get up and walk REAL slow... he is so in pain that he can't walk properly ( especially when his pain starts from the back to waist and below). It is so kesian tgk Nazri adjusting himself dalam kereta coz sakit teramat sangat. and i was thinking of getting a wheel chair for him immediately sampai FMC.

Sampai je, I went rushing to look for a wheel chair and transfer Nazri from the car to the wheelchair ( dia bangun sendiri la... Motif husna nak tolong angkat kot? hehehehe). While kak zatul went to park the car, i pushed Nazri to the emergency unit yang Ya ALLAH maha jauh deep inside FMC building... Guna lah kudrat yang ada nak tolak, diri sendiri ni hidung sumbat, mata bengkak tak hengat. kelakar jugak bila terfikir. i was thinking, i might as well submit myself while i was there in the emergency unit kan hehehehehe. BUt nope, i didn't. I was only the visitor..

So, we waited for the doc to diagnose Nazri. It was tooo long to wait that we balik rumah and solat. Tinggal la Nazri with Ibam( IBrahim, Nazri's hsemate yang kami suruh singgah FMC after his class). We came back later with Kak Za. If you can guess at what time Nazri was attended by the medical cnsultant? ahahaha.... we came in between 4.30 to 4.50 pm and he was attended at about 9 pm... He was discharge at about 11 pm. That long huh? We havent had dinner and we sent Nazri home  ( make sure dia sampai dalam rumah coz rumah Nazri pelik sikit. kena turun path way dgn dia tak leh jalan betul betul, Ibam kena papah and all...) and by the time we reached home it was already nearly midnight.  Doctor prescribed his ubat which we will go and buy the next day at Marion.

And today, kisah berlari ke FMC tak habis lagi.Awal pagi, we went to Marion to get Nazri's ubat and i dunno where it went wrong but the papers/ documentation given by FMC was not right that Kak Zatul had to run back to FMC and get new one. So all in all, by noon today baru lah semua settle.Siap hantar ubat ke rumah Nazri and all.Hopefully, it will all went well for Nazri and his back bone. insyallah... Tak pe, Ibam ada nak tengok tengok kan dia..

Wahhhh...panjang plak cerita dalam posting ni..... 
Gambar Nazri dok atas Wheel chair tu ada, gambar Nazri terbaring dalam emergency room pun ada tapi dalam Handphone. Nanti la senang senang will upload sebagai bahan bukti....

As for now, i am heading to the Bed to get some sleep. I hope i will get well soon...

1 comment:

iamreallyregretwithwhatihavedonechumichikiboom said...

dah mcm rescue 911 dh ni... xpe kak husna, kita memberi pertolongan yang sewajarnya. Mulut yang berbunyi hanya tahu berbunyi, tapi tangan tak mahu menghulukan bantuan. biarkanlah... yang penting kita ikhlas menolong di saat tak ada orang lain yang lebih wajar menolong...