07 April, 2010

The cut...

Ewah ewah... tajuknya dah macam hati terluka jiwa parah... hehehehe

Yes, first cut is the deepest.. Jadi tak yah lah teruskan first cut tu kan...coz makin lama makin dalam dan makin sakit...

Well, The cut i'm talkin about is hair cut.. in my whole life, this is the first time i cut my own hair. I dun think i ever had any history of cutting my own hair as i was growing up, kan mak kan... BUt i always hated when mak took me and kak long to the "perm parlour" as mak likes to call it. Nancy, a chinese lady in Malacca owns her own saloon. Nancy and mak became good frens becoz of mak's frequent visit and mak also brought all her frens in town. And because Nancy itself is a gud hairstylist, and also have a pool of talented and promising workers, orang pun keep coming back lah. I hated whenever mak took me for a haircut. Coz i will always end up looking like a boy !!!! eeeeiiiii tak sukaa... Nancy's daughter is my sister's age and her son is my age and we go to the same school and tuition. hahaha... kelakar pulak teringat cerita zaman dulu kala... but i guess bukan semuanya i hate about Nancy's salon... Nancy was the one who straighten my hair when i was in form one. Zaman tu belum ada hair iron or rebonding smua... Zaman tu straighten guna relaxer and this plastic sheets... more or less it looked like this...

But later the technology evolved and hey presto we have 

electronic hair iron/straightener

Anyways, i dun hold any history of cutting my own hair, not until this age. Well, atleast Adnin my dearest 'sudah pandai talk back" niece cuts her own hair at the age of 3 hehehe just because she dislike curly hair. Kak Long says, menurun dari Aunty Lurve dia.. hahaha... eleh.. mak dia pun sama je...

Last week, i was kinda having a nothing to do moment walaupun banyak kerja nak buat sebenarnya cuma mood kerja belum mari. I decided to cut my front hair. hahaha... seram je bunyinya... but i did.. Berangan la nak ada fringe mcm fauziah latiff dari zaman dulu lagi.. tapi nan adoo hehehe... Tapi kali ni nekad, nak jugak. Alah, kalau tak elok pun, bukan ada orang nampak pun kan XD hehehe

Berangan laa nak ada fringe macam ni... Orang yang cantik , buat mcm mana pun cantik, tak sikat rambut pun cantik..

But my fringe kinda make me look loike this fella ..... 


its okay, as long as i am satisfied and happy with it....who cares kan... later balik Malaysia sure kena gelak dgn Kak Watie and ABby kat Spalova hehehe..... but  by the time i balik malaysia nanti, fringe tu pun mesti dah panjang. judging from the day i cut it last week, till today, the hair dah grow about a 2 centimeters dah...Gila pantas.....

Anyway, i am happy with my fringe ;D

1 comment:

etc said...

cutting your own hair is easy. electric shaver. number one, boss. bzzzzzzt. 15 mins later, voila. (just cut my own hair, like usual :p)