10 April, 2010

Saturday April 10th

SATURDAY, APRIL 10th, 2010
WEATHER : 23c, Mostly sunny, Mild

Suppose to do my paper, amend the questionnaire and stuff... Yes, i am sitting in front of my MAC, with Kuch Kuch Hota Hai playing on the dvd player. ( saje je layan Kuch Kuch Hota Hai....tak tgk tapi dgr je..)
 Rahul is a cheater... he is a cheater... CHEATERRRR !!!!!! hehehe

PImpam Pengpot buat kes lagi. Kali ni, radiator dia punya cap bocor. Woahh... this whole 3 weeks, setiap week, ada ada saja surprise pimpam pengpot. Cuak memang cuak... Kereta / buah hati pengarang jantung Orang pulak tu.. Kita ni tukang jaga je.. Macam jaga anak orang dan anak kucing jugak lah procedure nya. Went to EDDY WRECKERS but the minute we arrived, dah tutup... hari ni smua half day... Kisahnnya... Kedai lagi satu pulak tak de stock. Tepuk dahi mcm ni...

Azy an iranian fren/kak zatul and suzie's former hsemate is crashing over at our place for a few days. she's looking for a house to start a life here in adelaide. So, yesterday nite, kak zatul made bihun yang sangat sedap. And I was having Roti Canai and ayam kuali for breakfast. So, i made my second attempt roti canai but this time using self raising flour. it turn out to be better and nicer(shape) than the other time. But i think there's room for improvement...hehehe.. Taste? i think i'll stick to plain flour je kot lepas nih... Makan pulak dgn ayam kuali.... PERGHHH.......  tapi as i was preparing both dish this morning, dah jadi kenyang...so tak makan bnyk pun.. sebiji rti canai kecik tu je...

My recovery is not so good this time.dah hari ke 4 pun muka still bengkak jugak lagi...insyallah, it will be fine kot in a few days...

I have 7 more weeks to go... am i?

D.None of the above.

( ni lah kesnya bnyak sangat buat questionnaire....)


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