24 February, 2011

And the list is out

And the list is out....

And there's plenty more to be put on the list ... :)

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Location:Jalan Kelewang 11/4b,Shah Alam,Malaysia

mending a broken heart

merawat luka yang terpendam - Liza Hanim

Merawat luka yang terpendam
Kesannya masih berdarah
Hendak ku tangiskan tiada pedih
Yang telah terjadi padaku
Pasrah aku terima
Kau hujankan penghinaan
Aku renjis kesabaran
Aku curah pertanyaan
Adakah bahagia nanti akan menyingkir hiba
Dalam ribut ada hina
Dalam tenang ada sabar
Dalam tangis sendirian
Berkemungkinankan bahagia nanti akan menyusur tiba
Bukan ku mengundang bencana
Juga tak ku menabur dosa
Tak dapat dinafi kebetulan
Dugaan menimpa diriku
Rela aku terima

Pelita di Bawah Purnama

Pelita di bawah Purnama- Erema

Sendiri aku menjejak bayangmu
Berkurun lamanya kita tak bertemu
Kau berlalu pergi terbiar aku sendiri
Menahan duka oh di sudut hati

Cinta… dengarlah rintih hatiku
Mengharap belai dan rindu
Yang pernah dicurah sepenuh hatimu
Kasih… inikah yang kurasai
Pengorbanan tak dihargai
Menjadi siksaan yang tidak diundang
Oh pedih… sayang…
Ingatkah lagi kau pernah berkata
Aku bagai pelita di bawah purnama
Kini malam sepi tinggal hanyalah memori
Mungkin cahaya menjelma semula

23 February, 2011

Taqwa dan tawakal...

" ... Barangsiapa bertaqwa kepada Allah, nescaya Dia akan membukakan jalan keluar bagiNya, dan Dia memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka-sangkanya. Dan barangsiapa bertawakkal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkan (keperluan)nya. Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusanNya. Sungguh, Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi setiap sesuatu." - [Surah Ath-Thalaq, 65: 2-3]

renung renungkan lah......

is the Islamic concept of "God-consciousness" or higher consciousness. Taqwa, as holistically elucidated by Quranic verses, is defined as the state of "being conscious of Allah", and willfully avoiding actions that lead the degeneration of this consciousness; while consciously undertaking steps and actions that will strengthen it."

Read it here

Insyallah.... Aminn

22 February, 2011


Shown below is kakak's handwriting. Since she always,..ALWAYS forgot the phone messages when we r not at home, mak had to teach her to write it down after she put down the phone.

So this is what she wrote :


The groceries list belum kluar lagi. Usually she will write up the list and put it on the fridge. Funny, hillarious i tell u ! But she is doing a great job. Alhamdulillah...

Reminds me of mak's first indonesian maid who put "ikan belah punggung" in the list... Hehehehhe it should be ikan belah belakang actually. Ikan cencaru but she forgot... Hehehehr now, everytime makan ikan belah belakang tak kira la ikan apa pun mesti tringat ikan belah punggung tu hehehehe

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Location:Jalan Siti Payung 11/2k,Shah Alam,Malaysia

21 February, 2011


Gelisah - Nora
Ingin kukatakan sesuatu
Perasaan jiwaku
Tiadakan kumungkiri
Janji bersemi
Indah pabila berdua
Menitis segala-gala
Walau cinta ternoda
Apa yang telah terjadi
Kan menjadi memori
Kekesalan berlaku
Tak perlu ditangisi
Mesra pabila berdua
Menitis segala-galanya
Walau cinta ternoda
Sering ku tertanya
Kepada dunia
Mengapa di cita
Tiada terlaksana
Mungkin hanya masa
Ataupun sebaliknya
Mungkin sementara
Saat terindah menanti
Kekal di jiwa

- lagu ni tak de dalam you tube...Tapi lagu ni is one of the soundtrack of Trilogi Cinta...
( terkena demam nurjinah sudah....walaupun saya hanya 'Mendengar' dan bukan "menonton" sepenuhnya sebab most of the time masa cerita tu bermain di TV, mak saya tgk atau saya recordkan utk dia thru Beyond... dan saya duduk kat meja buat kerja sambil dengar la cerita tu.. ewahh.. mcm dgr drama radio pulak kan. hehehehe...)-

19 February, 2011

Mode : sakit !!!!

sakit mode !!! Just had laser are not to be exposed for approximately a week. The doc gave new antibiotic cream which smells horrible. The old one doesnt even have a smell. BUt on top of it, the doc opened up some good news and hope  that it can be achieved by the end of the year. So what she said was, " so, finish up your studies quickly, and we can wok on it as soon as possible.."
and i go "Yeay !!!" before the dark clouds surrounded my head... Oh M Gee !!! i only have 10 months left and  .. still plenty to do...

Aiyaiyai !!!!!

16 February, 2011

Kuala Terengganu

me :          Kakak, ni la colar utk puteh yang saya ckp tu, kalau dia pakai colar ni, nanti dia tak leh gigit luka dia..
Kakak :    Oooo..... ( taking a few minits looking at the cat colar..).... apa dipanggilnya ini?
me :          Colar..... Colar.. ( sambil memegang leher sendiri..) (sebutan i sebut sounds like KOH LER with a
                silent H )... Alaaa.. melayu panggil apa ye.. haa Kolar jugak bunyi nya...
Kakak :    Koler Tengganu...( Kuala Terengganu)
me :          !!!! ( cuba bayangkan muka saya mcm anime jepun yang ada garis garis kat muka..) hehehehehe

Kuala Terengganu

me :          Kakak, ni la colar utk puteh yang saya ckp tu, kalau dia pakai colar ni, nanti dia tak leh gigit luka dia..
Kakak :    Oooo..... ( taking a few minits looking at the cat colar..).... apa dipanggilnya ini?
me :          Colar..... Colar.. ( sambil memegang leher sendiri..) (sebutan i sebut sounds like KOH LER with a  
                silent H )... Alaaa.. melayu panggil apa ye.. haa Kolar jugak bunyi nya...
Kakak :    Koler Tengganu...( Kuala Terengganu)
me :          !!!! ( cuba bayangkan muka saya mcm anime jepun yang ada garis garis kat muka..) hehehehehe

15 February, 2011

Sofea Jane

Tajuk Lagu ni Sofea Jane.. Sebab nya, saya tahu, tapi saya tgh malas nak menaip =)..hehehe boleh?
So, tak yah citer panjang, kita layan lagu okay...
Sofea Jane
Kau ibarat permata di dalam hiasan kaca
Yang tak bisa disentuh
Namun hanya boleh dipandang
Ingin sekali ku sentuh
Ingin jua ku memiliki
Kau selalu membuat hatiku merasa berat
Dan kau yang selalu ada
Saat semua pergi
Bagaimana mungkin
Untuk kau mengerti
Kini telah ku sedari
Mimpiku tak bererti sendiri

Andai kau tahu
Apa yang ku mahu
Mahukan dirimu 'tuk mendekatiku
Dan aku tak bisa memaksa dirimu
Walau dalam tidur
Ku kan menantimu hingga akhir nanti
Kau selalu membuat hatiku merasa berat
Dan kau yang selalu ada
Saat semua pergi
Bagaimana mungkin
Untuk kau mengerti
Kini telah ku sedari
Mimpiku tak bererti sendiri
[ Sofea Jane lyrics found on http://lyrics.my ] 

And.... ini lah Sofea Jane yang sebenarnya...

Yo ! Whaddup !!!

Yo! Whaddup y'all !!!


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Location:Jalan Sumazau 11/2m,Shah Alam,Malaysia

14 February, 2011

Sampai Hati


Sampai Hati 

Tergamaknya dirimu menghiris hatiku
Tidakkah di hatimu punya perasaan
Sampainya hatimu meninggalkan aku
Di manakah janjimu yang setia

Betapa sepinya perjalanan hidup ini
Di kiri kananku penuh duri cintamu
Sampainya hatimu membiarkanku rindu
Kau terus menghilang tanpa berita

Entah mengapa rindu di hatiku masih di dada
Bukannya mudah nak kulupakan
Adakah tanda aku masih menyinta
Sedangkan engkau entah di mana

Hanya Tuhan yang mengerti hati dan perasaanku
Di tengah malam syahdu hatiku merindu
Sampai hati kau pergi tanpa pedulikanku lagi
Aku berdoa agar engkau bahgia

Biarlah aku abadikan cintaku yang setia...
Oh... kekasih
Segala kenangan menjadi rinduan
Cinta di hatiku seperti dulu

Pencipta : M.Nasir
Lirik : Mama Juwie


Alahai... awatlah jiwang karat sangat nih....

tetiba mood nak dgr lagu lagu Spring la pulak...

They're bunch of nice songs I tell you..

one of them is



Layan je la ye...

Ameng's Vocal is fuh... tak leh nak ckp apa... ;)

- haihhh.. why la he go and get himself messed up with all the drugs thingy..?-

13 February, 2011

exist's Alasanmu

Alasanmu - Exist

Ikhlasnya hati sering kali disalah erti
Tulusnya budi tidak pernah engkau hargai
Berlalu pergi dengan kelukaan ini
Ku mengalah,ku bersabar

Bertentang mata seolah olah tiada apa
Berpaling muka ada saja yang tidak kena
Mencari sebab serta alasan yang kukuh
Supaya tercapai hajatmu

Manis di bibir memutar kata
Malah kau tuduh akulah segala penyebabnya
Siapa terlena pastinya terpukau
Pujukmu,rayumu,suaramu yang menagih simpati dan harapan

Engkau pastinya tersenyum dengan pengunduran diriku
Tetapi bagiku pula suatu ketenangan 
Andainya kita terus bersama belum tentu kita bahagia
Selagi tidak kau ubah cara hidupmu

Ada rahmatnya bila tidak lagi bersama
Terasa jauh diriku ini dengan dosa 
Ku tinggalmu walau tanpa kerelaan yang nyata 
Kau tidak berubah

Bertentang mata seolah olah tiada apa
Berpaling muka ada saja yang tidak kena
Mencari sebab serta alasan yang kukuh
Supaya tercapai hajatmu

Manis di bibir memutar kata
Malah kau tuduh akulah segala penyebabnya
Siapa terlena pastinya terpukau
Pujukmu,rayumu,suaramu yang menagih simpati dan harapan

Engkau pastinya tersenyum dengan pengunduran diriku
Tetapi bagiku pula suatu ketenangan 
Andainya kita terus bersama belum tentu kita bahagia
Selagi tidak kau ubah cara hidupmu

Katalah apa yang kau ingin
Selagi kau dapat berkata
Memang begitu sikapmu semenjak dahulu
Andainya kita terus bersama belum tentu kita bahagia
Selagi tidak kau ubah cara hidupmu

11 February, 2011

Le tour de langkawi

Hari ni saya pusing satu pulau langkawi. Betul... Saya tak tipu. Saya pun terkejut gak hehehe... Hotel tempat saya bermalam adalah di Kuah. Destinasi hotel utk kajian saya nun di Datai.. Lepas tu ke tanjung rhu dan balik semula ke Kuah... Kalau rajin tgk lah map langkawi and u'll know what i mean.

Nanti sambung lagi yaaa...

Tgk gambar dulu je ye

Esok sambung karang lagi hehehe..skrang tido duluu ;)

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Location:Persiaran Mutiara 2,Langkawi,Malaysia


Sebaik sampai di langkawi airport, ofcourse lah kna tunggu bag kan..tu lah, bapak dah pesan bawak bag naik atas sebab smua bag kecik kecuali bag husna sebab boleh terus jalan kluar lepas sampai hehehe tapi alang alang bag husna besar smua bag pun check in sekali..

So sambil menunggu bag dgn warga warga arab yang majoritynya pasangan suami isteri yang dalam honeymoon dan beberapa mat saleh serta org melayu dua tiga kerat termasuk kami.sambil menunggu bag, i was looking arround and nampak

Berkerut jugak membaca sebab daya dah semakin rabun! First time i baca i hanya nampak

'TROLL ' yang bab kawasan tu saya tak nampak la pulak! Ilussi optik sungguh !

Ingat ni hogwarts ke ada troll???

Hahahaha !!!

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09 February, 2011

Mencari mahsuri

Ini adalah saya yang sedang menunggu pesawat utk pergi mencari mahsuri.

Handbag terlalu besar sebab 'smua kasi taroh dalam satu kali' hrhehehe questionnaires 1 paket(yg lain check in),lap yop,buku nak baca, camera, and mak nenek yang lain... Next time i'm sticking to my beloved bag galas !!! Less sakit tangan hhehhe

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Location:Jalan Cta 2,Klia,Malaysia

08 February, 2011

Duduk dan dgr

Wahhh its been so long that i have to duduk in a seminar and dgr hehehe jangan i tertido sudah la... Teringat dulu dulu dlm kelas slalu tido bila lecture time hehehehe

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Location:Jalan Putra Perdana 9,Puchong,Malaysia

07 February, 2011

on adapting

Adapting is not easy. And depends on people, on how fast they can adapt to situations. Like, I have many adapting differences according to situations. I can adapt fast in some situations, and I really take sometime to adapt in some situations... It depends.. like when i first came to adelaide, the adapting process was fast although i missed my cats...

I am currently undergoing some "adapting process". It's not easy..It's heart breaking, it's pathetic. And how I wish it does not happen right from the start.. But I am only human.. And maybe because I know too much from each angle, it makes it more difficult, harder to adapt to this situation... God knows how awkward the situation is... Oh dear....This is kinda getting really bad !!!

I tried tricking myself into accepting it, Yeah... I tricked myself saying that's its easy..But it is not..No matter how busy I am, it will keep haunting me.. Oh dear...WHat am i suppose to do?  I need time, and I wish it will stop hunting me. The signs shown are clear. I should stop..There's no place for me there. No matter how far i understand how things are, I really wonder why am I having such difficulties adapting. 

I really dont want history to repeat itself. I wont do what i've done before..I won't even try to reach that specific level and suffer the consequences. It's not worth it. I am gonna quit. <-------------- this is what my heart wanna do but my brain wouldn't cooperate with me !!!!!! Arghhhh !

Sometimes, I dun understand many things in life... I think I will never will kot. 


Guide my steps don’t let me go astray

You’re the only one that showed me the way,


06 February, 2011

YouTube Video

Pingu @ vet shah alam. He was beaten up or jatuh somewhere that dia demam and sangat lembik tiba tiba. I wa kinda worried so bwk pi vet. Doc kata ada kesan kena gigit kat pinggul kanan dia. To avoid bisul and bengkak, doc inject dia and bagi some medications... RM 45 all together... Well, he is the baby of the family... Hehehe

Today he is up and about although dia asyik sleep je in my room.

Get well soon Pingu ;)

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05 February, 2011

Aksi tido

Sementara ada kat malaysia ni memang la seronok dok take photos of the cats and all.

Haaa... Tgk ni, si hitler tgh melayari mimpi indah kat bilik kakak.. Hehehe

Ni pulak si pingu tido (kononnya) sebelah mouse...nak suruh garu sbnrnya...;)

Si Puteh (yg dah tak putih) enjoying duduk and tido dlm kotak limau for CNY. She on leash coz of medical reason but she's happy ;)

Belle sleeping on farhan's bed :)

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03 February, 2011

mysterious gambar

i was uploading some gambars to fabbook ( eh... fabbook plak.. Facebook! hehehehe)  and i come across this gambar.

The thing that confuse me is that, who's cat ? where? and When ? I can't recall any of it especially when I havent been going around peoples house. And to think of it, ada tangan orang and rambut sedikit which obviosly not mine. hehehe

I posted this photo on Facebook via mobile upload, and asked my cousin about it, we had quite a chat at the comment part. hehehehe... It took me about 3 days before i could recall who's cat and all. 

Turns out It's Chicky, my second cousin's cat. How did it got into my phone? She send it to me via WhatsApps ( the applications that allows you to chat with Blackberry Users.. Dorang ada BB pin and stuff , for iPhone users, just upload the WHatsApps je...)

So, i have found the answer, but i hate the part where my memory suddenly went to "London" !!!!! Hello... what's with the short term memory Loss ??? And it took me 3 days to discover it..  This is pretty Bad !

The brain dept is getting kinda bad lately that i terbaca alfatihah masa RUkuk.... Hello.. okay, i have to use the Caps  HELLO !!!!!!! like tiba tiba baca alfatihah masa Rukuk apa kes??? I stopped praying terus and start again !!! Jangan esok,lupa nama sendiri pulak... 

Hopefully by the end of my studies, i tak lupa rumah i kat Negara Mana.... huihhhh bahaya seyh !!!! hehehe

02 February, 2011

OMG !!

Wow.... it's only've been what like ... only 34 days in 2011 and the "surprises" kept coming. The first surprise, you can read it here.. I've got a few other non work related surprises as well but it's my private affairs. hehehehe the second work related surprise.. THis is work WORK related.. not Thesis work related.. eh kejap... are you even considered as working yet cik husna oi? hehehehe tak kisah la, Becoz this will be counted in my performance appraisal for both aussie and malaysia uni.

It is a very Big Task for me, the newbie. But My supervisor, Dr M wants me to take charge of this in Malaysia on behalf of her and the university. WHoahhh !!! Sesak nafas sekejap ! MACAM MANA BOLEH JADI MACAM NI !!!!!!  ( menjerit sambil mengigit kesemua jari di tangan ).

Gosh... i have to burn my midnight oil tonite... Tido dgn research proposal and CV orang... Coz the session is tumorrow !!!

Ok Gud nite, ASsalamualaikum

on Blogging thru phone

These days, i find it easier to blog thru my iPhone. Simply because all the pics i wanted is there.. Yeah, these days, the iPhone act as digital camera too... Sorry Lumix, but believe me, you are not forgotten. hehehehe...  But I actually prefer to blog from the laptop.(haruslah kan..)

haihhh... cantik pulak iphone cover nih...saw this while minta tolong Abg G carikan Gambar. Its from ETSY. ( Dayah.. ehem ehem.. hehehehe). Tapi this item dah sold la pulak...ada lagi satu,

Haaaaa... sukeeee !!!!!!

Pun SOLD jugak !!! Sedey.....

Nevermind... maybe i should cari cover yang 



I Give Up

I give up.. I totally Give up !!!

EMo tengah tengah malam plak....

tak pe lah,

Apa apa pun, like i've said,

I GIVE UP !!!!!

but i an not giving up on my Thesis and all lah... GILER ???

but I give up on this particular situation,

Be it the way you want !!!