03 February, 2011

mysterious gambar

i was uploading some gambars to fabbook ( eh... fabbook plak.. Facebook! hehehehe)  and i come across this gambar.

The thing that confuse me is that, who's cat ? where? and When ? I can't recall any of it especially when I havent been going around peoples house. And to think of it, ada tangan orang and rambut sedikit which obviosly not mine. hehehe

I posted this photo on Facebook via mobile upload, and asked my cousin about it, we had quite a chat at the comment part. hehehehe... It took me about 3 days before i could recall who's cat and all. 

Turns out It's Chicky, my second cousin's cat. How did it got into my phone? She send it to me via WhatsApps ( the applications that allows you to chat with Blackberry Users.. Dorang ada BB pin and stuff , for iPhone users, just upload the WHatsApps je...)

So, i have found the answer, but i hate the part where my memory suddenly went to "London" !!!!! Hello... what's with the short term memory Loss ??? And it took me 3 days to discover it..  This is pretty Bad !

The brain dept is getting kinda bad lately that i terbaca alfatihah masa RUkuk.... Hello.. okay, i have to use the Caps  HELLO !!!!!!! like tiba tiba baca alfatihah masa Rukuk apa kes??? I stopped praying terus and start again !!! Jangan esok,lupa nama sendiri pulak... 

Hopefully by the end of my studies, i tak lupa rumah i kat Negara Mana.... huihhhh bahaya seyh !!!! hehehe


sambal hijau..cream cheese said...

aiyooo..this is bad...hahahh jgn one day u silap panngil ur sv as ABANg sudah...hahahh

What's luv gotta do ? said...

hahaha... jangannn...!!! hehehehe

Che Kay said...

hehehe adakah sebab faktor peningkatan umur? orang pon selalu short term memory loss