15 March, 2009


We went to send kak Lin and family off to the airport yesterday. So many friends were there. The night before, there's this "Makan-makan" by Kak Nita. Kak Nita and gang nak suruh masakkan ayam Kuali by request, so i did help to cook it. The gathering was a fun one. I ate Ayam Yiros yang kak Za bakar and fed Jimmy and Shahmi too..

Later that night, Me, Suzie and Mirul went to teman Kak Zatul to Asian Groceries to pick up her car ( Kak Zatul's car broke down at Asian Groceries that morning before going to bBudget Meat). Abg Mie took us there in his NIMBUS. Abg Mie finally got a place to stay. Before this, Abg Mie duduk kat Office je after his conference in Perth. Kesian Pulak. recomended him to try to get a place in Uni Housing, but the contract la pulak, plus according to abg mie he got plenty of other conferences to attend too. So, Janet, gave him a few numbers to contact and plus minus, dah dapat a place to stay.Alhamdulillah....

By this time, Kak Lin and family pun dah sampai Malaysia. Really gonna miss Shahmi and Jimmy. Those two adorable and Manja boys...Yeah...i love to Manjakan orang...hmm...wonder where i got that from...

I YMed with my Bro and he told me to get a pet. Before that, we talked about 'heavy' stuff and made a promise to each other....at this time, rasa sedih la pulak.... Yeah, Mom always told me that the future is not ours to see, it all lies if the hand of ALLAH. BUt still kita nak kena rancang walaupun segalanya di tentukan ALLAH. tak pe lah, kita hanya merancang....Apa apapun kena lah kuatkan semangat dan hati dan juga MINDA. Back to getting the pet, i told farhan we are not allowed to keep pet at the uni housing and He told me to get a fish... Yeah, it's an option that i might consider...but naahhh...it's too costly.

It's full moon. Yesterday, the mood was so bright and big. Feels like so much closer to it. It reminded me of my Mak Tua, my grandma and the theory she gave about Moon and my face. ha...ha.... Yeah it could be true coz after all, mak did went to watch the gerhana bulan ( the bulan was totaly half at that time when she was having me in her tummy.Anyways, Semuanya ALlah yang tentukan, all this things is cakap cakap orang tua....

The bulan was so cantik, no wonder the pungguk always merindukan Bulan... Well, being a pungguk is one thing, but then, sebelum terjadi mcm pungguk, kena lah sedar diri dulu. Pungguk pun, kena la sedar, nak pergi ke bulan, kena ada la the gears kan....Pungguk ni ingat dia ni Sheikh Muzafar kot...he...he...Jadi pungguk, kalau nak pi melawat bulan yang pngguk dah rindui tu, start lah masuk space program ye...he..he...just kidding, Its all about you, knowing your measure and ability la i guess......

Mom always reminds me about to always sedar diri and ingat macam mana rupa diri tu...Yeah, I do, always do... I know i am kinda fat he..he...saya sedar diri, dan saya juga sedar bagaimana rupa paras saya yang bukan lah mcm MIss World he....he......I DO.... I ALWAYS DO....Ada akal sejemput ni pun dah "Thank You ALlah !!!"......Tu pun, sebab sejemput, jadi, nak kena selalu asah...nak buat PhD bukan senang oiii dgn akal sejemput mcm ni........he..he..he...ANyways, ALlah pun ciptakan manusia ni dengan sifat dan ciri ciri yang berbeza, I got it this way, some people get it other way ( tak kira lah apa pun yang dapat... dugaan ke, nikmat ke...) Maka,bersyukurlah dengan apa yang dah diberikan kepada kita masing masing. Rezeki masing masing ALLAH dah sediakan.... :)

Dan oleh sebab kita di perantauan, we have to be EXTRA STRONG ntuk menjaga diri kita. Tak de orang lain yang faham, nak peduli 100% dan yang akan jaga kita melainkan diri kita..orang lain pun ada banyak benda lain nak peduli kan...he..he.. :P

Well, thats a whole lot of Bla..bla..bla.. by me... he..he...

Semoga ALLAH menguatkan dan Tabahkan hati kita....Insyallah.......


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my dear...u almost made me cry wth this posting....