02 March, 2009

PR officer

I am home alone, My RC Housemate, Nadia is away for RC weekly Meeting. Nadia's fon was ringing like sooo many times. It really bites me... ( in my family home, i'll be the one yang akan pegi jawab fon everytime the fon rang coz it really bites when the fon rang and no one answered...)

Nak jawab ke tak? So, i sms-ed Nadia, but unfortunately, it went to the wrong person.My mistake... dah mula kena SUzie's syndrome dah ni...BAHAYA tul....

Since the fon bunyi masa tgh solat, so lepas solat i said to myself,

"lepas ni, bunyi lagi, i will angkat..."

Yeah, it rings again, so i pi angkat

The Caller is Vanita Abrahams form Twnhouse 20, She just came from India. Not today lah, a few days ago kot. dia nak tanya Nadia the RC, address kat Housing nih... Since Nadia is not in, so i helped her lah...It seems that her parents nak courier something like ubat for her. So I, dgn terlebih concern, explained to her about Australian Customs quarantine procedure smua, what can be mailed and what's not. I also told her to tell her father to put her fon number on the parcel incase of anything since dia kata ayah dia nak mail Ubat. Yeah, I told her about other stuff as well yang dia tanya he..he...Mcm customer service lak.

not long after that, Nadia came home and i told her the story.So we laugh about it and Nadia called the poor girl back. It seems that this is her first time away from India. Kesian plak. Well, reminds me that i am lucky to have my malaysian frends kat housing masa mula sampai dulu.

Haa... Tiba-tiba teringat kat Gurbin yang sedang berada di Malaysia , Gurbin is my former housemate..she helped me settle in and banyak betul dia tolong. ( Gurbin, I miss u...gud luck collecting data in Malaysia !!)

So, I am now Nadia the RC's Public Relation Officer merangkap assistant RC tak bergaji



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