02 March, 2009


I was tidying up the room. I just bought over Kak Lin's book case in which will be my 'baju' case. Went to pick the book case tadi plus all other stuff dari rumah Kak Lin with Pak Tua. Thanks pak Tua. Cadangnya nak translate Driving lesen in Marion but unfortunately we can't translate it there. Must go to the city and it will take 7 working days to get the lesen tranlated. So, next week je lah...

Alang-alang dah ada the book case and dah sampai rumah....( Perut dah kenyang dan Hati dah bahagia dapat minum Yougurt Shop's Strawbery Smoothies beli kat Marion tadi...he..he...he... Mak tam,partner in crime tak de plak tadi...selalunya minum dgn mak tam) , i thought i can terus organize everything. Senang sikit hati. While organizing, walking up and down the room ( mcm besar sangat bilik tu...he...he...) i saw the phone and tergerak hati nak check voicemail.

"This is the front office calling just to tell you that you've got a parcel....bla..bla..bla...."

Parcel? Eh, parcel apa plak ni? Raya lambat lagi kalau nak dapat kuih raya pun..furthermore, I didn't purchase anything online.

So, i went down to see Bettina and Katrina.

Katrina handed me the 'Parcel' which is from Prime Minister's Department. Owhhh.....Registered Letter sebenarnya...


Surat Dari EPU...

I was like "GOD !!!!Takutnyeeee nak bukak!!!"

Tapi Kalau tak bukak, mcm na nak tau apa dia kata ( mcm surat tu boleh berkata-kata pulak...).

Kena reject ke..?.Kena amend ke?

Yeah i know my Thesis is kinda sensitive issue. Not "Kinda" pun but Very sensitive indeed....

Tak tunggu balik rumah pun, depan office dah terkial kial bukak surat yang dia seal bagai nak rak tu...


".....I am pleased to inform you that your application to conduct research in Malaysia has been approved by the research Promotion and CO-ordination Committee, Economic PLanning Unit, Prime Minister's Department. The details are as follows :

( Tak yah ler tau nama penuh and IC number saya ye..)


Alhamdulillah......Yeay....Yeay...... !!!!!!!!!

All of a sudden, mcm tak percaya plak that this whole thesis and adelaide thingy is a reality...Biar bonar nih....and yeah I know reality bites... But i just have to give and take even it's my own "rancangan reality TV"...

I kinda feel that i know what to 'do' know......




atieaster said...

hehe..seronoknye dah dapat approval..:)
gud luck kak husna

What's luv gotta do ? said...

thanks atie..seronok tapi, responsibility sangat tinggi nih...aduiii....takut gak nih, doakan kak husna yer... kak husna pun doakan atie gak...nanti boleh la kita habis sama sama, balik malaysia sama sama k.. :)

Anonymous said...
