07 April, 2009


We went to the library again tonite and came back as soon as the library is closed. The night is sooooo COLD !!!! masuk kereta pun Still dok menggigil-gigil, jacket dah tahap winter jacket siap dgn bulu bulu lagi...Melerts Mak, Nyahhh!!!! hehehehe ( ni apa kes ckp mcm ni ? heheheh). But then, its is all inside your Mind ...."it's not cold....it's not cold".... he he he....

Then sampai rumah, pum prang...pum prang....set up my lap top and wanna start to do my work. Berhajat besar nak siapkan sebelum jumaat ( walhal, esok rabu ada hati nak berjimba-jimba kat city).While waiting for the setup, i was looking arround....

I look at the phone, So i was thinking of listening to my voice mailbox. The last time i checked it was on Friday night. So I i pushed the buttons..... 16099....

and waited for "Please enter your security code.....****, you have 3 new messeges...to listen, press 1...bla bla bla...."

instead i got........

"Hello......( Aik, kenapa ada Hello plak....).......Laaah......."
"ye..kak husna, kenapa?"
At this time i burst out in laughter........kih kih kih......
"Laaa Rozii!!!! kak husna nak call voicemailbox!!!!!!! " or i said something else.... was laughing tak habis....

Ya Allah....nasib baik ter call Rozi je ojay... kalau orang lain, or di buatnya ter call rumah sapa sapa ntah...


My bad....

Tu lah, ( bukan Tulah Jawa, Siam atau Minang ye....)....berangan lagi....

Focus Husna, Focus ! Bukan Hocus Pocus ojay !!!!!! hehehehe



iamreallyregretwithwhatihavedonechumichikiboom said...

Kih kih kih.... lawak la kak husna... baru beberapa minit tak nampak rozi dah rindu dah ke..ala ala..hehehe... nasib baik takde orang jawab "abang, boleh bagi saya topi tu bang!!!"..... (perempuan tak berapa nak perempuan, lelaki tak berapa nak lelaki)...sapa nak jawab....idak le teman tau....(~_^)

Anonymous said...

wakakakak..lawak giler...nasib baik rozi tak buat voice over pompuan yg nak jadi pondan...i bet..kalau dia buat voice tu...mesti u lagi heran...