30 August, 2010

the letter M

The letter M of the keyboard dok buat hal. ALLAH knows how hard i have to press to get the M to appear in my writting. hehehe 

Nak tahu kenapa huruf M tu boleh rosak?

Silalah tanya pada mereka mereka ini...

Pingu (he is lepak-ing next to Toshi (notice the blue light from the cooler)..)

Si Boncit Hitler ( i snapped this photo while she's not looking. she's not that camera friendly anymore..)

Mama Belle (24 jam tido je...Kalah orang Puasa...dalam cage waktu malam pun Tido, siang siang masuk rumah pun tido...hehehe)

BUdak budak bertiga ini always like to disturb nak manja manja with me every morning. Each morning, when I am at the table doing my work, reading my stuff, buat la kerja...see, who says i main main and tak buat kerja..., so happen dalam pukul 9 like that, kakak will buka their cage and let them out. Of course it will be after kakak dah buat all the washing and kemas kat belakang tu. If not, budak budak ni suka rela menjadi pembantu tak bertauliah kakak, buat menyemak lagi ada plus tak leh nak buat washing coz they suka tgk the air in the small drain and stuff.. hehehehe so notty..

So sebaik sahaja keluar dari cage, They hav their own agenda.Like, Hitler will tawaf rumah, keluar ikut pintu masuk ikut tingkap tv rooom, then keluar ikut bilik farhan, then masuk ikut pintu.. tak de kerja la katakan, Hitler bukannya ada Assignment or PhD thesis nak buat...hehehe... Pingu will always look for water to drink and will go straight to the bathroom and drink from the baldi where we takung air for mandi. If the water let say, tak penuh and he can;t reach the water to drink, haa mula la, dia datang and lead us to follow him to cedok air dalam gayung for him to drink. Belle pulak, cari makan.. always mcm tak cukup makan. This DIVA mama, dun wan to eat leftovers okay...Her food and her bekas is hers only, No sharing. dia tak akan makan kalau Pingu or Hitler dah makan or minum dari bekas dia. ( DIVA sangat Kan....) So everytime, must give her new food in her own bowl. and kalau drink pulak, she also will go to the bathroom and drink from the gayung, but let say if pingu dah minum dulu, Belle will sniff the water in the gayung and then stare at me with her " PLEASE CHANGE THE DRINKING WATER COZ PINGU ALREADY DRANK FROM IT " face.. hahahaha....  

And So, lepas masing masing dah buat activity masing masing, pastu mula la seekor, seekor datang nak minta garu. Hitler is the most possessive. Kalau dia naik ke meja and i ignore her and do my work, dia will come and stomp over the laptop and sondol my muka or tangan yang tgh menaip ni.  Pingu is a bit more terpelajar. he will only greet and golek sebelah laptop, Tapi terpelajar pun, suka gigit corner of the skrin tu apa cerita, siap ada bekas gigi lagi hehehehe... And , last but not least, Belle, datang and duduk terus atas Laptop, There was once, she came over and pijak my keyboard and the laptop trus padam.. She pijak the start buttton lama sangat. hehehehe.... Belle pun pernah scratch the keyboard and the letters tercabut. Nasib baik tak bercalar..But after putting them back, it functions like normal. Cuma recently, the letter M yang buat hal sikit.. hehehe

Well, kucing punya hal kan...

My Buah Hati Pengarang Jantung =)

"He" adores budak budak ni. And budak budak ni pun suka kat "He" =)

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