18 December, 2010


Akhirnya... naik juga ke dinding after a few months project terbengkalai.. I bought the metal board from IKEA a few months back becoz I was kinda frustrated to see all the fridge magnets on the fridge mcm hidup segan mati tak mau... hehehe Fridge is situated in the wet kitchen so cepat la magnets tu nak berdanai and kakak will have to cuci everytime she wipe the fridge..

And so, Lepas beli the board, Loh pulak busy to come arround to fix it and Mak pun lupa... FInally tadi, Loh's woker Tan datang, i quickly suruh dia fix it and.. Tadaaa....


Che Kay said...

amboi! byknye koleksi~

What's luv gotta do ? said...

skit ja... tu pun ada yang pecah la hehehe ni shared collection, ada yang my sister punya gak