23 September, 2011

Mental !!!

hi everyone !!!

to tell you the truth, i am half mental right now ! borderline depression,

believe me, i did the test via online...

but dun be scared now, i am not 100% crazy yet !!! hehehehehe

yesterday i went out with some friends and in between we had a munch at HungryJacks.. No, we did not eat the burgers, we only ate onion rings and fries.  Me and one of the girls had a close conversation where she mengadu, being away in aussie, with out any support emotionally and mentally, and with the pressure as a student, its kinda hard. OKay !!!! SHe's doing her undergrad studies and she's married. but she and her husband are on long distances relationship at the moment. I was like,  OWHKAY !!!!! if an undergrad student have that kind of feeling, what more could a postgrad like ME !!!! ( Don't say i am complaining !!!)  i have that kind of thought all the time, that's why i always told my other friends who planned to do their PHD, get a husband then only come and do your PhD hahahahaha....  well, kalau dapat husband baik, tak pe gak.. dapat husband mengada ngada.. tak ke NAYA ??? but from my observation, so far, the husbands that accompanied they wife for PHD or MaSTErs, are unbelievably, sangat BAIK !!! SANGAT SUPPORTIVE, dan tak berkira probably orang orang ini semua dah matang. There's even one husbands that i know and interact with, on the social Web, he cooks ! He look after the children, Go to pasar and yet he kerja night shift some more !!  The wife lives like a queen.. Balik dari kelas or discussion, lauk terhidang, anak anak dah siap ... GOD BLESS YOU for your good life dear ;)

yours truly pulak, mcm orang gile kena pergi pasar sendiri, bukan naik kereta, naik BAS, tarik trolley yang maha berat naik bukit... ( haaa tu lah, sapa suruh cari uni yang jauh dari city center and MArket, Uni pulak atas bukit hahahahaha! very challenging.. termengah mengah la kami naik bukit menarik trolley, bukan ada msa nak gi city selalu ;)....) Nak beli kereta, maintenance is kinda high although the car is fairly cheap, second hand cars ;). lain lah kalau ada husband ( men and cars kan...) or buying the car in group.

Dah balik pasar, nak kena masak pulak, yeah, cooking is teraphy, tapi bila kesuntukan masa, tak de nye teraphy dah !!! first things first !!! Apa kejadahnya kalau esok nak sbmit paper, malam ni dok menari dalam dapur memasak !??? hahahaha... Seriously, ini bukan masalah mengada atau apa...if i can bring kakak to adelaide o accompany me or ask my mom to stay with me for my last few months, I would !!! At this point of time, i have a growing pile of baju yang dah lipat, in the basket in the almari, hahaha rak dah kosong sebab smua dalam bakul hehehehe. lawak pun ya jugak bila tengok.. dah tak de masa nak susun smua dalam almari, now, lepas basuh , dry, lipat dumb in the basket, later cari dalam basket bila nak pakai. there was once, i have one pile of socks, clean socks yang tak sempat nak pair up gulung and put it into laci socks, i ended up wearing the different pair hehehehehe.. lantak la, bukan orang nampak, and bukan nya sebelah biru seblah kuning hehehe....... haaaihhh so disorganize and i hate it. Don't talk about emotional spport. with all the tense, the work load, the everything, nak cerita kat siapa? balik rumah menghadap 4 walls, well actually, i had the best counsellor ever, ALLAH.. but mengada nak human touch kan hehehehehe...  So, jawabnya, mengaji lah bnyk bnyk dan berdoa bnyk bnyk agak allah kekalkan keWARASAN fikiran ye... ;) ALHAMDULILLAH, so far so good.

may i remind you, a fren of mine, who's also doing her PhD is down with "meroyan" now i lupa what it is called in english.. sorry.. haaa Postnatal depression... i always look at her and say, this is one lucky fella, she's beautiful, with handsome husband who's her uni sweetheart, whom is a good man , good family, beragama juga, got married, bless with a really cute baby girl, doing her PhD, what more could a person want..how bless she is with all that she's got.... it was heart wrenching to know that she is having Post natal depression and until now, she's not quite alright.. I am SAD !! and takut !!!  i know what the pressure is like, how the worry is like, I dunno... ALLAH is always there to guide you...

BUt believe me, the ups and down going thru all these things, thought me a valuable LEsson.

THANK YOU ALLAH ! ALHAMDULILLAH for the lesson, blessing and All... THANK YOU FOR keeping me strong and sane ( for the time being) !!

Thanks for reading this, guys. I am gonna switch back to WORD instead of BLOGSPOT heeheehehe


1 comment:

a.i.d.a. said...

sabar ye...insyaallah you can do it!