09 December, 2011

Ai Em Taiyert

anybody knows what my title actually says?

Well it actually says



Goshhh I am sooo tired, well if i am tired, what the Hell am i doing blogging? I can't sleep although i am tired.
Pinggang rsa mcm nak patah, Rasa je.. my ribs hurt so bad, lower spine screaming, lungs pun sama..

I've been sick since monday. Did not go to the office, cancelled my meeting with my supervisor coz i couldn't barely walk accross the bridge to go to uni.plus i lost my voice. on top of that, i have some packing to do. Urghhhhh....BUying is fun, online or offline, but packing and unpacking , I HATE IT !!!!! Although i am kinda used to packing, through out my life, my dad got trnsfered about 8 times so tell me about it laa !!! Aihhh.....

So dalam demam, dgn packing, habuk and all, it got worst.on Wednesday, i went to Uni, beli ubat kat uni pharmacy and meet faridah. Faridah told me to take kicap manis and lemon. I did  and the sore throat was gone the day after, but leaving me with dry cough.

every time i cough, meleleh air mata mcm menangis hehehe the pain from the chest, urghhhhh !!!!

ok, must go get ubat batuk kering pulak esok...

for tonite, to ease my pain, i took the benadry, not the usual 10 ml, but a lil extra, 11 ml, 1 ml extra, with the intention that i could get some sleep. yesterday, i took the "chill" pill Sharon gave me. Its a muscle relaxant, its my second time taking it, i woke up every one hour, but thank god, i was alright, tak demam dah, cuma batuk and selsema still.

Okay, mengantuk dah sampai.. i better go ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ now...

I hope to get well soon !

1 comment:

Che Kay said...

aduhai!!! che kay pon sisa demam masih ada~ huhu. Btw Packing2 pi mana?