11 January, 2009


Actually, i intend to post this posting earlier, but something came along the way.

January 9th was Aizan’s birthday. Who’s Aizan? She’s my best fren back in SIGS, JB dulu. It was in 1996. I baru left SGGS in Penang after PMR. Yeah.. i go to GS a lot except for section 2 in shah alam which is a co-ed. Well, masa tu baru pindah ke SIGS and i was placed kat hostel coz my rumah is in Singapore. I dunno why but masa kat SIGS was my BLURRIEST time of all. BLUR, MANDOM , SLOW entah kenapa entah...

But, i had a lot of fun time with Aizan masa tu. During waktu rehat, makan ice cream ( lupa plak nama ice cream tu..) beli kat KoOp sekolah then makan belakang Ko Op dgn Aliyah. Ikut je la mana Aizan and aliyah pergi and apa yang dorang buat masa tu... There’s a lot more to tell he..he..At least I got gud company masa tu. Oh ya, ada sekali tu masa Sukan, Aizan punya Shoe bag tu hilang. Huh.. kelam kabut masa tuh...i have the gambar masa sukan tu, tapi kat Malaysia so this entry will be entry tidak bergambar he..he...

Not to mention peristiwa Aizan dgn Kak Stella Hanim he..he..he... Gelak gak la sorang sorang bila teringat kisah kelakar dulu dulu masa duduk hostel SIGS. ( Seronok now dah jumpa kak Stella, other seniors and fellow frends from SIGS kat facebook) =p

Not long after that, i decided to join my family in Shah Alam. Dad was transferred to the HQ after a few years in Singapore. So, before i left, Aizan and a few other friends menyanyi and record dalam tape. Giler kelakar sangat. Lagu patriotic pun ada skali. I still keep the tape. Teirngat rentak lagu tu tapi tak ingat tajuk dah he...he...( Gelak sensorang...he..he..)

Lepas pindah, I still keep in contact with Aizan thru letters. We shared a lot of stuff, piece of mind.... Zaman tu belum zaman broadband lagi so kita tulis surat je ler...kadang kadang telefon. After SPM, masuk Uni, pun still keep contact lagi. I still keep the stacks of letters and birthday cards Aizan sent me. Managed to selamatkan dari di makan anai anai masa rumah kena serang teruk dgn anai anai dulu. The anai anai ate most of my notes esp my HR and Econs ( anai anai terpelajar kot...he..he...) Aizan is a gud writer, believe me. She’s gud. Dia memang pandai menulis. ( Hey Aizan, ingat tak Razor Roth? He..he...)

It has been a long time since i last saw Aizan. About 13 years now. But nasib baik la ada Friendster and facebook to keep in touch. And yeah, blog too...

Well, Aizan,

i wish u a very happy birthday, a good life, joy and happiness

Thanks for being such an awesome friend.


Aizan Suhaira said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAA... Omigodddddd!!! You still keep that tape? I need to know where your house in Shah Alam is, so I can break in and destroy the tape! Goodness gracious. Halloo... I sound better now than I did 12/13 years ago (biasala... hormones kicking in, suara pun dah ayu...ye, aku mmg perasan!).

Those were crazy times kan? But it was the best time of my life. No real worries, just typical highschool dilemma.

Hey, thanks for this entry. I really appreciate it.

Bila balik Malaysia? There's a LOT to catch up kan?


What's luv gotta do ? said...

he..he..he.... no worries.. nanti i balik malaysia, kita catch up okay..

