A few of us are bitten by the Jiwang Bug lately.
Blog pun penuh dgn lagu ha...ha....
that includes me too.
The level of JIwang is kinda TERUK for me
let alone taking a stroll down memory lane,
remembering what u r not suppose to remember
Old junk in the trunk
every single one.
each songs that relates to it...
songs that used to be "our song"
Mak Aih.....kenot kenot kenot.....
BUt I guess, its okay...
I am not gonna deny,
it's our feeling, and it's natural...
not to mention the beauty of it.
At least, i know i am not an icy "snow queen"
Yes, i went thru it.
the sadness, the pain, the hurt,the anger.
what was once beautiful,
The feeling, the love, the everything
No longer exist
Well, i am just a human,
i have feelings and
it is not as easy as,
"draging the files to the recycle bin and press delete all"
Teringat tak salah,
Jangan terbawak2 sudah lah, :)
Everyone pun dah moved on.
So, i am just gonna enjoy
each and every moment of
my Jiwangest moment
Gawsshhh.... I am like SO SUPER DUPER JIWANG rite now wlaupun sakit kepala...
Orr on the other hand, maybe the jiwang is causing my sakit kepala....
Gelak sorang sorang bila teringat how Nadia and ROzi gelak and start teasing me when i sing Ari Lasso & Bunga's song,
"Duhai Cinta kuuuuuuuuu , sayaaaaang kuuu,....dengarkanlaaaaa..." hehehehe
Lagi satu,
singing Misha's BUnga bunga cinta, tapi fail, coz
"Dikalaku kesepian, di.........dumdidummm (lupa lirik & tetiba je dah sampai chorus)
kembalilah kepaadaaakuuu......" kihkih kih....
Layan jer diri tu laaa okay....
Macam sistem Layan Diri tuuuu...
kata Rossa..."maafkan bila ku tak sempurna, cinta ini tak mampu ku cegah...ayat-ayat cinta bercerita kepada ku pada mu" ;p
Ayat ayat cinta tu sangat sedih...tak mau laa....
wahhh mak tam pun jiwang jugak...
maktam??? sapakah itu maktam...ahhaha
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