07 April, 2011

My shocking April

Oh boy... it's APril already !

April 2011 started mostly with shocking stories. Both in Malaysia and Aussie. Talking about April fool huh? IT IS NOT APRIL FOOL !!! It's reality !!!

But ALLAH knows best. ALLAH will not make you suffer,ALLAH gives u trouble because He knows you can handle it.

A school friend of mine suffers from Post Natal Depression on Monday, about 3 weeks after delivering her second baby. She's in another state in Australia. About to complete her PhD i can say... ALLAH... I go weak in my Knees when I was told that she is not herself anymore and warded. Ever since i heard the news on Tuesday, she is on my mind most of the time. She's active on Facebook and always updating anything and everything, so to hear about her sudden depression is shocking.. Such a bubbly and friendly girl, yeah I know the phD workload kills you at time...the pressure of having to complete in a certain period really kills me and others...I don'y know what to say..... I hope she'll have a speedy recovery and get back on track. Look, i dun hav any experience of any close friends or close family member who suffers from Post natal depression, so I dun really know how fast she will recover. I am still Sad but I really hope and pray that she will get better soon... And I hope the husband will stay strong to take care of their two kids.

In another situation, away from Australia, ALLAH memberi rezeki dalam segala bentuk, ALLAH memurah kan rezeki utknya.. Jadi jangan lah tersilap langkah... Allah menguji dalam segala macam cara.. Bila sudah terhantuk baru nak tersedar... Harta dunia bukanlah segalanya... Biarlah tak kaya pun dari pasal mendapatkan hasil yang haram.... YA ALLAH, minta simpang malaikat 44 ... Ada yang ALLAH ambil nyawanya dan ada yang ALLAH berikan peluang kedua.. ALfatihah buat yang telah pergi, dan pada yang di beri peluang, gunakan lah peluang ini sebaiknya...

And back in Australia, somewhere in Australia in one of the states, a new PhD student's husband, collapse suddenly on monday and doctor declared that he is brain dead and unplugged the life support system earlier of the week.She and arwah just arrived 2 weeks before and have just settled in before he collapse.. ALLAH....ALLAH test us in so many ways...AlFatihah buat the husband, semoga rohnya di tempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman,...amin

Kita insan yang lemah,
Kita insan yang kerdil,
Kita selalu di uji...
untuk apa?
Supaya kita lebih dekat dengan NYA..

YA ALLAH, semoga engkau tabahkan hati kami
untuk menempuhi segala dugaan mu...


( sapu airmata....)

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