05 October, 2011

Sakit time

I went for laser yesterday. Alia accompanied me. Alhamdulillah, it all went well. But the sakit.. Tak boleh ckp laaa...

I shall leave u with this

And this

Hoping the swelling will go off and the spots and stripes will go off i a few days time.

Lastly, this doa really helps... Alhamdulillah...

Allah mak, tak bleh rotate pulak...}
Tak pa la, nanti kat laptop boleh rotate ;)

Hav a gud nite everyone

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Yurilla Dr,Bellevue Heights,Australia


Che Kay said...

buat laser di mana? di Aus ke? ke balek sini?

p/s: find Che Bunga di fb

What's luv gotta do ? said...

kat aus la che kay ;) dah cari tak de pun ;(