02 October, 2011

shopping spree

sounds interesting huh?

okay, so last nite had had difficulty to sleep till subuh. After Subuh prayer at 5.30 am, i forced myself to sleep. Even then, i'd woke up like once or twice in each hour till it was 8 am. It's no use forcing my brain and body..neither of them wanted to sleep.. aihhh... Although it was such a cold morning and nice to curl up in bed under the doona !

Then i woke up coz kak Hanim will pick us up at 9. She had dinner with me and Alya the nite before. I cooked Hainanse Chicken Rice which according to Alya, a tedious process. Naah, not so tedious, wlpn sebenarnya memang bnyk prcess nak buat.

So off we went to sunday market to get our veges and benda merepek.. Kak Hanim tak tido the whole night coz she's preparing her abstract. So she was thinking of going beck to sleep after Sunday Market. then when i asked her if she could drop me and alia at Marion, She said she would like also to go to with us hehehe.. So off we go to Marion. I bought groceries. Went a lil bit over the budget, coz i bought comfort food... Consolation sebenarnya coz i'm going for my laser treatment this coming tuesday. hehehehe...

Then, balik rumah, dah pukul 2 lebih. kemas sayur smua, solat, lepak jap, i fall asleep at about 3.30 and guess what time i woke up?

10.30 pm hahahahaha... sangat bagu kan, i miss Asar, and Magrib...

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