09 February, 2010

panas Vs Sejuk

It s so panas today.. although its only 37 degree. Esok 38 degree which is why i cancelled Harbourtown with Ismah. Ismah is still going with Mira but i back out. Kenot laaa.. too panas, not good for me.

i can't wait for summer to go.. i love autumn and i love winter the most hehehe. Yeah,  mungkin ada betul nya kata Helmi malam tu, " ni mai dari kutub utara ka?" hahahaha or maybe, i really am a Polar Bear in my Past life kihkihkih.... ( sebab tak leh tdur, saya di benarkan utk cakap merapu sekejap ehehehe)


Blueekkkk!!!! ;p

Hmmmm....nice snooozing ;)

Ermmm.. the deal is......

Peekabooo !!!

i dun feel like doing anything today......

4...5....6...7....8....8 lagi......


hmmmm......teringat kat sapa tuu.... ?


Opocot ! 

( ni sebenarnya panda, cousin polar bear, panda is Polar bear yang pakai vest) 
Heee Merapu sungguh husna ni.....

reminds me of the Mama Polar Bear i saw in Singapore Zoo. She looks absolutely misarable in her cage. I pity her coz she's not that white anymore and the look on her face simply telling me that she's not happy unlike the other animals there. Tetiba, husna pandai read binatang's face huh? heheehe . i didnt stay long in the Polar bear section coz kenot tahan laa sedih tgk the polar bear... But the penguins on the other hand enjoys themselves hahahaha... sangat comel. i have the photos but belum upload. to think of it, banyak gambar from perth, Penang, bandung, Singapore, Vietnam tak upload lagi.

Anyway, i am imagining myself enjoying the cool breeze like a polar bear in the north pole ( bukan polar bear yang slide dalam iklan TV tu ye hehehehehehehe) although sini sangat panas.... hehehehehe


Anonymous said...

since it is posible nak jadi pola bear kat aussie..jadi la koala bear..heheh tidoq je time panas2....hahha

Dania's mummy said...

husna.. sok2 nak kirim barang kat sini http://www.mooo.com.au boleh tak? macam best ajer... esok2 la...