14 February, 2010

Sakit, Sick and ....

Assalamualaikum and Gud Morning everyone...

Oh before that, Dayah, boleh je nak kirim that thing u want, as long as if benda tu boleh muat masuk bag ler ye hehehe... nanti bagitau la ok =). Hugss and Kisses for Dania and Alisha =)

The weather in Adelaide is Very hot. Actually, it even reached up to 47 c kot. But i was not here then, ( i wonder what happens to me if i am here at that time...) Ni yang 35 keatas pun tak bleh tahan. Dah muka bengkak and demam berbagai....Call me puteri lilin or Manja or what ever la...  Different people ada masalah masing masing kan... =) Me and the heat, kenot go together. But me and the cold winter goes well. Yeah, tapi Malaysia pun panas kan?
Yeah right, In Malaysia pun Panas, but in Malaysia, i dun go around on foot in the sun like what i am doing now in adelaide.Doctor dah advise dah tak boleh buat benda ni smua, i still remember last time in uitm, i will park my car to  the nearest point hehehehe to avoid the panas. Doctor said, its not good for my blood vessels. That's why my muka bengkak. even massive excersie pun not good for my blood vessels.When the blood pumps up, fuuhhhh....imagine what will happen to thousands..no not thousands, but Billion vessels that i have on my cheek which explains why my weight shoot up like nobody's business after i start the hospital treatment 10 years ago. =)

So the weather in Adelaide is extremely hot, so unbearable that my muka bengkak. but i have my own remedy la.. but then Later that night, i started feeling pain near my left side collarbone. Tanya Kak Za,( she's a nurse by profession =) ) Kak za kata lymphnodes bengkak. mula mula kecik je, but by today, dah makin teruk. Oh ya, Thanks to Kak Zatul coz bagi bubur hehehehe.. betul betul sakit ni sampai kena makan bubur =) yeah, coz i dun have chicken in my fridge, i only have meat and lamb which is also Panas...


Here's a bit info on swollen lymph nodes. And here's what causes it. 

However, If a person has symptoms of a cold or other minor infection for which they may or may not take antibiotics, give the nodes about two weeks to return to normal. No specific treatment is needed.
  • If the nodes are small (less than 2 cm or 3/4 of an inch), are in the groin or under the chin, and you are a young adult, this is considered normal.
  • Children tend to have a more active lymphatic system, so their nodes may feel enlarged.
( from the www.emedicinehealth.com )

Semalam, i am in bed half of the day. lepas subuh, makan panadol and tido je. well, i cant afford to that again today can i? hehehe . Gotta do a lot of work nowadays. 

Oh ya, i wanted to blog about the day i arrive, and hw i managed my all 4 luggage from KLIA to Adelaide. yes all FOUR luggage that are heavy and fragile. Coz its too heavy ( i brought home reports and reports and reports to be read and statistics too), i took a cab even tho Abg Mie offered to take kat Airport. lengkali kita citer/blog pasal tu ek... sebenarnya bukan tak sudi, tapi, barang punya banyak naik segan pulak... =)

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