09 January, 2012


I am Broke... Officially broke..

tapi nasib baik sempat beli Ice Cream maker sebelum chrismast hari tu sebelum Broke ni..

But don't worry, I am broke for a good cause. I bought Books

Bought 4 books in UniBooks today and another 4 from Amazon to be shipped directly to Malaysia.

Total Damage, after conversion to RM dot dot dot dot.... Not gonna tell, not complaining, but, i was just laughing at myself, nasib baik tak beli handbag mahal but instead 8 beli buku hehehehee... 8 buku which will cost more even in Malaysia.

There's this one research method book written by one of the research GURUs, here in Aussie, it's already $96.00 AUD $96.00 which if u convert to RM would be RM 308.15. Gilerr kan.. but the book is drop dead bagus lah walaupun tak setebalnyaa.. i told Mak tam to get the book becoz she is kinda doing her PhD as well.its a good help. She contacted MPH, and the price is (according to Mak Tam, if mak tam lie to me, then i am also lying...) RM 500 over kata mak tam laa.. I was like What ???!!! lebih baik beli online kat Amazon ke, Powells ke, Booktopia ke,readings.com ke,   So mak tam is not prepared to buy the book... *sigh**

Anyway, I am broke, tapi Tak pe lah, beli buku, bukan beli benda merepek kan...Of 8 books, 4 books on research method, 2 books on hospitality management, one on lit review and one of data analysis.

Ok, mari ikat perut lepas ni ye....


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