11 January, 2012


Okay, so last monday, a funny thing happened.

here's a snippet from my FB

"Faridah Ohan wrote that she loves Monday on her wall. Then, I was thinking "eh.. today is wednesday, what's wrong with faridah, all of a sudden she loves monday on a wednesday? Today is wednesday.." until i realised TODAY is MONDAY !!! Oh Dear God !!! what's happening here???"

Hahahaha... mcm na boleh ingat that monday is Wednesday???
And then, on monday night, I sent a message  to H congratulating him on his intention of getting married and i wanna ask him abt something he posted on FB. I thought of buying it for my Bro. He will surely like it, i know, because he and H has the same interest. So, H replied that the wedding cards are not for him but for her sister instead and give me the details of the buyer where he got his stuff from.

So, i went to buy the stuff online. Settle... then as i was about to sleep, i realised that the delivery address is in adelaide. Nad when the thing arrives, i am no longer in Adelaide. Slap forehead !!! but i was too tired to go to my Laptop. So the next morning, i sent an email to the buyer. location on the otehr side of the world !! informing  him about the new delivery address. So settle again..

A few hours later, he sent me an email again,

"You FORGOT to give me the recipient's name.."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!! I was laughing my *** off... Haaihhhh my otak is deteriorating.. i know...

Anyway, Thank you H for the info on the stuff that i bought my bro and thank you to  the seller B, for keeping up with me hahahaha... i still cant believe i did such a thing..kihkihkih

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