28 October, 2008

Never give up

( in case tak leh baca or kecik sangat ke....)The poem in the photo above says :

I’ll never give up fighting till the end

If I fall along the way, I’ll get up and try again

But never shall I accept the face of defeat

I’ve set goals in life and those I must met

But never will I let negativity hold me down

Those who think positive, I Keep them around

Never shall I dwell on things in the past

Bad times come but never do they last

I shall never give in to those who are weaker than I

If I give up now why not lay down and die

Never Give up

-Prodigy 09-

Prodigy 09 ni mesti peminat setia Naruto. Nice one Prodigy , who ever and where ever you are...


amirulhusnitekpi said...

ohoo...suka naruto ya?? not bad...tapi one piece lagi power!! goo monkey d. luffy!!!

What's luv gotta do ? said...

used to watch and read both anime and comics but dah lama tertinggal da...