15 October, 2008


While I was in Marion in the afternoon, i SMSed Nadia asking her about the ice cream yang sedap tu. She replied and in her SMS, she asked me if I wanna join her to go to the library that night. I replied yes since I have to still do my proposal and all. Ni dah datang Marion main main, so malam kena la buat kerja kan.

I didn't have anything to buy in Marion. Food stuff smua cukup, just datang for window shopping je.Nak makan , puasa pulak. ( so, it will be my another trip in order to eat at Curry Zone for Ba he..he.. Mak Tam ! curry zone jom!!) So, I window-shopped from this end till that end. Being a good girl, I didn't buy anything at all. ( see, Nadia, i can go to Marion and don't buy anything at all he..he...)

Then I thought, what if I go check out whats at the movies. So, out of the long movies list, considering the $ and what's worth, I decided to go to GOTHAM CITY to visit Batman and friends. Yeah, I know, I lambat....he..he...SAngat lambat, but it was good one. Towards the end, bila Harvey dah jadi Harvey two face, I gelak sorang sorang teringat kat Amirul. Bukan Amirul/SUPIRMAN, but my friend and neighbour, Amirul Mamak back when I was schooling in Penang. He used to call me Two face. Zaman tu, Batman was played by Val Khilmer and Harvey Two Face was played by Tommy Lee Jones. he..he..he...

Lepas Movies, I head back to balik rumah ler... Nak masak ni, nak bukak puasa. Was thinking of having spaghetti goreng.... However, when I balik, to blend my dried chillies, Blender Mak Tam rosak... =( .Kelmarin Zati bawak ok lagi, ni dah lansung tak nak on. Mak Tam...check your warranty please... So, Spaghetti goreng yang suppose ada cili blend, instead, ada Cili Gunting he..he... (I gunting the dried chillies into my bawang tumis he..he.. nak wat mcm na kan...) Jadi lah... birthday meal nak buka puasa. Mak was expecting me to cook something special, but I didn't. Mungkin, I will buat cook during weekends kot... Oh ya, before masuk rumah tu, i realized that Nimbus was not there. Strange... I was the one who parked the car right under the tree on SUnday.
Tanya Nadia, she said, dia bawak siti pi COLES.
So, after makan and solat,malas nak salin baju,
packed up some biskut and pi rumah Nadia. As I was walking, she SMSed me,
"WHat time r u comming?"
I was thinking "weih, makcik ni... tak sabau ekau nak poie porpustakaan yo?" he...he...he...

So, I reached Nadia's place, Nadia suruh masuk dulu, Masuk je, Siti, Mak Tam SUzie and Izatti dah go "SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!!!"


Then they come and wish and hug me and give me my presents...
Husna and Miss MALAMDALAMANGINKENCANG. Thanks for giving me Gladstone...

Prezzies from Suzie, Izati and Nadia.

Awwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhh You guys, this is soooooo touching.
Then, we had Fries and Chips with mayo and sos cili thai dip.

fries and dip

Supirman, the girls kata "wish you were here..." ha..ha..ha....
And Siti tertanya-tanya, mana Hang Jebat sudah hilang....

Then it's potong cake time he..he... The girls purposely bubuh 40 year old candle on my cake he..he.. I am so gonna remember 14/10/08 in 14/10/20. Kat mana lah agaknya masing masing masa tu kan? he..he.. I would probably be Shah Alam je la.... UiTM di hati kuu he..he...
look at that, they added another 12 years to my age he...he....

me and the yummylicious cheese cake. Yumm....yummm........

So, we ate the cake and chit chat, laughed sampai Suzie meleleh-leleh air mata. BUkan nangis tapi memang mcm tu. We were telling Siti, Maria and Pauline about Suzie's Syndrome, Iamnotthere Syndrome, and the new one Suzie created Husna's Syndrome.

with Pauline ( in blue), Maria ( in grey) , Siti and Izati.

We ate chips later and went upstairs sambung chit chating while tgk Nabil's photo , Nadia's little brother. Suzie balik awal because dia ada Test on wednesday, ( good luck to my Mak Tam...Kad birthday yang saaaangat Chomel !!! ada gambar kucing he..he...)

All in all, it was a great birthday !!! I had a blast this year in Adelaide.

And for the girls,

Glitterfy.com - Glitter Graphics

Saaaaaaayaaaaaaangggg you guys so much !!!!!



NadGale said...

yeay.. the 1st. anyways correction: not mayo lah kak oii, its sour cream.. dan lobih sodap if makan dongan wedges... but yeah, glad that it actually worked and u didnt have a clue bout it. hehe...

Anonymous said...

happy birthday !

amirulhusnitekpi said...

welcome to the tua club husna!!! 40 eh?? :P

What's luv gotta do ? said...

tapi aku tak leh challenge title Pak Tua hang tu he..he...

amirulhusnitekpi said...

jadi la Kakak Tua kaa...muahahah :P

thewisekid said...

happy belated 17th birthday!