03 January, 2011


Mak fall asleep in front of the TV while watching Qabil Kushry, Qabil Igam.. The movie that came out years ago with Hans Isaac, Ziana Zain, Rushdi Ramli and Erra Fazira in it. It's my first time watching. I was warned that this  movie has a sad ending. So that's why i didn't watch it before.. ( will blog about that later... coz this is far more interesting...hehehehe)

SO the movie ended, and i was browsing thru AStro.. There's Histeria on Astro Ria.. wahh it rhymes pulak...hehehehe...I was kinda interested to watch, but belum ada strength to watch yet.. I remembered watching PROM NITE alone one nite and lepas the movie, from the TV room to my room, i has all this imaginations about ada orang in my hse to kill me..Hahahahahaha!!! giler Psycho !!! So I didn't watch Histeria and jump to TV3 to watch the late news.

Oh Boy, Queensland was flooded .... BADLY.... and it's SUMMER in ausralia.. HELLO !!! The weather is getting haywire each day...And friends in Adelaide kept saying that it feels like spring even though it's summer.

So I was watching the news on TV3, and they were reporting on Queensland's FLood.. Showing the footage on one of the suburb and all, and I was like " Oh MY GOD !!! Teruknyaaa...!!!" and that's when my mom wake up.

Me : Tgk tu... teruk betul banjir..
Mak : La... Kelantan Banjir?
Me : HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!! That's Queensland, Australia... HAHAHAHAHA
Mak : Laa.. nampak mcm kelantan...
Me : ok Mak, I think you better go sleep inside now..


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