03 January, 2011


There's something about this song, it gave me goosebumps the first time i heard on the radio. I dunno who sang at first... So, with my iPhone Bodoh tu ( there's a reason for calling it bodoh..Grrrr..), i took a video of my mom's car speaker till this lagu finish. That's from kilang gula CSR before Kesas till dah nak sampai roundabout Kayangan in Shah Alam. 
Then when I reached home, i googled the lyrics.. There you go.. It's this hunk (Sabhi Saddi) who sang this song.. Nice voice you've got there, Sabhi... And nice package too...( raising my eyebrow Joey's style...Don't tell me you don't know joey from F.R.I.E.N.D.S) hehehehehe..Alhamdulillah la, ALLAH bagi dia good package, with the looks and the voice kan.... And this song is the soundtrack of Tari Tirana..If it wasn't for the girl who played Tirana and that dude who played Neo.. Mungkin I might watched it on TV3.com.my kot hehehhee....

But somehow, this song gives me goosebumps.. I guess it's the melody, or it could be the piano or it could be the mesmerizing voice of this hunk.... Very mesmerizing..Kalau tutup mata, dengan gabungan melodi fan alunan piano tu,  terasa mcm berada dalam Cartoon Disney... Wahhhh.... BERANGAN seyh... hehehe... 
The best thing is, Farhan pun was kinda mesmerized by this song..he's attracted to the melody.. and kinda planning to use it for his clients photo video show.. Not until i told him this is a sad love song... But i dunno what it means really... Haiih... mcm ner ni, bahasa Melayu pun tak faham dah ni.... Mungkin Che Kay boleh tolong kot.... Boleh ke Che Kay ?
Okay, Now i can't stop listening to this song !!!! Totally hooked with this song =)

Penyanyi: Sabhi Saddi
Tajuk Lirik Lagu: Nadiku
Suara kisah kita
Yang sehalus sahutan di mata
Segala norma yang melena ku
Pada aroma syurga kita
Nan syahdu cinta menunggu
Sayunya kerna air matamu
Nadiku bagaikan berlagu
Nantimu hentikan apa berlaku padamu
Yang ku temu
Hadirmu sambutlah damba dakapanku
Suria kasih kita
Yang berbisik gerimis serinya
Seindah frasa yang damaikanku
Walau sezarah air mata
Biarku kucup wajahmu
Leburkan saja ia padaku


Che Kay said...

hehe aisemen, ada permintaan pulak ye. Erm kalau tgk video klip dia memang sedih. Tu la awek dia curang dgn dia sampai dia yang eksiden kan!

Tapi bila bile dengar lagu ni erm macam lagu sedih pilu. Bila baca lirik dia seperti luahan hati yang penuh harapan. Mungkin harapan hati seseorang yang penuh kekecewaan kepada yang dikasihi? hehehe

Che Kay said...

btw i pon gile dengar lagu ni ulang2 sampai emosi ni betul2 jadi sedih. siap pi cari album dia kat kedai nak layan sedih. hahaha satu lagi lagu dia tajuk jalan pulang

What's luv gotta do ? said...

wahhh... tenkiu che kay =)

"Tapi bila bile dengar lagu ni erm macam lagu sedih pilu. Bila baca lirik dia seperti luahan hati yang penuh harapan. Mungkin harapan hati seseorang yang penuh kekecewaan kepada yang dikasihi? hehehe"
i like this.. hehehe tak de butang like la pulak nak like hehehehe