29 January, 2011


That's me bored to death, waiting for about an hour to meet the officer from the ministry.i actually have 2 meetings yesterday back to back and in the same department.

An officer from the ministry sent me an email inviting me to participate on the ministry's big project happening next month.i was kinda surprised to receive the email and also kinda surprise to read what he wrote in there. No worries, its not like he wrote anything controversial.I'll keep that one for myself ya ;). I was kinda surprise when he told me about how he discovered me. Hehehe tu je.

So why am i at the ministry again? To collect the official invitation from the officer and to meet the officer's boss whom i had appointment with ;) and the officer didnt know abt my appointment until i told him hehehehe.

Excited with the ministry's project although i have to cut my langkawi work trip short. Aiyohhh nightmare ok manage booking and the RM melayang... Tak pe lah... I redha...

I never thought that the invitation would even come. it only gave me a hunch when i read abt the issue that lead to the project on the news paper few months ago and that was it ! I was just hoping to hear some news about it but who knows i was given the chance to participate in 'it'.. Alhamdulillah... Thank ALLAH... ALLAh knows best ;)

Now lets just pray so that both my mouth and brain's brain will cooperate with each other during the project. Heheehe insyallah amin...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Dania's mummy said...

eventho i tak tau apa project tu, but still tumpang bangga dengan u... U go girl!

What's luv gotta do ? said...

tenkiu dayah...**hugss** =)