11 January, 2010

busy as a bee

 The day after i arrived from adelaide, while on my way to ampang park
Mak: U tak dak, i tak pi mana pun..Ni la baru nak pi ampang park after so long..
Me : Laaa... ya ka...awat tak pi je ajak farhan.
Mak : You tak dak..

A week ago,
Ba : Ala.. TAk berapa hari je lagi u are going back to adelaide dah... sekejap je...
Me : Erkkk......... ( tak tahan dgr nada sedih tu...)

Soon, I will be going back to adelaide and start living my 'adelaide'life again. Not ready to go yet actually. So hard to leave all these bunch here.The parents, the bro who's job is to tease and bully me twenty four seven, the mischievous cats. Arghhh.... Will be all alone there without these people... Balik adelaide, Nadia tak de, Suzie pun Tak de, Rozi lagi la tak de....Sure sunyi je with out my gurlies buddies.... Yeah, Rozi kata ada la lagi exchange students akan datang. Tapi entahlah....  lightning will not struck twice at the same place...Anyways....

For now, I am so busy running here and there. Lg dekat tarikh nak depart, lagi mcm mcm benda nak kena buat. Well at least now, i have my cats to keep me happy. Balik adelaide esk? Bayang kucing pun tak nampak. Nasib lah Husna, lepas ni no more kucing nak datang manja manja lagi, no more la kucing nak ikut u wverywhere you go, even to the toilet.... hehehehe...

I still have more places to go for my research. To meet the people and organizations involved in my research. Dalam pada tu, sempat pulak kena heret pergi holiday tergezut.tiba tiba je my dad kata dia dah beli tiket pi sini, pi sana.... Dari Bandung, Singapore ke vietnam...lepas ni, simpan passport sampai tahun depan. Dah tak yah gi mana dah, balik adelaide, sila la buat analysis ye cik husna, NO PLAY PLAY ha.. hehehehhehe....


Dania's mummy said...

ala, kesian nya.. x per, ur dad nak spent more quality time, sbb tu ajak u g vacation ... ambik gambar byk2 yek...

What's luv gotta do ? said...

that's why dayah..kesian plak bila teringat kalau dah balik nanti, sunyi la mereka nanti hehehehe..
tak sabar nak gi vietnam amik gambar. kat bandung pun bnyk amik tapi blum upload. hehehe

Anonymous said...

alah kesiannya....sayu plak baca entry u ni